EU19 Revival Project - Recruitment

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I got a fully bis paladin on alliance aggramar and don't mind playing it as long as the team isn't deluded and I don't want to be called a win logger just if I decide to play horde for a bit
Oh sorry for the double post but is the mid battle shit still going to be around ( like I don't care ) but just wondering ^^
aw, cool. I'm up for this, I miss the 19s.
Oh sorry for the double post but is the mid battle shit still going to be around ( like I don't care ) but just wondering ^^

if you/we don't go stand in midfield then it can't be.
I got a fully bis paladin on alliance aggramar and don't mind playing it as long as the team isn't deluded and I don't want to be called a win logger just if I decide to play horde for a bit

if this goes through, looks like horde will need a few extra players anyway xD
Right so I was having trouble explaining just exactly what it is I'm trying to achieve and there seems to be lots of different opinions and confusion about what I am trying to do and the easiest way I can explain it to you is like this:


It is a start and then from there I have my own stuff I'll contribute to the community once the activity picks up, I am NOT trying to gather every single player from every single guild into my guild.

If you still want to tell me I am doing a bad thing then I will look elsewhere in another bracket with different people who are not so mentally challenged since apparently other people have this covered already (you can tell from all the activity, yeah?) and what I am doing is essentially pointless.

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What alliance are you planning to play against?

Okay so, I offer to make a guild on Alliance because let's face it TL are the only competition at the moment and that's the most logical step:

You all say that what I am doing is totally pointless because you and Sputnick have everything sorted and this bracket is already active and has been for 4 months and I'm talking bullshit.

Then I get amazing stuff like:

[04:15] R***:

<<< [00:35] Red:

<<< i just want another guild like TL basicallycant happen cus there is not enough good hardcore twinkers— Rubn, Today 04:15

and other classics such as

[01:31:12] D***** P*****: Sputnick attempted to do exactly the same as you.
[01:31:18] D***** P*****: With frankly more marketing and arguably failed


I will just copy and paste what I sent to Sputnick and if you guys still can't comprehend it then I can't help you.

The people promoting this bracket are trying too much to promote it WITHIN itself which is just a waste of time in it's current state, whereas my approach is to try and bring in more people from other sources and together with the help of the veterans cooperating - make the bracket welcoming for these said people and give them the knowledge, experience, support etc. to contribute to it instead of turning them away.

Imagine another 100 players joining us? 200 even? I'm having trouble understanding why people are so against this or how it can do us any harm to at least try.

If all this current community cares about is being the best (at something with such a laughable skillcap I might add) and are not willing to expand the bracket then you guys can keep your handful of pops per night with the same boring selfish people.

You kids are actually either completely blind or completely fucking stupid.

As for who I will play against isn't it obvious?

Edit: Do you even realize how many people have contacted me since I put that post up? People nobody has ever even seen before or people that have seen this opportunity to get in on this bracket and in with the people who make what it is?

They want to be part of it and you are telling them they are worthless garbage, do you think you are actually helping this bracket stay alive?
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Okay so, I offer to make a guild on Alliance because let's face it TL are the only competition at the moment and that's the most logical step:

You all say that what I am doing is totally pointless because you and Sputnick have everything sorted and this bracket is already active and has been for 4 months and I'm talking bullshit.

Then I get amazing stuff like:

[04:15] R***:

<<< [00:35] Red:

<<< i just want another guild like TL basicallycant happen cus there is not enough good hardcore twinkers— Rubn, Today 04:15

and other classics such as

[01:31:12] D***** P*****: Sputnick attempted to do exactly the same as you.
[01:31:18] D***** P*****: With frankly more marketing and arguably failed


I will just copy and paste what I sent to Sputnick and if you guys still can't comprehend it then I can't help you.

You kids are actually either completely blind or completely fucking stupid.

As for who I will play against isn't it obvious?

Edit: Do you even realize how many people have contacted me since I put that post up? People nobody has ever even seen before or people that have seen this opportunity to get in on this bracket and in with the people who make what it is?

They want to be part of it and you are telling them they are worthless garbage, do you think you are actually helping this bracket stay alive?

This is all great and shit man fair play but what if the 24s are all like " hks better Jaja "
70s be like " no arena "
And every other bracket be like " haha 19s is for kids " .
Like even tho it's not man they won't try it they just judge it
As for who I will play against isn't it obvious?
No, it is not. It is my understanding that you recruited (or are in the progress to do so) a great amount of the "active" and retired twinks for your horde guild. Among those happen to be a lot of alliance players. The question who you are planning to face outside of in-guild wargames seems legit to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way opposed to your plan of creating a guild to bring back activity to the bracket. I just don't see why you are starting this on horde side.
No, it is not. It is my understanding that you recruited (or are in the progress to do so) a great amount of the "active" and retired twinks for your horde guild. Among those happen to be a lot of alliance players. The question who you are planning to face outside of in-guild wargames seems legit to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way opposed to your plan of creating a guild to bring back activity to the bracket. I just don't see why you are starting this on horde side.

As stated many times, the idea was to go Alliance to at least bring SOME pops back by engaging with the current horde such as yourselves and SSDD and then eventually with everyone's work we would bring in the competition in the form of new people.

The activity I am trying to generate extends beyond just my guild and I am trying to encourage other people to roll in this bracket and feel like they will be accepted into it.

TL have jumped in and told me I am doing wrong and are spreading misinformation about this project so now I am forced to think of an alternative since like I said I was planning on putting a lot of work into this and is the reason why I am giving you detailed posts/walls of text but I am starting to have doubts whether this is time and effort well spent on my part.

The guilds within a guild has absolutely nothing to do with activity or pops (it was merely an idea, and the picture you were shown on skype was ONE possible way to run it out of several and I wanted an opinion - it was a shit idea yes and you helped me realize this) and affects nobody outside of my own guild - it is something I am willing to offer to the members of my guild as a sort of incentive/bonus for playing with us.

I believe I can bring you at least another 50-100 active people into this bracket within a month or 2 easily, more people is more activity no? Or do you not think it works like that? Are more people not needed? Are you satisfied with the same few people struggling to get a half decent match together?

Even 100 actives (actual active people that play their twink as much as you, I or any other dedicated 19ers) on 1 faction is enough to have constant games and despite our differences I bet people in SSDD will be able to understand the value of this and be up for playing against us regardless of what faction we are on.

At the end of the day I am stepping up and taking on people who want to learn this bracket regardless of whether they are undergeared, underexperienced, clickers, out of touch with the bracket or whatever - I am giving them a chance to catch up and play at our level which in turn makes you happy because then you will have more people to play against.

We can still roll Alliance if you are willing to stop the negative attitude and criticizing the wrong points or I will just go Horde and make my own community to play with via wargames and 90s and you guys can carry on doing what you're doing - take it or leave it because it actually doesn't bother me, I know I will have sufficient people to play against without the need to even click on queue random battleground or engage with the current community.
No, it is not. It is my understanding that you recruited (or are in the progress to do so) a great amount of the "active" and retired twinks for your horde guild. Among those happen to be a lot of alliance players. The question who you are planning to face outside of in-guild wargames seems legit to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way opposed to your plan of creating a guild to bring back activity to the bracket. I just don't see why you are starting this on horde side.

this whole argument of the "wrong" faction was presented to TL back in cata when alli first started going down the drain, did you lot listen?

frankly, i'd rather have inter guild WGs than face bad sportsmen who will insta afk any pug that isn't unlose-able.

As stated many times, the idea was to go Alliance to at least bring SOME pops back by engaging with the current horde such as yourselves and SSDD and then eventually with everyone's work we would bring in the competition in the form of new people.

The activity I am trying to generate extends beyond just my guild and I am trying to encourage other people to roll in this bracket and feel like they will be accepted into it.

TL have jumped in and told me I am doing wrong and are spreading misinformation about this project so now I am forced to think of an alternative since like I said I was planning on putting a lot of work into this and is the reason why I am giving you detailed posts/walls of text but I am starting to have doubts whether this is time and effort well spent on my part.

The guilds within a guild has absolutely nothing to do with activity or pops (it was merely an idea, and the picture you were shown on skype was ONE possible way to run it out of several and I wanted an opinion - it was a shit idea yes and you helped me realize this) and affects nobody outside of my own guild - it is something I am willing to offer to the members of my guild as a sort of incentive/bonus for playing with us.

I believe I can bring you at least another 50-100 active people into this bracket within a month or 2 easily, more people is more activity no? Or do you not think it works like that? Are more people not needed? Are you satisfied with the same few people struggling to get a half decent match together?

Even 100 actives (actual active people that play their twink as much as you, I or any other dedicated 19ers) on 1 faction is enough to have constant games and despite our differences I bet people in SSDD will be able to understand the value of this and be up for playing against us regardless of what faction we are on.

At the end of the day I am stepping up and taking on people who want to learn this bracket regardless of whether they are undergeared, underexperienced, clickers, out of touch with the bracket or whatever - I am giving them a chance to catch up and play at our level which in turn makes you happy because then you will have more people to play against.

We can still roll Alliance if you are willing to stop the negative attitude and criticizing the wrong points or I will just go Horde and make my own community to play with via wargames and 90s and you guys can carry on doing what you're doing - take it or leave it because it actually doesn't bother me, I know I will have sufficient people to play against without the need to even click on queue random battleground or engage with the current community.

james, they had there chance to "fix" the bracket, don't listen to no one mate.
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