Enhancement Shaman discussion.


What do you think this specialization lacks?
What would you change?
Do you find them to be viable?
What do you do in order to enjoy playing them more?

Personally, I think that if Lava Lash was a MH ability, Shamans could 2h and would be completely viable in this bracket again.

DW is just too weak in this bracket. Ask any Rogue that gets caught out of stealth but not any Fury Warriors because there are none.
I thought they where ALRIGHT last patch, and they got a buff this past patch near across the board.

Do I think they are viable, yes. People just dont play them so much because they dont have oneshot capabilities/ arent oerpowered.
Gief enh cata damage.

I think the main thing that killed Enhance damage was base resilience. Fury wasn't half bad towards the end of Cata either, even after losing PH in the last 4.X patch.

I thought they where ALRIGHT last patch, and they got a buff this past patch near across the board.

Do I think they are viable, yes. People just dont play them so much because they dont have oneshot capabilities/ arent oerpowered.

I have a full Agility stacked enhancement shaman and I still hit like a wet noodle. LL only hits on average for 240-320. Primal strike does napkin damage. Flame shocks damage is so bad it's almost a waste of a GCD/Earth Shock, I only use it when assaulting FC's because of the pressure it puts on healers (Since LL spreads the dot like warrior AOE rend).
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I've actually been interested on making a f2p enha sham. Are they able to put any pressure on a decent healer, or even come close to soloing one? Or are they just a class to support the actual dps classes with purges/shears? :(
OMG! enhance shaman is totally better than fury or ret pally and is completely viable

please plp don't say that they suck and go out and play one maybe its u who sucks... but being mainly enh ever since I played f2p wow ik that the spec is perfectly awesome!

Of course its easier to go faceroll on a hunter which most plp wouldn't call huntards if they weren't just so spam/noob like with a few exeptions on really good hunters...
Anyways for any class you would learn what makes your spec special and what you would do to be able to defeat others... enhance is just one of those specs now that requires more time to learn/master which is time plp don't have ... hehe

Overall imo I wanna start seeing more enh in bg's because they rlly help the team out.
If you have any questions about this spec feel free to pm me ADIOS! :D
give it a shot, they are great for caster and efc pressure, purge can make the difference against lots of heals on efc. they put out decent dmg and everyone runs to reposition if you so happen to be on the roof. Oh, and decent heals as well.

lol so true

Due to enhancement's passive mental quickness my enh has 200 or so sp in bg's due to scaling which really increases everything for enh I even feel the heals are bigger than resto's lol!

and yes go try one out mek
What do you think this specialization lacks?

Damage, both burst and sustained. It's far too reliant on auto attacks and it's special attacks don't happen nearly often enough or do enough damage to make up for that.

What would you change?

Would buff their damage to compensate for the addition of the 40% base resilience (that resilience is why they are so nerfed right now). Would replace primal strike with Storm Strike at all levels. Would also give them Maelstrom weapon much sooner (level 26 or so). Would make Ghost Wolf shift roots/snares too (not sure why it doesn't).

Do you find them to be viable?

Nope. They run OOM in 3 casts and die before they ever kill anything. Their other utility is better used by ele/resto.

What do you do in order to enjoy playing them more?

I don't play them until much higher levels where they have enough tools to make up for poor damage.

Personally, I think that if Lava Lash was a MH ability, Shamans could 2h and would be completely viable in this bracket again.

Nope. Lava Lash doesn't do nearly enough damage to begin with. It was essentially nerfed by 40% in MoP with the addition of base resilience. making it MH damage wouldn't really fix anything, as there is still a big void for their damage. Storm Strike is the key damage ability they are missing, and even THAT hits like a wet noodle once you get it. It takes WF weapon, Storm Strike, and Lava Lash to be able to do decent damage as enhance sham.

Well those abilities, plus maelstrom weapon and spirit wolves.

And Searing Totem stacks.

I've actually been interested on making a f2p enha sham. Are they able to put any pressure on a decent healer, or even come close to soloing one? Or are they just a class to support the actual dps classes with purges/shears?

Without a pocket healer, you just get blown up before you can really do much. Your damage will be pathetic, especially without P2P enchants. You would be much better off rolling an ele or resto sham.
Enh is a support class. You can also 1v1 pretty much anything. It's completely viable at BiS and near skill cap. If I were to change something I would bring back our other totems for starters. Earthbind totem helped a lot with tot. The water totem offered some meager but helpful passive heals. Enh would be perfectly balanced if we had titans grip. Running LB helped a lot since most things in MoP have some sort of speed boost. It doesn't hit hard, but it helps finish off 400 hp hunters DE'ing away.
Would make Ghost Wolf shift roots/snares too (not sure why it doesn't).

Because there's a difference between spell and shapeshift. You can dispel Ghost Wolf (as it counts as 'Magic' on your buffs) but you can't dispel shapeshifts. Shapeshifts grant immunity to Polymorph, Ghost Wolf doesn't. They're just all around different all they share is that 2/5 shapeshifts (excluding Flight and Tree Form) grant a movement speed increase just like Ghost Wolf does.
Having geared up and played as enh in Cata, and off and on currently, they really need more damage plain and simple (or at least some kind of burst potential). Their overall consistent dps wasn't that far behind ele until ele got Fulmination, which gave ele a much larger edge with periodic burst and dps. Enh has the mobility for time on target, utility with purges, cleanses, and interrupts, and interesting healing mana management with water shield/lightning shield swap. But.... without a threatening damage component they are just too easily killed/managed. Also, the utility aspect of enh can basically be done as well or better with ele/resto. Pressuring a healer is a unique enh strength with time on target, but an aware healer will just manage them too easily without better burst/dps.

I loved my shammy as enh, LOVED IT, but right now I have a lot more fun with what ele has to offer, especially with LB while moving (which does help enh in general though not as much with the 30 yard limit). I'd say to anyone wanting to play around with them, go for it. But...... don't think you are doing something wrong when it takes a looooong time to take someone down.

BTW.... PVE stuff is great fun as enh. You can solo a lot of the standard stuff, (Yetimus, Godfrey, etc.) and the challenge of balancing shields, Lifeblood boosts, etc is pretty fun.
You can also 1v1 pretty much anything.

By "anything" you probably don't mean hunters or healers (and most off-healers); the former deal too much dps to keep yourself up and it's quite impossible to maintain time on target; the latter don't die because enh doesn't deal enough damage to get them killed during wind shear spell lock.

To make enh viable, I'd suggest replacing earth shock with frost shock, and increasing lava lash damage by some 300%, for starters. Having more totems back is a very good idea too.
By "anything" you probably don't mean hunters or healers (and most off-healers)

No, I mean't pretty much anything. Most things I can't kill won't be able to kill me. (Enh>hunter) Aside from the rare amazing player at their respective class, hpal is the only thing that has a clear advantage. More heals, more dmg, no crit debuff, more armor, a 6 sec stun, and 2 oh shit buttons that cannot be purged or countered.
6.0 Enh Shamans get Stormstrike at lvl 10 and replaces Primal Strike. One can hope, eh?

Because there's a difference between spell and shapeshift. You can dispel Ghost Wolf (as it counts as 'Magic' on your buffs) but you can't dispel shapeshifts. Shapeshifts grant immunity to Polymorph, Ghost Wolf doesn't. They're just all around different all they share is that 2/5 shapeshifts (excluding Flight and Tree Form) grant a movement speed increase just like Ghost Wolf does.

Disentanglement for Shaman's Ghost Wolf was already asked by players, but Blizzard wants that to keep it a ''Druid thing''. Make Ghost Wolves immune to movement impairing effects then? This ain't so tough, Ghostcrawler.
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6.0 Enh Shamans get Stormstrike at lvl 10 and replaces Primal Strike. One can hope, eh?

Disentanglement for Shaman's Ghost Wolf was already asked by players, but Blizzard wants that to keep it a ''Druid thing''. Make Ghost Wolves immune to movement impairing effects then? This ain't so tough, Ghostcrawler.

Well, maybe not immune (bit overtuned), but reduce the effectiveness? ;)

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