EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

Which EU 39 Battlegroup is most active?

  • Cyclone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blackout

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emberstorm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reckoning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cataclysm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frenzy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vindication

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cruelty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Misery

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rampage

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What this polls tells is how many people who visit twinkinfo, or any forums play at cyclone, which tells that cyclone has the most active/skilled/focused twinks. Sure some bigger BGs might have more twinks but most of them are randoms who will stop playing right after 3.2 comes and there wont be bgs that often anymore.
All doubts about the accuracy of this poll aside: I have been in Cruelty, Blackout and Rampage with my 39 and i am now in Cyclone. Fact is that Cruelty and Rampage are barely functioning at 39 right now, i cannot see how they could work after the XP/no-XP seperation. Blackout looked promising from the forum thread (way more active than the Cyclone one) and there were quite a lot of nice games so maybe they can make it. Cyclone however is superior from the raw numbers of people (and also raw number of twinks) online. And that's what you will want after 3.2 has hit: numbers. Apart from that the games are also very good, balanced and challenging. If there should be any other very active 39 battlegroup in Europe its members are surely very quiet.
Yay a constructive reply ..... Thank you !!! i can see where your comming from although how long ago was it you played on Blackout ??? i also at one point jumped about BGs and found kinda the same on Blackout but it does come down to personal pref at times ;S

The fact is we can all yabba yabba on about our fav BG and people will make there own choice ..

Luvz Hugs Bumps and Blasts XxXx

P.S NoMojo nice priest

P.P.S on the numbers game (twink numbers) the size of the *leet* guilds on cyclone crack past 50 which when i look at it i half cause you can count on the fact most twinkers have more than one i a guild doesnt add up ...... P.P.P.S plzzzzz dont say quality not quantity
My favourite BG is Cataclysm (old Bloodlust). I know that this BG will be twink-dead at 39 after the patch.

I made a twink at Cyclone and I can tell you this battlegroup works pretty fine, twink-wise.
YrziTheYeti said:
What this polls tells is how many people who visit twinkinfo, or any forums play at cyclone, which tells that cyclone has the most active/skilled/focused twinks. Sure some bigger BGs might have more twinks but most of them are randoms who will stop playing right after 3.2 comes and there wont be bgs that often anymore.

I Loled XxXx

Giving Out Luv Since 1976 XxXx
No Mojo said:
Fact is that Cruelty and Rampage are barely functioning at 39 right now, i cannot see how they could work after the XP/no-XP seperation.

I got my soon-to-be 39 twink on Neptulon (Rampage), and I dunno if I can transfer to a cyclone server... what am I supposed to do? :confused:
Why not? You can always reroll to one of the servers and if you get into a twink guild you will get more than enough help.
Deadette, I'm sorry, but I really miss what you're trying to put across.

Fact is: this poll is supposed to represent where most ACTION will be past 3.2.

Fact is: Ishh cares about Cyclone winning for obvious reasons, that's why he posted that poll in our little 39 thread.

Fact is: If anyone of the other battlegroups would care about his BG winning, he'd do the very same. (Not like that other guy that doesn't care and just causes drama for whatever's sake)

Fact is: They didn't do it, while Ishh did it succesfully. Ishh posting that thread doesn't win him polls. Active 39 twinks on Cyclone that care about their BG and their activity do.

So please stop acting like that'd be unfair. There's same chances for everyone. It's not Ishh's fault no one else tells their fellow twinks to come here and vote.
i aint blaming Ishh for anything and have respect for him but seriously if yer gonna be realistic about a poll then do it the right way !!!!!

we all could set our own polls and have the same biast result thats is here lol i only stated facts and my OWN opinion as stated in a previous post .All the transfer talk is for all 39's benifit and it should be done in such a manner .. and for all those who wanna continue setting fire here if Cyclone gains mass adoration from The World Of Twinks then so be it i dont have a prob with that.

Xposure do what feels right for you but i would wait and see what BG will be resting place for most 39's .... wait till 3.2 hits and roam around forums and stuff you'll find the right place !!

Luv Yas need to stop typing gunna Blackout !!!! XxXxXx
Rezist said:
I've never met a competitive community in this game that would stay completely oblivious to forums of any capacity.


If there were any competive alternative 39-BG-community somewhere on either Blackout or any other battlegroup, it's an EXTREMELY silent battlegroup, not wishing to improve/promote themselves or prove that they have something interesting. I haven't seen any "39 guild recruiting" guild on other BG-forums except MYL(A), JB(H) and The Elite(H).

If any other battlegroup had something interesting to offer arena or premade-wise, it's ther own fault they ain't winning the poll. EoD.

So , what you are sayin is that Ishh held a gun to our heads and FORCED us all to vote cyclone ?

You are also saying that his SINGLE post on just ONE of our 39 posts made this whole topic moot ? Are you kidding me lol ? I think that you should go post a SINGLE post on ALL of the rest of the BG's .... go on , do it and see what happens .

It is as Ishh said , he wanted this to be fair . And the fact of the matter is that cyclone IS the place to be nowadays for 39 . Anyone that plays 39 seriously knows that .

So , while your BG is loosing the poll , please don't cry and try to make Ishh / Cyclone look bad . Rather go rally some troops , go call all of your friends and get an army to come vote for your BG . All 3 votes will matter .
Clearly i have ruffled you poor little feathers guys Awwwww .... Slate my BG all yas want its your choice to say what ya want and think what ya want but yep as i can see the last couple of posts ranting and raving how im such a BAD BAD person for airing my opinion are from same guild thats been flaming from the start !!!

As for my 3 m8s ive got 5 actually

And clearly you aint got a fkincug clue about other BGs in EU !!!!

Cyas laters Peeps Ive Gave All The LUV i can here !!!!

Stay McHay XxXX
nah you haven't ruffled anything, you've just tried to argue with logic and failed miserably so now you're retreating back to your empty cave, (its empty 'cause all the twinks are in Cyclone ofc ;o)
you started a pointless argument off, i dont care what other people say in cyc, they are all trying to get exactly the same point off as myself and ishh.

how can you flap gums, sounds like a dance move ;o
Oh FFS i dint at any point argue i stated FACTS ...My Opinion and as a result feathers DID get obv ruffled LMAO you dont have any respect or care for 39's as a whole .... as long as you and yer buds are ok thats fine ... read what i wrote and think about it im concerned for 39 BGS as a whole not just one pocket ....

pointless continuing with this because you clearly dont get it !!!!

Luv and Hugs to all XxXx
Deadette said:
you dont have any respect or care for 39's as a whole as long as you and yer buds are ok thats fine

How does that even make sense?

Now I can't really make sense of some of the things you have typed, but

Oh FFS i dint at any point argue i stated FACTS
translate: I didn't at any point argue with people, I just stated facts. If thats the case then.

At the end of the day you wanna choose a good BG for your beloved twinks just slog through the BG forums and see how active there twinker Flamage,Banter,Trolling,Nerd Raging and General twinky chatter is

Strong fact there.

it does seem this was only made to boost Clonians libedo or summit and i aint even gonna mention other BGs cause clearly they aint worth mentioning since Cyclone is uber 1337 .... with all the truffling on ive read youz clearly had no intention of other groups being involved

Insanely true fact right there, Ishh actually stole the keyboards of every other twink in every other battlegroup out there, sucks that all the masses of twinks with communities that match cyclone only commute to the official battlegroup forums and not a website dedicated to twinks :/

is the point of polls and forum blah blah like this is for twink benefits for all ???? people will make a choice and whatever happens most of us will follow but me for one will be real carefull of what i read from now on lol

Yes, even if cyclone recieved 100 votes, and every other battlegroup got 1 I would most definately consider moving there, you make allot of sense! The whole point of this was to BENEFIT twinks that still want to play competitively and with other twinks.

And the icing on the cherry, when someone came back and said that anyone could get the attention of people in other battlegroups or make polls themselves you answered with

Nope cause thats kinda lame lol

Perfect. Please go away, and when 3.2 hits it would be best for you not to come to Cyclone, obvious reasons.
Game Over !!!!!

I'll let this go you've just turned irritating .....

Twinks will choose Twinks will group somewhere and i dont care where so at some point ill see ya on the battlefield

Im only praying now it aint Cyclone you clearly have issues lol

Luv is in the air XxXx

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