End of the f2ps?

because WoW isn't worth $15/month. or the entry price. i only twink on WoW for nostalgia. yeah, i'll go though spurts where i'm pretty active, but most of the time i log in, queue up, drop queue after a couple minutes because i really don't actually feel like going into the Gulch with a bunch of jajajas or against a 24 premade... then i do the wall jumps to the top of the GS inn... then jump down. then /dance for a minute. maybe a duel. maybe jump onto that light post.

then log off...

as for Rift, in some ways, it's a better game. the major thing it doesn't have is the nostalgia factor. and it is free. so um, yeah. i've already been playing Rift. and LoL.

WoW if def worth $15 a month, any expansion you can do so much, You can do Arenas, more bg's other than AB and WSG, Get more achieves, improve your game play, maybe even make some WoW Vids? Who knows maybe you might get sponsored and everything.... if i could'a i would'a buy WoW ;)
With 5.4 , some pretty big changes are coming such as :
a p2p can get an enchant no matter the lvl , ( warriors with dancing steel, rogues with mongoose)
this could very well be the end for us 20s . .
For many patches we have survived and been able to hold our own vs 24s and p2ps . .
As hard as it may seem to grasp , we might not be able to stand a chance anymore . .
Feel free to comment on what you plan on playing after ( if f2p wow is unplayable anymore )
Ive noticed some have already started playing Rift since it is now f2p , so will Rift or some other mmo be the new home for us poor f2ps . .
Also i just want to say ive had alot of fun since i started f2p back in cata with all you guys, ive met some pretty skilled and awesome players. It truly has been fun , all the close-call bgs ,and those intense duels in gs and in front of org. . those huge fights for AGM . . the classic struggle for LFH . . all the things weve done , all the memories . . /tear


But the effects of the enchants are reduced on low level characters. Its not the end guys its not the end.
I levelled Theteh to 24 on the PTR, transferred all the guild BOAs to him and the DPR. I put all the lvl 90 enchants on his gear including the leg armor and shoulder enchants. I don't have some good enchants like spell power to the gloves or the belt buckel to add a gem to. I wasn't impressed with the PvE damage I was doing as a scumbag shadow priest. I think I need more crit. I never saw anyone on to try out PVP. I might have to download Recount on the PTR, Skada wasn't giving me the kind of DPS breakdown I was looking for.

I haven't tried it but couldn't we go to the PTR Forumns and provide input to Blizz on thier proposed 5.4 changes? My top 3 would be...
1) Put resilience back on PvP BoAs or 65% baseline.
2) 65% battle fatigue if 1) is implemented.
3) For the love of god, please buff hunters. I'm really looking forward to the all hunter BGs of the 5.4 era
They will have to adjust the numbers. P2ps dont have that much more hp than f2ps. It will affect them as well. Hope they spam the forums with qq

Why would they? They can all just reroll 24 rogue and run around with the same enchants as the 24 besides them. If what you propose would work, there'd be no enchanted heirlooms, no shadow-priest skills that make the 24 versions of them overpowered etc. But it doesn't because they can all just roll 24 spriest, some do, some don't.

Btw, seen like 500% more 24 SV hunters since 5.3, yay.
3) For the love of god, please buff hunters. I'm really looking forward to the all hunter BGs of the 5.4 era

Hunters are already more than viable. They don't need a buff. 5.4 is coming out with a ranged weapon enchant that procs for 300 ranged AP for any hunter below level 60.

What more could you ask for?
Hunters are already more than viable. They don't need a buff. 5.4 is coming out with a ranged weapon enchant that procs for 300 ranged AP for any hunter below level 60.

What more could you ask for?

Arcane Shot is getting buffed for 50% more damage. 500 crits inc.
Rogue with agility in 2 dagers, 90 agi in 1 dagger , 180 agi... , hunter with 90 agi and crit in bow ... :( ! Feral druid... , dont forget the PvP powa encahnts for P2Ps :( , the honor points 500 honor to 250 jp :( ! bad bad bad :(
You can see the change already. Every game in the last 3 days had more then 50% hunter/rogues.
Where are all those warriors from the last patch? I didnt see a mage for about a week I think either.....
When you look at what a rollercoaster f2p has been these past months, to think one more *possibly* wild change will somehow end f2ps is d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dumb.
When you look at what a rollercoaster f2p has been these past months, to think one more *possibly* wild change will somehow end f2ps is d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dumb.

24s wont touch shit when they're backpedaling like they do. Once you learn your class better than the 24, you can start killing 24s. I do it all day. Yes I play Ele. That's okay, though, because I can kill 24s. lol.
Arcane Shot is getting buffed for 50% more damage. 500 crits inc.

They're also increasing the focus cost, so yeah, while you'll see higher numbers it will do about the same overall damage per focus dump as it does now.

On Topic:

This is too big. Blizzard separated the twink brackets from the open brackets with exp on/off feature. I'm sure by 5.5 or 5.6 or 6.0 we'll have the f2p bracket all to ourselves. They aren't going to get a lot of new subscriptions if the legitimate trial players first experience in PvP is getting their shit tossed by someone with 38% crit and 97% avoidance.

The saddest part is, that there are 5 topics dedicated to crying about potential changes coming with 5.4 but I bet NO ONE has asked, or put into motion a topic in the PTR forums concerning the implications and consequences these changes will have when it comes to the F2P bracket.

If you people aren't willing to do something about this, or put even the smallest efforts into letting Blizzard know that they're shitting on potential customers then you people deserve to have your bracket ruined.
They're also increasing the focus cost, so yeah, while you'll see higher numbers it will do about the same overall damage per focus dump as it does now.

On Topic:

This is too big. Blizzard separated the twink brackets from the open brackets with exp on/off feature. I'm sure by 5.5 or 5.6 or 6.0 we'll have the f2p bracket all to ourselves. They aren't going to get a lot of new subscriptions if the legitimate trial players first experience in PvP is getting their shit tossed by someone with 38% crit and 97% avoidance.

The saddest part is, that there are 5 topics dedicated to crying about potential changes coming with 5.4 but I bet NO ONE has asked, or put into motion a topic in the PTR forums concerning the implications and consequences these changes will have when it comes to the F2P bracket.

If you people aren't willing to do something about this, or put even the smallest efforts into letting Blizzard know that they're shitting on potential customers then you people deserve to have your bracket ruined.

Wish I could like this a million more times.

The way I see it:

AT THE WORST, the only real advantage is the weapon enchants, but if the stat buff isn't strong enough alone, then those 2.5 attacks per second will be doing 30-50 damage, nothing we can't deal with right now.

AT THE BEST, 24s unsub because they cannot compete anymore. They typically need every bit of the 4 levels and enchants they get to compete anyways, via backpedaling, and just being VERY questionable.

Regardless of what happens, it's free. It WILL be played. May just be on a populated server so that a bunch of people can arena all the time, but whatever. The ONLY people really worried about this patch are the ones worried that their skill level isn't high enough to compensate.

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