I just wanna start out by saying thanks to everyone who showed up tonight!
Pops even started a little ahead of time.
The numbers were incredibly strong, and with such huge influx in activity, comes a few obstacles as well.
It's incredibly hard to keep track of games since there are multiple pops going on at the same time.
With that said, we now created a Feedback channel in the EU 19s Discord server.
A few points I want to make out in regards to this evenings games:
-Class Balancing:
Early on, there seemed to be too many mages, rogues and healers (shaman specifically at one point in time).
I will urge everyone who plays these classes have other classes available to them in the future, and be willing to swap around to better even out the comps.
-Faction Balancing:
It went back and forth in terms of who had the more known and experienced players, which is a good thing. It means that people are willing to swap to whichever faction seems to need them the most. I think we're in a good spot regarding that right now, so keep up the good work on that.
-Consumable usage:
We like to keep the games clean, and any consumable outside of Alchemist's Flask (flask that increases main stat for 5 hrs) is onsidered BANNED within 19 BG etiquette.
The reason for this is that consumables do not scale linearly. Some classes benefit more than others from X, Y, Z consumable etc.,
and it becomes a huge clusterfuck of who used what and when. I could go on a huge rant on why that is, but let's just say that your class might not have sprint, 30% damage increase, invis, AoE damage + stun, AoE fear etc. for a reason. So please refrain from using such means. The bracket is already pretty gimmicky as is.
-Objective classes and their impact on the game:
Objective classes are classes that look to do multiple things around the map for a myriad of reasons.
The most objective classes in the game would be Druid, Rogue, Hunter (occasionally shaman, but not as much).
They are classes with a considerably high skillcap in WSG due to this, and therefore the differences in players who plays those classes can have a massive impact on the games.
Where I'm going with this, is that if you look to pick up these classes, you should always be willing to listen, because people will throw a lot of criticism (hopefully constructive), which may come off in the wrong way, but trust me, during the heat of the moment when a lot of things are happening, and things have to be short and on point, you should instead seek out the essence of the message rather than the tone of the message. A lot of people are also very passionate about the game, so there's that.
I'm not saying people can be dicks for the sake of being dicks, and you have to take it, but this is one of the things you should be aware of when you play an objective class.
Be willing to listen to players who have played these classes for a long time, or are overall considerably knowledgeable about the game. It is in everyone's best interest to have the best game quality possible, and objective classes just have a lot to say on that front.
Alternatively, seek out some of the guides made on this forum. You might pick up a thing or two.
Ending note, please post any feedback in the feedback channel on the EU 19 Discord server, or contact anyone within the administartion or myself. We'll look to make the games of the best quality possible, but in order to do that, we'll need the help of everyone participating to make this a reality!
Thanks again everyone, we're looking to make this a weekly thing for now and go from there,
so look to queue WSG specific at 19:00 English Server Time every Friday!
In the future, we'll look to release a poll about changes in dates, or adding more games, so look out for that as well.