thanks to cyanerd and jinzy <3
Nps not easy being a demi-god
thanks to cyanerd and jinzy <3
Nps it's easy being a demi-douchebag
not easy being that either..... btw had to do the job you and Claire couldn't finish Meat told me about how your KFC went : /
not easy being that either..... btw had to do the job you and Claire couldn't finish Meat told me about how your KFC went : /
not easy being that either..... btw had to do the job you and Claire couldn't finish Meat told me about how your KFC went : /
should not look down at great people playing underdog classes. Claire and Kipale are both great but the fact that everyone is rerolling fotm and getting tinkers with blue gloves makes it almost impossible to achieve anything with such an underdog comp
Prot warriors underdog? resto shamans underdog? KFC with a prot warrior is not bad at all, but again Bobx no disrespect but you do bgs, stick to bgs don't join a debate about anything arena related when you haven't played it for over 1 season, cus you rly have no idea how OP prot really is.
Prot warriors underdog? resto shamans underdog? KFC with a prot warrior is not bad at all, but again Bobx no disrespect but you do bgs, stick to bgs don't join a debate about anything arena related when you haven't played it for over 1 season, cus you rly have no idea how OP prot really is.
You get a good imgage about whats fotm also from bgs. If you look bgs like 60% is rmp of 10 classes. Also in arena rogue and mage can basically roll with every class to be successful but prot warrior not.
To clairify I dont want to say hunter / prot warrior are underpowered but you cant compare them with RMP. 90% ~ of all 2.1k + mmr is RMP I think that says it all.
PS People tend to call something OP if they got owned by it or nearly.
fixed that for youPS IN MY OPINION People tend to call something OP if they got owned by it or nearly.
The argument was about you failed to play KFC which apparently was a bad combo to 2.2 because you played a few games and got farmed ( not my words )
A picture tells a thousand words.
A picture tells a thousand words.
6581 Tazik, 3735 Ice lance, 3896 Ice lance![]()
admit you fucked up
but he never did : /