Easy Egg Collection for Mount

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I am pino, and this thread has my seal of approval.

It's like using endorsed software to do your taxes that would otherwise take hours to accomplish without.

Turbo tax is cheating.

Keep telling yourself that.

Look, I am a software developer by profession. I understand the fun factor in hacking software and getting it to work in ways originally unintended by the developers. I LOVED modding games back in the day.

But this is an MMO, not a solo game. What you are doing is clearly cheating no matter how badly you want to remain in denial of it.

Everyone knows you bot, so it's not like the label "cheater" is going to lower your reputation any further in the eyes of those who think cheating is wrong. So just go ahead and use your cheat to get your Easter eggs faster, add the ugliest mount in the game to your botter's collection so that your mount count is increased by 1, and then display "the Noble" title on your character without the slightest sense of irony.
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It's like using endorsed software to do your taxes that would otherwise take hours to accomplish without.

Turbo tax is cheating.

Not really a good argument (weak). Turbo tax will not commit tax evasion and fraud. It helps get the job done and that is it. The law is do your taxes not "dont let anyone else or a machine do it for you or else, no assistance". Having something or someone doing taxes for you will not affect the economy.

First and foremost this really doesnt affect anyone. It makes getting the noble title and mount easier. Sure its cheating to get something that would otherwise take time to accomplish. The mount will not give anyone an advantage over anyone else via mechanics. It will not alter game play if a friend has it on 6 toons while you managed on 3.

Yes its cheating you cant really argue against it.

Does it give a player and advantage?....in what coolness pfft.

I dont even really see the point in needing to do this to get eggs. After a few rounds of an area, Ive seen where the eggs spawn and I know to check those spots as I go around, even if I cant see them. A quick mouse hover as I run by is enough to tell me if there's an egg there or not. Not hard...
haha good arguments

but i dont give a shit about eggs and ugly mounts lol
Not really a good argument (weak). Turbo tax will not commit tax evasion and fraud. It helps get the job done and that is it. The law is do your taxes not "dont let anyone else or a machine do it for you or else, no assistance". Having something or someone doing taxes for you will not affect the economy.

First and foremost this really doesnt affect anyone. It makes getting the noble title and mount easier. Sure its cheating to get something that would otherwise take time to accomplish. The mount will not give anyone an advantage over anyone else via mechanics. It will not alter game play if a friend has it on 6 toons while you managed on 3.

Yes its cheating you cant really argue against it.

Does it give a player and advantage?....in what coolness pfft.

I can't even understand if this is for or against my argument, but I'll try to make sense of it anyways.

As you state, indeed, Turbo Tax will not circumvent normal means of tax documentation, and will not allow you to accomplish tax evasion. In fact, neither does WMT allow you to circumvent the restrictions of WoW's universe. It is used merely as an aid to complete something that any player can do. It does not allow you to generate eggs, steal eggs, instantly acquire eggs - it just eases the process of collecting eggs that could otherwise be difficult. Just as navigating many thousands of documents on tax preparation can be troublesome, so is manuevering around all the visual obstacles in WoW.

But as stated by yourself, you acquire no advantage over other players using WMT, the often cited trait of "cheating". As no advantage is acquired, no "cheating" is occurring.

To the other arguers - attacking the speaker (me) rather than the argument is often seen as a logical fallacy and is very taboo. I still see no solid argument against using this tool, other than "but mommy, I spent 5 hours getting my achieve and he's doing it in 20 minutes!" But if we are gonna get dirty, I do find it funny that many of those crying "cheater" are notorious carebears, that love to submit themselves to Blizzard's RNG. Kill thousands of mobs at the chance of a pet dropping, with the possibility of getting completely cheated by Blizzard's sadistic RNG, and yet have the audacity to cry when someone takes matters into their own hands.
yeah should have multi quoted.

The first sentence was just mentioning you made a weak argument.

The rest was explaining what you shouldve said

The whole second paragraph is directed to Imirak as to why its not that big a deal and should not be treated as serious business.

(further reading on Serious business and other gamer related culture Serious Business - Television Tropes & Idioms )
There's always a tedious way of doing something, and a smarter way of accomplishing the same feat. I suppose the wheel wasn't that cool either to those not in the know. I'm just spreading the love.

Call it what you will--automation is against the rules; there's no getting around it. Your "smarter way" is nothing but breaking the rules of the game to gain an unfair advantage.
Wait they are seriously upset about the WMT thing!?

They are seriously just upset that they spend so much time whoring achievements. They feel threatened golden hahahaha

Please. I have exactly one F2P toon.

I don't care if you guys cheat to get achievements. I mean, some of you guys already bot for epeen in the trial version of an MMO -- and for multiple toons, lol! What is a little extra cheating for achievements if you are willing to bot? The whole thing is comical. After all, I am pretty sure that you guys spend more time botting in wow than I spend actually playing the game.

But if you are going to deny that it is cheating, then I'm simply going to correct you.
Please. I have exactly one F2P toon.

I don't care if you guys cheat to get achievements. I mean, some of you guys already bot for epeen in the trial version of an MMO -- and for multiple toons, lol! What is a little extra cheating for achievements if you are willing to bot? The whole thing is comical. After all, I am pretty sure that you guys spend more time botting in wow than I spend actually playing the game.

But if you are going to deny that it is cheating, then I'm simply going to correct you.

As you've said yourself previously, breaking the game is just as fun as playing it. Are you gonna judge people for playing a game the way they want to? What are you, some sort of F2P tyrant?

You sound like an angry old man.
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