Recently I was running BFD on my Rogue, Group was fine and only competition I had for gear was a feral druid. Throughout the run 1 of the dps a priest was being a total ass and doing next to nothing, Myself and other members had a said a few things to him I usually don't but this guy was beyond douchebag like. But anywho we were on the 2nd last boss and doomspike dropped! I was excited but expected it to get taken by this douchebag, Nope! but his healer friend did.. Lost it to a disc priest! But now im even more determined to dual wield these babies so im wondering with low droprates I have researched do u think it is worth it as a lvl 20 f2p to farm these guys or just go for boa daggers? I am assuming doomspike scale better though? anyway thought id share the experience and get your opinion!