Experiences yet? Class/spec viability 29, scaling and whatever

and jesus what the fuck :D i like this

Testing a feral druid and this shit looks op as fuck, especially if you get a stealth opener with savage roar up.
Just crit 2650 on houndsmaster, and he's not even a clothie, and im not fully geared either.

And just crit.. 3050 ferocious bite..


3k on a shred crit , ouch
Are Ferals or Enhancement Shamans doing better atm? I can't decide which one I want to roll with. I played both in the 19 bracket before and want to make the transition to 29.
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restoshamans seems strong now. as long as they have enough hp to survive the opener.
just went against a lvl 20 one, scaled up in battleground, with feraldruid. he had 4200hp.
could only get him to like 15%, then i have nothing, and he heals up.

might need a class with interupt to kill one.

Are you referring to a F2P restro or a P2P restro? Been thinking about getting a healing spec for my Enhance but haven't heard much feedback on 29 restro's.
Are Ferals or Enhancement Shamans doing better atm? I can't decide which one I want to roll with. I played both in the 19 bracket before and want to make the transition to 29.

In my personal opinion, I'd say an enhance. I might be a bit biased, but I was able to beat fully geared 29 ferals because of heals, bulwark toteming bite, and purge as soon as I saw combo points were spent. If you pressure the feral early, he'll be forced to switch out of cat to heal if you manage to clutch the pred purge, if you manage to purge the first pred, you will/should win the fight. If you don't for whatever reason, it's a toss-up based on if the feral's abilities crit and if you get lucky with RNG and Ele Force proccs a ton. In terms of usefulness in BG's, ferals are definitely more on the offensive side, being able to stealth stun and pick off opponents. Enhance is BG's is more of a powerhouse support, healing and peeling for your ranged since as we all know if you run face first into a group of enemies as a non-stealth melee class everyone will swap to you to steamroll you as fast as possible. Although in my opinion, an Enhance can pump out more constant damage AND spread damage, the burst of ferals is just stronger if the bite crits. So, if you want a more support type character with great peels, strong constant damage, potential for awesome burst, and more utility (thanks to purge and slows, one of the slows being AoE) AND an interrupt which can make or break some fights, I'd say go Enhance. If you want a more "assassin" type character that has the potential to global someone with great mobility and awesome self heals (inb4 purge hue) and the ability to easily escape sticky situations, roll a feral. Hopefully this post was of some help to you! :)
I've been messing around on quiet a few classes consisting of,


*I mainly only que scrims/wargames and try to leave BGS to a minimum"


Imo, The strongest healer so far - Great utility to counter practically any class in arenas/wsg. I think shamans are truly #1 due to how lack luster other healers/classes seem to be with how gimped the CC aspect is.


Great healer as long as you dont VS a shaman of any kind - Very few defensive's and mechanics to peel themselves, Guise is good but very easy to get caught out with any AOE/Daze from any respectable player. Priests losing their CC imo knocks them out of the meta comp as far as arena healers go.


Very OP currently - The 3 orb glyph eliminate spriests need for ramp up to have pressure right at the start of a fight. Their off-heals are pretty overwhelming and even more so when paired with guise and PWS.


Great melee class - High burst but very fragile to set it up, Feral offheals revolve around procs via spending their combo points. To ruin a ferals rotation you have to burst them right when they open to pressure them into wasting points for RNG procs for their heals instead of building up the generic 2-3 point roar into a 5 point tigers fury FB. Highest burst potential i've seen so far with FB critting over 2.5k on players in arena.


Pretty gimped imo - The loss of slam was a big change and made the warriors rotation feel pretty goofy to me, It currently feels like you spread rend to everything and build up rage to dump on whichever target starts to drop fastest to rend ticks. Kiting and letting rend do the work is a pretty effective method to win 1v1/2s.


Very versatile class still - Sap,gouge and kick being their CC, Not the burstiest melee but their cc makes up for it, Have to be an effective player to work around the rogues CC moreso and not relying on the healer (pre 6.0 arenas where priests/others would be reliant on CC as a rogue just gets 5 point re stealth ambush evis)


Class feels really shitty atm, its CC just cant make up for the fact its damage is practically below par a healers DPS - It's even worse when the mage gets trained.


I've only played around as Demo so far so i cant give input on the chaos bolt 420quickscope spec destro but demo seems like a no brainer - first 3 globals in a fight: Metamorph -> Chaos Wave -> Chaos Wave. Probably one of the most viable casters imo due to fears utility, has decent defencives with healthstone + dark regen.

Imo some great arena comps are

Warrior/Restoshaman - You just train healers with kicks.

Spriest/Brewmaster - I havent personally played a BM but their offheals seem pretty present in ability to change games and save lives, That being said - BM peels melee off the spriest, Spriest saves guise for the BM cant peel/offheal - Dump 3 orb into kegsmash and win.

Rogue/Spriest - Rogue saps 1 target in the opener and you kill the other in the sap with ambush 3 orb - Rogue pillars and priest bubbles for easy restealth with dots, very slippery comp easy to reset fights vs practically anyone.

*I feel as if Hpalas would be really good although i've yet to come across any - Also panda is a serious race consideration in terms of CC and utility, It DRs with poly but with how unrepresented mages are I doubt that will be an issue.*
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Do Enhancement Shamans have problems sticking to their target? Or is frost shock sufficient to help with that? In 19s I always got kited to no end.
Do Enhancement Shamans have problems sticking to their target? Or is frost shock sufficient to help with that? In 19s I always got kited to no end.

I have no trouble at all with ranged classes, considering the only real ranged dps class that has a slow that I know of is a hunter, and even then, frost shock + ghost wolf EASILY closes gaps between any ranged, I truly only had trouble with monks, rshams, and druids. Monks because lust and roll, rshams because they can do what I do and just frost shock + ghost wolf kite, and druids because of the fact that they shift out of slows. All in all, I can usually catch other shamans since you can purge wolf, and Druids since at some point they will shift out and try to heal up. Monks are definitely the hardest, lust and roll just gives them insane distance. Overall though, kiting is the least of an enhance shammies worries. Their biggest and only REAL problem is their god awful mana regen in combat, which I feel is bugged and will hopefully get fixed in the future.
*I feel as if Hpalas would be really good although i've yet to come across any - Also panda is a serious race consideration in terms of CC and utility, It DRs with poly but with how unrepresented mages are I doubt that will be an issue.*

I have one, solid, hard to kill but really nothing in the way of offensive output. I was going to main it for WoD but ive changed my mind just a few games in.
I've been messing around on quiet a few classes consisting of,


*I mainly only que scrims/wargames and try to leave BGS to a minimum"


Imo, The strongest healer so far - Great utility to counter practically any class in arenas/wsg. I think shamans are truly #1 due to how lack luster other healers/classes seem to be with how gimped the CC aspect is.


Great healer as long as you dont VS a shaman of any kind - Very few defensive's and mechanics to peel themselves, Guise is good but very easy to get caught out with any AOE/Daze from any respectable player. Priests losing their CC imo knocks them out of the meta comp as far as arena healers go.


Very OP currently - The 3 orb glyph eliminate spriests need for ramp up to have pressure right at the start of a fight. Their off-heals are pretty overwhelming and even more so when paired with guise and PWS.


Great melee class - High burst but very fragile to set it up, Feral offheals revolve around procs via spending their combo points. To ruin a ferals rotation you have to burst them right when they open to pressure them into wasting points for RNG procs for their heals instead of building up the generic 2-3 point roar into a 5 point tigers fury FB. Highest burst potential i've seen so far with FB critting over 2.5k on players in arena.


Pretty gimped imo - The loss of slam was a big change and made the warriors rotation feel pretty goofy to me, It currently feels like you spread rend to everything and build up rage to dump on whichever target starts to drop fastest to rend ticks. Kiting and letting rend do the work is a pretty effective method to win 1v1/2s.


Very versatile class still - Sap,gouge and kick being their CC, Not the burstiest melee but their cc makes up for it, Have to be an effective player to work around the rogues CC moreso and not relying on the healer (pre 6.0 arenas where priests/others would be reliant on CC as a rogue just gets 5 point re stealth ambush evis)


Class feels really shitty atm, its CC just cant make up for the fact its damage is practically below par a healers DPS - It's even worse when the mage gets trained.


I've only played around as Demo so far so i cant give input on the chaos bolt 420quickscope spec destro but demo seems like a no brainer - first 3 globals in a fight: Metamorph -> Chaos Wave -> Chaos Wave. Probably one of the most viable casters imo due to fears utility, has decent defencives with healthstone + dark regen.

Imo some great arena comps are

Warrior/Restoshaman - You just train healers with kicks.

Spriest/Brewmaster - I havent personally played a BM but their offheals seem pretty present in ability to change games and save lives, That being said - BM peels melee off the spriest, Spriest saves guise for the BM cant peel/offheal - Dump 3 orb into kegsmash and win.

Rogue/Spriest - Rogue saps 1 target in the opener and you kill the other in the sap with ambush 3 orb - Rogue pillars and priest bubbles for easy restealth with dots, very slippery comp easy to reset fights vs practically anyone.

*I feel as if Hpalas would be really good although i've yet to come across any - Also panda is a serious race consideration in terms of CC and utility, It DRs with poly but with how unrepresented mages are I doubt that will be an issue.*

So, rshams are in a great spot? Awesome. Maybe I'll get an off-set and try it out. Are they good in BG's as well?
And how good is Earth Shield?
Ok then, no need to be a cunt. What I'm trying to say is SP is better for eliminating targets, while moonkin is more mobile/versatile :)

Thank you for your validation. Now all of twinkinfo can rest easy knowing that shadows are better than moonkins at 1v1ing...and "eliminating targets"
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So, rshams are in a great spot? Awesome. Maybe I'll get an off-set and try it out. Are they good in BG's as well?
And how good is Earth Shield?

well i was against the rsham in bg. and im not a baddie to say it that way.
but i couldnt down that sham as feraldroo, even with savage roar up before stealth opener.

however i think this is the case vs most good healers. you cant down them 1vs1, atleast when you dont have an interupt.
Windwalkers can solo basically any class. The other class I have issues with 1v1 is ret paladins. Everything else has a very hard time killing me and if I can get them below 50% and THEN use fists of fury its either trinket or die.

Fist of Fury seems to be doing just absolutely insane damage. I'd wager that WW monks or Ferals are probably the best classes to be put with a healer.
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Lol have you even played any games since the patch? Spriests are Gods. If you play a P2P spriest and feel you aren't OP, then you should just give up and play a different class cause you pretty much suck as a spriest.


For context I'm comparing 29 spriest to other 29 classes. If you're comparing 29 spriest to level 20s, you're doing something wrong.

MB has a 9 sec CD, so you're looking at 27 seconds of fight time before you can burst as a spriest. Meanwhile any melee can just burst you instantly and force you onto defense.

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