elocon said:this start to look like a german vs EU thread on offical forums where they start compare general how wsg win/lose rotation but end up comparing war "effort", theres no turning back now
elocon said:its french/england vs german in those threads and sure theres argument
elocon said:this start to look like a german vs EU thread on offical forums where they start compare general how wsg win/lose rotation but end up comparing war "effort", theres no turning back now
elocon said:How whould EU/US agreed on those players?
all star teams arent always the best because most of the people havent played togetherBöne said:I think the EU would have to present a list of numbers of each class they need to the a US organizer who would get the well geared characters to volunteer (spelling?) and if not go around and talk to them about it.
If you're talking about how they would agree what top ten is actually the best possible 10... well EU is completely on their own (GL ON FORUMS) and it is something the US is going to have a huge problem with because of the huge number of players and varying opinions on which set up is best.
fake edit: the US would have to present a list of the players they would be bringing in as well because it would be unfair for the US to know the EU's make up and not have the EU know theirs.
Roflowned said:all star teams arent always the best because most of the people havent played together
plus stop talking about rogue 1v1s determining the best xD
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well your opinion doesnt matter because you are terribleBöne said:In my personal opinion the best option for the best possible outcome for an allstar 10v10 would be to pick the best defense and the best offense. AGAIN in my personal opinion that would be prodigy defense on ally and horde with either a pug make up on O for alliance from other guilds or waw tawent offense for horde.
thats like pizza devin ruin dirty parx and mainiack on O with me, crusade, painaid, and... well thava or snowshoes (that depends on skill or teamwork choice there which would be painaid's decision) on D. for horde that is
Roflowned said:well your opinion doesnt matter because you are terrible
Bad shamans are badRoflowned said:that's you, losing to a hunter
Roflowned said:well your opinion doesnt matter because you are terrible
Pymius said:I'm rude and don't contribute anything constructive to the forums but please listen to me while I insult you
who the fuk r u iditpymius said:and who the hell are you?