Enchanting and you, a brief summery.

Question about Pandaria Enchanting - You said the cave by one keg for farming mats, but there are two caves. which one did you mean? Any other alternatives for pandaria chanting? I need the stupid offhand chant unfortunately for my F2P. I'm assuming thats easier to get than the cata one. Are there any quests that you know of that give items? I guess i can look it up on WoWhead but was just curious if there is anything else that has come up since this was made.

I just blew up one of the pandaria rares and it dropped me TWO BOPS, one that proc'd epic.
from one keg go up the hill into the snow cave, I think its called snow blossom cave or something. you can also kill mantid by the wall in valley of the four winds, they are not as good but are decent. Alliance can also farm the monkeys in jade forest by the city they start near. Horde can also farm the monkeys ( there are several areas with a high concentration of them) if they havent done the questline to make them friendly yet.
from one keg go up the hill into the snow cave, I think its called snow blossom cave or something. you can also kill mantid by the wall in valley of the four winds, they are not as good but are decent. Alliance can also farm the monkeys in jade forest by the city they start near. Horde can also farm the monkeys ( there are several areas with a high concentration of them) if they havent done the questline to make them friendly yet.

Where is this quest for the mote trader?
Where is this quest for the mote trader?

kunlai summit temple of the white tiger. the quest here will open the vale of eternal blossoms and the mote trader is in your factions respective shrine, usually by the flight path.
Is there a solo kind of way to farm Shado-pan rep for the Dancing Steel enchant?
not that I ama ware of, you can do the quests for them in kunlai summit and then a daily dungeon rep reward but outside of that I just don't know. you might be better off going for landslide anyway, I am pretty sure it gives more ap.
A few weeks ago I decided it was time to put a +12 agi (Mighty Agility) enchant from Cataclym expansion on my Gnarled Ash Staff.
The problem I had is that I didn't want to drop Engineering so here is what I did.

I went to Twilight Highlands, on the coast just north of Dragonmaw Port. Here nagas battle against the friendly NPCs, they spawn constantly, you can easily kill these mobs like you would do for mobs your level.

I got enough green items in maybe a couple hours (while queueing BGs) to raise Cataclysm Enchanting to 20, learn the recipe and have enough mats to craft Mighty Agility on my staff (for the dream shards you can just disenchant gear bought at legacy vendors in Orgrimmar).

I guess u mean the coastal area is good for Horde only. The Dragonmaw Defender NPCs are not friendly to Alliance. Nevertheless, I found a similar place for Alliance which is the river between the Thundermar & Firebeard's Patrol flight masters.

Another tip is since mostly likely we are farming the Cata green for hunters, we can switch to BM spec with Animal Companion Talent. This gives us 2 pets that not only tank for us, their combined auto attacks are actually quite useful when there are lots of missed attacks.
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I guess u mean the coastal area is good for Horde only. The Dragonmaw Defender NPCs are not friendly to Alliance. Nevertheless, I found a similar place for Alliance which is the river between the Thundermar & Firebeard's Patrol flight masters.

Another tips is since mostly likely we are farming the Cata green for hunters, we can switch to BM spec with Animal Companion Talent. This gives us 2 pets that not only tank for us, their combined auto attacks are actually quite useful when there are lots of missed attacks.

Yes, sorry, I totally overlooked the alli side, I was so relieved to see how easy cataclysm enchanting was compared to what I expected.
Is there a solo kind of way to farm Shado-pan rep for the Dancing Steel enchant?
I do the farm dailies in Halfhill that give 400 rep to various panda reps.
I farmed August Celestials to exalted and i’m 1k away from revered with Shado-pan, and even though it takes 3 minutes a day, it feels like i’ve been doing this forever… :)
I tried Illiyana Moonblaze for vanilla mats. But she is not selling anything to me, just offers 3 quests (Sentinel basic/standard/advanced Care Package). I was testing with my f2p lvl20. Did I miss anything?
I tried Illiyana Moonblaze for vanilla mats. But she is not selling anything to me, just offers 3 quests (Sentinel basic/standard/advanced Care Package). I was testing with my f2p lvl20. Did I miss anything?

Did you accept and turn in the quest? should be able to buy stuff after completing one.
For cata green, instead of farming lvl30 mobs, it is much better to d/e craft items from JC. Pickup mining first and mine either Obsidium Ore or Elementium Ore. Obsidium is preferred and can be mined easily in Shimmering Expanse, Vash'jir. You'll need something to give your underwater breathing and Noggenfogger Elixir is cheaply available from vendor. You'll also need an aquatic mount and Darkwater Skate is what a f2p/vet can get easily.

Switch to JC and prospect the ores and you will easily have all the gems for crafting these:
1 Nightstone Choker,
2 Jasper Ring,
3 Alicite Pendant,
4 Hessonite Band,
5 Carnelian Spikes (preferred)

All these require JC 1 - 10 only. D/E them will give you the Hypnotic Dust or Celestial Essence. Switch back to mining and continue until you have all required mats
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Enchant Ring - Binding of Versatility Level 1 formula is gated behind Level 45 Quest, therefore, its not accessible for F2P/Vets without access to active sub. Is there an alternative ring enchantment?
Enchant Ring - Binding of Versatility Level 1 formula is gated behind Level 45 Quest, therefore, its not accessible for F2P/Vets without access to active sub. Is there an alternative ring enchantment?
Not as good no. Its the only slot and f2p HAS to be worse than a vet. Either use the bad legion one or the one from garrison hut.
Some fuckery with dmf cannon and spirit rezzing. @Conzil had a nice picture guide posted in one of the discords but I'm drunk and afk atm. I'll try to find it in the morning if he doesn't beat me to it
Night ended earlier thasn expected, all credit to the cat :LFHCat: @Conzil

Just died along the mountain and rezzed me at crystals no need for any dmf cannon for anyone after spell power or Bashir landing


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Is there a solo kind of way to farm Shado-pan rep for the Dancing Steel enchant?

As I will add to what stickyo mentioned --

If F2P In a way yes, but it requires completing the Tiller's farm - once you complete the farm and get The Tiller main quest line completed and I believe one of the Best Friends at your farm.

There is a request board daily to use 8 plots for Shado Pan two-part daily for reputation - planting Green Cabbage; if you already have the Grand Commendation of the Shado-Pan on your account (requires Revered to purchase) this it doubles the reputation per daily.

w/o Commendation ~ 48 days
500 Reputation for Part 1 Day 1
500 Reputation for Part 2 Day 2

w Commendation ~ 24 days

The other way is try to grind the higher level mobs that give Shado-pan rep

If a vet with Chromie Time, there was once a Mist of Pandaria reputation daily for any MoP faction you had got Neutral with - so not sure if this is still enabled.
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