-Elders of the Naaru- Level 70 Twink Guild " The Sha'tar" Realm.

Maybe I feel like making a hunter, if I can be bothered to leve​l ^^
A warrior still does has rather good sustainable burst damage however it's all down to the gear you've got. Prot is probably your safest bet anyway :)
Also we've got SSC Tonight so you could start attempting to gear blossom in SSC :p
Hehe, well we've got a Mount hyjal run tomorrow and then we've got BT on Wednesday :3 On Saturday we're then going to attempt SWP :p
I cant wait to see you guys on the battlefield. The Sha'tar EU will have open world pvp once again. For The Horde !
There is a rival guild on the opposite faction to us on our own realm, they're also level 70 twinking guild who wish to seek out the members of " Elders of the Naaru" This will allow for open world PVP to take place. ALLIANCE vs HORDE. BRING...IT...ON!
" UPDATE " We require the following classes!

Resto Shamans.
Resto Druids.
Holy/Disc Priests.

For our raiding team, we're currently paladin heavy on the healing side of things, so we require a much more selected healing ratio!

We're also looking for the following DPS Classes:


We've got a great amount of hunters/rogues/warlocks etc, however we'd also like a greater DPS Class ratio.
My computer has packed up atm, If you're in need of an invite to the guild /w noisia / onlydreams or one of the active twinks online. Hopefully I'll be back online within the next couple of days " I believe the PSU Has blown " :(

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