Wot not to Wear : A F2P Make-over


The Architect.

You want to look high-fashioned, colorful or you just want to be a hipster, but you can't manage to be it yourself after years of wearing sloppy non-fitting clothes? Well, I'm here for you. With this incentive, our headdesigner and his team of known stylists will work around your (2) items and make the very best of it.

A make-over you desperately need can be right around the corner. The only thing you have to do, is fill out this questionnaire and post it. I'll review the best and funniest application and put you in a whole new wardrobe.

Once a project is selected, there will be a notification. Once a make-over is completed, it will be announced and featured. Afterwards, something new will be chosen of a new series of applications. There will be no queue.

Previous completed projects
Character : 
Race : 
Gender :
Hairstyle : 
Class : 
Specialization : 

Item 1 :
Item 2 : 
Color palette : 
Interests :
Playstyle : 

Preferred Mount/Pet :

Other notes/requests :

Sneak peak
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  • Schermafbeelding 2013-07-24 om 11.07.39.jpg
    Schermafbeelding 2013-07-24 om 11.07.39.jpg
    7.4 KB · Views: 379
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Dear What-naüt-to-where? staff,

MY nam iz JUggernaüt and uhhh... I wnt 2 luk handsum to attrax sum femcowfriends to ummm.. be fwiendly wiff.

Butt I dontnt no wha to where and ahhh they dem laff at me. My fiend Leaky saz I am udderley hope-lez. And shez the prettiest goblin I dun seen everrr.


Almust out to pasturr,

LF cloth boot mog for this set... The current boots kinda goes with LFH but I think I can do better.
Mialo are u a girl?

Btw pls give me advice on my rogue: BloodyCripz
No, obviously not. I just have a sense for fashion! And your Rogue is hopeless. Nothing fits. Apply for the next round.

Puhr @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft Come at me.
Any way this can be improved? i was going for Prospector's sash, but i'm yet to find a pair on the AH.
Change your haircolor to something reddish. Look for a bow with something Green - yellowish.

LF cloth boot mog for this set... The current boots kinda goes with LFH but I think I can do better.
Seer's Boots. Blade Cultist Slippers
Dear What-naüt-to-where? staff,

MY nam iz JUggernaüt and uhhh... I wnt 2 luk handsum to attrax sum femcowfriends to ummm.. be fwiendly wiff.

Butt I dontnt no wha to where and ahhh they dem laff at me. My fiend Leaky saz I am udderley hope-lez. And shez the prettiest goblin I dun seen everrr.


Almust out to pasturr,

What do you like? Fill out the questionnaire please.

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