Dreamcast Vs Gurubashi Surf Club

Looked like a lot of fun :)
WTB f2p restricted premades or something, to be completely honest those games looked boring as shit :( Everything gets 1-shot on target call...

Good job for GSC for the win though, and for Dreamcast for the good effort :)
WTB f2p restricted premades or something, to be completely honest those games looked boring as shit :( Everything gets 1-shot on target call...

Good job for GSC for the win though, and for Dreamcast for the good effort :)

What i would love to see was a p2p premade with defensive enchants allowed only. Say everyone was to enchant as much stamina as they could + only enchants like colossus/windsong that didnt grant dramatically improved dmg. That would be fun to watch imo
Im a big GSC fanboy... but gotta agree with mesikammen dont think you guys will find anyone challenging in this bracket unless those guys you played a few weeks ago get more xp in this bracket but theyd probly rather sit and stroke their egos in the only bracket they are "kings".. typical twinks.
I dunno, i will be willing to go to any bracket tbh... 90 is the only thing that bores me atm with the gear requirment to do arena and such...
WTB f2p restricted premades or something, to be completely honest those games looked boring as shit :( Everything gets 1-shot on target call...

Good job for GSC for the win though, and for Dreamcast for the good effort :)

Would prefer f2p restricted premades than 24, if others are up for it.
Tbh a regular premade with even teams like GSC vs TL is way more entertaining, this was a good example of how lack of experience regarding both teamplay but also premades in general can be a huge factor in 10v10's. I'd say that DC got a handful of really got players that can match GSC, but we have never palyed together and some of us have none premade experience in the 24's at all.

It was an embarrasing loss and the most one-sided game I have ever witnessed, so DC will have to think of ways of how to improve :)
I'm pretty sure GSC would field a f2p restriced team if we had a guild to play against. Major problem is that since f2ps cant do wargames that the only option would be to simqueue which is not that viable.
WTB f2p restricted premades or something, to be completely honest those games looked boring as shit :( Everything gets 1-shot on target call...

Good job for GSC for the win though, and for Dreamcast for the good effort :)

Everything dies on target call even if F2P restricted. That's why low level pvp is so crappy :(. 2-3 dps hitting one target is insta kill due too battle fatigue.
Everything dies on target call even if F2P restricted. That's why low level pvp is so crappy :(. 2-3 dps hitting one target is insta kill due too battle fatigue.

I don't think it's battle fatigue, it's the 5.4 enchants. I mean come on, sure you can crit a lucky 1k fulmi on a f2p, or get raped in a global by f2ps because they happen to hit 5 crits at the same time. Still, it's nothing compared to a shadow priest having the possibility to 1-shot anything every 24 seconds, and crit what 1,2k every 8sec? Or ele shammy spamming 1k lightning bolts with 40% crit :p

No, I'm not QQing about p2ps, I'm QQing because the quality of 24 premades is total shit due to people melting literally in a global on a constant basis. (Just to make sure no1s gonna come here "You hypocrite u play p2p aswel")
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Since when? Or is it just BGs they cant do?

BG wargames require XP on for some reason, so f2ps are unable to do it.
I'm sure some out of the box thinkers can find a solution to this.
Or just f2p restricted groups.
I don't think it's battle fatigue, it's the 5.4 enchants. I mean come on, sure you can crit a lucky 1k fulmi on a f2p, or get raped in a global by f2ps because they happen to hit 5 crits at the same time. Still, it's nothing compared to a shadow priest having the possibility to 1-shot anything every 24 seconds, and crit what 1,2k every 8sec? Or ele shammy spamming 1k lightning bolts with 40% crit :p

No, I'm not QQing about p2ps, I'm QQing because the quality of 24 premades is total shit due to people melting literally in a global on a constant basis. (Just to make sure no1s gonna come here "You hypocrite u play p2p aswel")

Nah man, it's not a f2p v p2p thing. I agree no enchants could only lower burst. But lets say a rogue and hunter gets put on you, it might take an extra global but you're gonna be just as dead. Maybe if it was restricted to UP classes too?

I dunno, I just think low level pvp as just had it for this expansion.
Nah man, it's not a f2p v p2p thing. I agree no enchants could only lower burst. But lets say a rogue and hunter gets put on you, it might take an extra global but you're gonna be just as dead. Maybe if it was restricted to UP classes too?

I dunno, I just think low level pvp as just had it for this expansion.

Aye you're right, rogue and hunter burst is out of hands even as f2p, but it's a lot different in a 10v10 premade than pugs. Healers actually know how to keep you up, and rogues get insta gibbed if they open in midclash :p

'I dunno, I just think low level pvp as just had it for this expansion.'
Agree 100% with this, I've never seen low level pvp this unbalanced since I started this game...
Yeh, this premade was horrible and as some1 mentioned before: I've never ever played such an uneven premade in my years of twinking. Just by listening to GSC after u could tell what it would look like before the game even started. We had never played together before and I played a class I never play for example. The only exp I got with DC is on ele and with arty and lifestealing in bgs from time to time. This loss struck hard even tho there wasn't much competiotion going on. I've wanted to play premades for so long but now I've lost my spark. Maybe face gsc C-team or SPC next time and on ele...

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