-Elders of the Naaru- Level 70 Twink Guild " The Sha'tar" Realm.

We've changed our raiding schedule:

Our raid times have been changed to the following:


All of these events will start at the same time of 7:00/7:15PM RT.
Bumpy for a nice guy.
I've decided the guild is going to be raiding five days per week.
I've listed them in the following order:

Raiding Days:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Tuesday: Mount Hyjal or Karazhan (Challenge Run)
Thursday: Tempest Keep or Mount Hyjal
Friday: Black Temple
Saturday: Magtheridons Lair / Gruuls Lair
Sunday: Sunwell

We're also trying to recruit some more PVP based twinks into the guild, we're planning on forming a serious RBG Team however we're still bolstering our ranks to do so.
However raiding will still be our main priority.
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Okay thank you my friend, I shall fix this as soon as possible :3
We'll be attempting our first 25 man Sunwell run on a Sunday! Hoping for a full 25 man raid group.

In other news!

We're looking for some passionate PVP 70 Twinks!
We've already got a few players hitting past 1800 Arena rating in 2v2!

PVP is growing within the guild so we're trying to encourage it further!
Hello read this post a while back how is the guild atm?

Hello Tekkai :)
The guild is running great!

We're on 6/8 TBC Raids with an attempted sunwell guild run tonight! :) The guild is level 19 with over 120 members!
We're aiming on completing "Black Temple and Sunwell" completely within the next week or two.

We've also got a fair amount of PVPers within the guild which is pleasing!
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2 out of 6 - Sunwell!

Had trouble on Felmyst.
I would like to join, but have no previous experience of lvl70 twinking (did play a bit in tbc, never reached max), advice on class, i play boomkin and hpala at lvl90

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