Experiences yet? Class/spec viability 29, scaling and whatever

So far I've tested
- shadowpriest
- bm monk
- retpal

shadowpriest seems like before, OP, and good class/spec all over.

bm monk seems alright with good burst, but feels very clunky in bgs. theres many better options if you want to do dps to say it that way. often have to "bravely run away" and heal, if you dont have a pockethealer.

retpal is def better than before, with the option of helping out more than before with 8-9 big heals on teammates before oom.

think im gonna try warrior and feraldruid next, they seem to have been given enormous dps boosts :) met a russian feraldruid in bg, he ended up at 240k dmg, while the rest of the good twinked people ended up at 80-100k. it was just off the charts and he was in bearform all the time.

havent really met any class that gave me much trouble, as either of these 3 specs. except retpala, which can beat a shadowpriest now, thanks to neverending healing :)
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Gonna talk about my experiences as Hunter so far.

I've been playing a BM Hunter since 6.02 went live. Hunter pets went through massive changes with the patch. No more cc abilities outside of a 6 sec. 50% snare. Moth and Crane have a battle rez. Scorpion has a mortal strike debuff, a 1 sec charge root, and it's basic ability can be toggled on and off to line up more burst. The rest provide basic raid buffs, and even buffs to the new secondary stats such as versatility. I've been rolling with Scorpid for general arena purposes. I like to keep another pet with access to Roar of Sacrifice.

Traps arm instantly now so freezing trap is essentially a melee cc for hunters, though you can still place around pillars to force positioning. I like Beast Mastery > Survival because you can put out significantly more damage while playing defensively.

Hunters bring a lot of utility and solid sustained damage in arenas. 40 yard range and 100% uptime makes them super easy to play in BGs, but that's not new. There's a lot more to the class than rolling face if you want to play well as a Hunter this patch, so we'll see if the old 24/trial Hunters stick with it.
Balance Druid has high dot damage and burst damage with starsurge/buffed starfire. You could probably one shot someone with a buffed starfire that crits at lunar peak.
I've only tested in arena's, but my non-twinked WW Monk did really well with ridiculous dmg. Fists of Fury hitting about 2.2k base damage (obviously only if they stay in the whole thing) with noone ever beating my damage in a match. Absolutely no CC though so not sure about viability but with Touch of Karma it can lead to some nice situations where they ignore you pounding their face in.

As for other classes, I never played them, Rogues and Warlocks seem to be amazing since they have great damage and more importantly CC which many classes lack. Not affliction locks though, never go affliction.
Balance is probably better than spriest since you have Solar Beam. You can also survive better. And roots, ect. ect....
Enhance shammy here. Happy to say that enhance is definitely better, if not close to one of the top classes. It's very underrated since it was so awful last patch, but with 29 being the new thing, having access to Stormstrike, AoE slow, targeted slow, a dot, and some amazing off heals it's very, very strong. My strikes hit around 800-1k, lashes are around 500. But double ele force continues to be my top damaging ability, since it procs off of shield and searing totem as well as every other damaging ability. It's the best shaman DPS spec in my opinion. They're highly underrated, but very strong. I'm able to beat ferals if I clutch the purge, but the main classes I have trouble against are warriors and rets, warriors because if you sit in their range, they'll just WW you to death, and rets just because they have more mana regen (I don't know why) than you thus out healing you. The only real downside to enh is the shitty mana regen which I hope gets fixed soon.
Balance is probably better than spriest since you have Solar Beam. You can also survive better. And roots, ect. ect....

Valid point, but with the removal of fear in this bracket, one of the two things actually worth trinketing is root+beam and pala stun. When it comes to brute force, SP healing and dps are just higher. There is no question. If a moonkin has a hard-casting fight with an SP of equivalent gear, enchants, & level, the moonkin is going to lose. Moonkins can survive better overall like you say, but this survival is through running away a lot of the time, which isn't that fun.
Enhance shammy here. Happy to say that enhance is definitely better, if not close to one of the top classes. It's very underrated since it was so awful last patch, but with 29 being the new thing, having access to Stormstrike, AoE slow, targeted slow, a dot, and some amazing off heals it's very, very strong. My strikes hit around 800-1k, lashes are around 500. But double ele force continues to be my top damaging ability, since it procs off of shield and searing totem as well as every other damaging ability. It's the best shaman DPS spec in my opinion. They're highly underrated, but very strong. I'm able to beat ferals if I clutch the purge, but the main classes I have trouble against are warriors and rets, warriors because if you sit in their range, they'll just WW you to death, and rets just because they have more mana regen (I don't know why) than you thus out healing you. The only real downside to enh is the shitty mana regen which I hope gets fixed soon.

this is what i like to hear. i have a 19 shaman that i was going to level to 29 to play enhance since i have the BoAs for it.
this is what i like to hear. i have a 19 shaman that i was going to level to 29 to play enhance since i have the BoAs for it.

I highly recommend it. It's definitely top tier in my opinion. Strong constant damage and a TON of utility (heals, slows, dot, purge, ghost wolf PUUURGE.) Still somewhat dependent on Ele Force proccing, but the buff to lash and the addition of SS can actually make for some decent burst. Highest i've bursted was 2k, SS having crit for 1k, get 2 auto's in with it for around 500, then Force procced the last 500. Plus, just spreading Flame Shock into groups of enemies and watching Ele Force do work is pretty entertaining. Overall, good utility, potential for scary burst, arguably one of the best constant damage dealers currently in the bracket, and awesome spread damage. The only real downside to them is the shitty mana regen, it really needs to be looked into, plus getting kited isn't an issue at all between a range/nuke slow and wolf. Level him up and see for yourself, you won't regret it! :)
So far I've tested
- shadowpriest
- bm monk
- retpal

shadowpriest seems like before, OP, and good class/spec all over.

bm monk seems alright with good burst, but feels very clunky in bgs. theres many better options if you want to do dps to say it that way. often have to "bravely run away" and heal, if you dont have a pockethealer.

retpal is def better than before, with the option of helping out more than before with 8-9 big heals on teammates before oom.

think im gonna try warrior and feraldruid next, they seem to have been given enormous dps boosts :) met a russian feraldruid in bg, he ended up at 240k dmg, while the rest of the good twinked people ended up at 80-100k. it was just off the charts and he was in bearform all the time.

havent really met any class that gave me much trouble, as either of these 3 specs. except retpala, which can beat a shadowpriest now, thanks to neverending healing :)

Spriest isn't OP by any stretch of the imagination. With nerfs across the board to enchants and the removal of base damage, Spriest has to balance between spell power and stamina. Too little spell power and your spells don't hit for enough. Too little stam and you get killed super easy. Not to mention they lost all CC abilities. No more Psychic Scream, no Psyfiend, no Dominate Mind, and no Void Tendrils.

The lack of these things makes it incredibly difficult to peel yourself/others and/or land a kill against a healer. You can Vanish for about 6 seconds (Which ends up being about a half a second if the person on you knows what they are doing), and your bubble can be purged/dispelled by any other priest or shaman. I would consider Spriests middle of the road atm, with other classes/specs either slightly behind or slightly ahead. Everything is really balanced atm, probably the best it's ever been tbh.
Valid point, but with the removal of fear in this bracket, one of the two things actually worth trinketing is root+beam and pala stun. When it comes to brute force, SP healing and dps are just higher. There is no question. If a moonkin has a hard-casting fight with an SP of equivalent gear, enchants, & level, the moonkin is going to lose. Moonkins can survive better overall like you say, but this survival is through running away a lot of the time, which isn't that fun.

Uh, what? So they blow trinket on a 1m cd. It doesn't mean it's completely negated because it can be trinketed. Still gives Boomkins 1 more cs/cc than what Priests have. Which, IMO gives them the upper hand as far as usefulness goes. Who said anything about 1v1s? Duels weren't meant to be balanced, clearly.

And whoever said anything about 1v1s
Uh, what? So they blow trinket on a 1m cd. It doesn't mean it's completely negated because it can be trinketed. Still gives Boomkins 1 more cs/cc than what Priests have. Which, IMO gives them the upper hand as far as usefulness goes. Who said anything about 1v1s? Duels weren't meant to be balanced, clearly.

And whoever said anything about 1v1s

Ok then, no need to be a cunt. What I'm trying to say is SP is better for eliminating targets, while moonkin is more mobile/versatile :)
Spriest isn't OP by any stretch of the imagination. With nerfs across the board to enchants and the removal of base damage, Spriest has to balance between spell power and stamina. Too little spell power and your spells don't hit for enough. Too little stam and you get killed super easy. Not to mention they lost all CC abilities. No more Psychic Scream, no Psyfiend, no Dominate Mind, and no Void Tendrils.

The lack of these things makes it incredibly difficult to peel yourself/others and/or land a kill against a healer. You can Vanish for about 6 seconds (Which ends up being about a half a second if the person on you knows what they are doing), and your bubble can be purged/dispelled by any other priest or shaman. I would consider Spriests middle of the road atm, with other classes/specs either slightly behind or slightly ahead. Everything is really balanced atm, probably the best it's ever been tbh.

Lol have you even played any games since the patch? Spriests are Gods. If you play a P2P spriest and feel you aren't OP, then you should just give up and play a different class cause you pretty much suck as a spriest.


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