Neratho said:
Well, if there would be an active twink community at the other battlegroups, I bet someone would have had the same idea as Ishh and make a thread at the battlegroup forums and tell their fellow twinks to come here and vote.
That would've been the job of Ishh if he were interested in a fair vote, but the premise of the question is flawed - noone can accurately say which BG is the most active, without playing on all 10 BGs.
Consider the following:
All your life, you have only tasted chocholate-flavored icecream.
Then some day, some guy asks you which flavor you like the best; banana, vanilla, liqorice, pistache, chocolate, mocca, whatever.
You can't give an accurate answer, as you don't know how the other flavors taste. You
might actually like one of the others better, but you don't know until you've tasted them all.
Now the guy tells you that if your flavor wins, he'll tell everyone how awesome you are.
"Oh!" you think. "That would be pretty sweet!". So, you say chocolate without having sampled the others. Then you tell all your fellow icecream flavor-impaired friends to go and say chocolate too.
The result? A useless poll result.
In before "ur just jealuse"