Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

Why am I arguing with a kid acting elitist at 70? However this is my first twink and if I wasn't busy preparing for ranks on main so I had more time on 70 i'd be dominating every corner of this shitbracket. I can tell you that much.
securing rank 13,310 yeah? i heard 1700 was a struggle for you this season, but they say that this seasons 1700 is last seasons 1900, so gz on almost getting last season 2k!
Conflict Resolved.
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*cough* Mr ashbringer can you please PM me the name of the guy who uhm... helped you with it? ( you know what im talking about)
Hahahaha I knew you'd post this, you glitched out the gates to open early, shame we farmed you 4 times after. Stay classy

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