Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

I wasn't originally going to say this, but after reading so many comments about balance issues and globaling...

If you guys want to premade 10v10s in a balanced bracket where people aren't getting insta-killed... PM me, and we can talk Molten 39s. /shrug
I wasn't originally going to say this, but after reading so many comments about balance issues and globaling...

If you want to premade 10v10s in a balanced bracket where people aren't getting insta-killed... PM me, and we can arrange RuneScape 07 clan matches.
I wasn't originally going to say this, but after reading so many comments about balance issues and globaling...

If you want to premade 10v10s in a balanced bracket where people aren't getting insta-killed... PM me, and we can arrange RuneScape 07 clan matches.

Oh silly you.
I wasn't originally going to say this, but after reading so many comments about balance issues and globaling...

If you want to premade 10v10s in a balanced bracket where people aren't getting insta-killed... PM me, and we can arrange RuneScape 07 clan matches.

Never played. It any good?
Yup it's a nice game, too much grinding though

Ah. Not my thing then. The main thing I'm trying to do right now is set up a community to be able to play premades a couple times a week and then not worry about having to farm or anything like that.
I would be interested in f2p restricted games, though mainly from curiosity.

I can't agree with the arguements suggesting that it would be so much more balanced though - perhaps a little. However, the gaps between certain classes are so much more distinct at f2p than at 24.
Think in terms of anyspec Mage vs anyspec Hunter. At 24, the mage could keep up. At f2p it's an impossibility. The power switch just goes from the majority of ranged classes being viable (24) to hunters being the only real ranged burst you got(f2p).
Inb4 arguements about destro / balance / ele, I have them all at f2p and know they do have some potential, but in a premade situation, the hunter will still be on top. (Perhaps a hunter restriction in the premade rules would solve this?)

Another thing is that the overall lower burst will be counterbalanced by overall lower HP pools - does noone else see this? The thing about something dropping as soon as the target is called will carry down to f2p just as easily.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that a f2p game would be more interesting to watch than the ifyou'renotfastyou'relast-fest of a 24 game, but I don't think that takes away any merit from 24 premades - it's a different meta.
Mana issues will be much more of a problem for sure @ f2p so different playstyles will be interesting. And different setups due to the unavailability of monks would be fun to see.

But at the end of the day it's called f2p for a reason. It was never a secret that actual f2ps couldn't group up themselves, or organise anything without at least 1 or 2 p2ps. And everyone knew that when they signed up to the bracket. F2P Games would be interesting for sure, but to the F2P's who think that it's the only important thing in life, why roll a f2p? When they don't have the capacity to create those games. It's a lone wolf version of the game.

Hopefully a f2p restricted game would also alter the attitudes from the f2p's who BASH 24's who don't even play in their bg's.
I would be interested in f2p restricted games, though mainly from curiosity.

I can't agree with the arguements suggesting that it would be so much more balanced though - perhaps a little. However, the gaps between certain classes are so much more distinct at f2p than at 24.
Think in terms of anyspec Mage vs anyspec Hunter. At 24, the mage could keep up. At f2p it's an impossibility. The power switch just goes from the majority of ranged classes being viable (24) to hunters being the only real ranged burst you got(f2p).
Inb4 arguements about destro / balance / ele, I have them all at f2p and know they do have some potential, but in a premade situation, the hunter will still be on top. (Perhaps a hunter restriction in the premade rules would solve this?)

Another thing is that the overall lower burst will be counterbalanced by overall lower HP pools - does noone else see this? The thing about something dropping as soon as the target is called will carry down to f2p just as easily.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that a f2p game would be more interesting to watch than the ifyou'renotfastyou'relast-fest of a 24 game, but I don't think that takes away any merit from 24 premades - it's a different meta.
Mana issues will be much more of a problem for sure @ f2p so different playstyles will be interesting. And different setups due to the unavailability of monks would be fun to see.

But at the end of the day it's called f2p for a reason. It was never a secret that actual f2ps couldn't group up themselves, or organise anything without at least 1 or 2 p2ps. And everyone knew that when they signed up to the bracket. F2P Games would be interesting for sure, but to the F2P's who think that it's the only important thing in life, why roll a f2p? When they don't have the capacity to create those games. It's a lone wolf version of the game.

Hopefully a f2p restricted game would also alter the attitudes from the f2p's who BASH 24's who don't even play in their bg's.

"I can't agree with the arguements suggesting that it would be so much more balanced though - perhaps a little. However, the gaps between certain classes are so much more distinct at f2p than at 24."

Yeah, shadow priests are useless at 20. I would still rather render a spec useless for dps than have it global everything :p Yes, mages are weaker at 20 but arcane still has good burst and damage potential. Hunters lose CS, mages lose some damage. I don't see a problem with DPS being in different order from good to bad as f2p than what they'd be as 24; every team has same rules when it comes to the teams premade comp anyways.

"Another thing is that the overall lower burst will be counterbalanced by overall lower HP pools - does noone else see this? The thing about something dropping as soon as the target is called will carry down to f2p just as easily."

Nuh-uh. Most of 24 hp comes from gear only. People prefer actual DPS chants for DPS toons, so they don't really get too much stamina from p2p enchants. They do, however, get a shitload of extra damage from the enchants. F2Ps don't really get either at all from their chants, therefore the damage:healthpool ratio is healthier as f2p. Or do you guys stack a lot of stamina in your premade gears? I might be wrong here because haven't premaded at 24, so correct me on this one if I'm talking bs, please.

Forgive me if this post has a lot of spelling errors or other weird shit, I've been awake pretty long D:

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Yeah, shadow priests are useless at 20. I would still rather render a spec useless for dps than have it global everything :p Yes, mages are weaker at 20 but arcane still has good burst and damage potential. Hunters lose CS, mages lose some damage. I don't see a problem with DPS being in different order from good to bad as f2p than what they'd be as 24; every team has same rules when it comes to the teams premade comp anyways.

I guess you're right about spriests, and also the point about the comps. But I wasn't trying to point out mages are super weak, given the choice I'd probs roll an arc mage in a f2p team, I just mean that the gap between Hunter and other classes is much larger. But like you said, comp restrictions would fix that anyway so it minimises the issue.

Nuh-uh. Most of 24 hp comes from gear only. People prefer actual DPS chants for DPS toons, so they don't really get too much stamina from p2p enchants. They do, however, get a shitload of extra damage from the enchants. F2Ps don't really get either at all from their gears, therefore the damage:healthpool ratio is healthier as f2p. Or do you guys stack a lot of stamina in your premade gears? I might be wrong here because haven't premaded at 24, so correct me on this one if I'm talking bs, please.

Well it mainly affects frontline classes like Ele, Hunter, BM monk. At 24 they're gonna have 14 stam chests, glove reinforcements and AGMs cause they have to be the shields at the front of the team. Which is something that's an impossibility for f2ps. But yeah, majority of other 24's are rolling stam from gear only with rest of chants being DPS, with the exception of maybe chest for some things.
I would be interested in f2p restricted games, though mainly from curiosity.

I can't agree with the arguements suggesting that it would be so much more balanced though - perhaps a little. However, the gaps between certain classes are so much more distinct at f2p than at 24.
Think in terms of anyspec Mage vs anyspec Hunter. At 24, the mage could keep up. At f2p it's an impossibility. The power switch just goes from the majority of ranged classes being viable (24) to hunters being the only real ranged burst you got(f2p).
Inb4 arguements about destro / balance / ele, I have them all at f2p and know they do have some potential, but in a premade situation, the hunter will still be on top. (Perhaps a hunter restriction in the premade rules would solve this?)

Another thing is that the overall lower burst will be counterbalanced by overall lower HP pools - does noone else see this? The thing about something dropping as soon as the target is called will carry down to f2p just as easily.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that a f2p game would be more interesting to watch than the ifyou'renotfastyou'relast-fest of a 24 game, but I don't think that takes away any merit from 24 premades - it's a different meta.
Mana issues will be much more of a problem for sure @ f2p so different playstyles will be interesting. And different setups due to the unavailability of monks would be fun to see.

But at the end of the day it's called f2p for a reason. It was never a secret that actual f2ps couldn't group up themselves, or organise anything without at least 1 or 2 p2ps. And everyone knew that when they signed up to the bracket. F2P Games would be interesting for sure, but to the F2P's who think that it's the only important thing in life, why roll a f2p? When they don't have the capacity to create those games. It's a lone wolf version of the game.

Hopefully a f2p restricted game would also alter the attitudes from the f2p's who BASH 24's who don't even play in their bg's.

Baldi the Drunken Philospher..
Im down for f2p restricted games tho, if needed ^^
I guess you're right about spriests, and also the point about the comps. But I wasn't trying to point out mages are super weak, given the choice I'd probs roll an arc mage in a f2p team, I just mean that the gap between Hunter and other classes is much larger. But like you said, comp restrictions would fix that anyway so it minimises the issue.

Well it mainly affects frontline classes like Ele, Hunter, BM monk. At 24 they're gonna have 14 stam chests, glove reinforcements and AGMs cause they have to be the shields at the front of the team. Which is something that's an impossibility for f2ps. But yeah, majority of other 24's are rolling stam from gear only with rest of chants being DPS, with the exception of maybe chest for some things.

No hunts allowed (dramatic sound).
No stam. all dmg.

edit: oh darn 666 likes, you just liked the devil [MENTION=7799]Balditron[/MENTION].
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I think people just need to step up their game and awareness if they want their friends to survive nothing more nothing less.
Just wanna apologise to the people that were watching my stream. We lacked preparation for this we didnt even speak to eachother for like 3 days before the pramde and then aswell one of our dps couldnt play so we had to get a random which didnt work out at all. So when I peaked at like 40 viewers after second game and it was that bad I felt so bad. Sorry for the bad entertainment and if we are ever to play a premade again we will prepare a long time before and try to pug bgs with everyone that would be to play.
Just wanna apologise to the people that were watching my stream. We lacked preparation for this we didnt even speak to eachother for like 3 days before the pramde and then aswell one of our dps couldnt play so we had to get a random which didnt work out at all. So when I peaked at like 40 viewers after second game and it was that bad I felt so bad. Sorry for the bad entertainment and if we are ever to play a premade again we will prepare a long time before and try to pug bgs with everyone that would be to play.

Doubt that would up your game. Never seen a pro boxer prep for a game by knocking out kids with a crowbar.
Yeah it looked exactly as you tell. But, like i've said before, i encourage these kind of premades for the simple fact that it keeps you out of the f2p games.

Don't need to apologise to anyone, just try to improve comunication positioning, also get another rogue(dont want to be disrispectful) but that guy had no clue of what to do and i dont believe it was because lack of comm.

Practice more in wargames and don't be discouraged.

Ps: pug'ing vs f2p's wont make you improve, it will only make you look bad as most 24's pugging vs f2p's look.

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