

Recently I was running BFD on my Rogue, Group was fine and only competition I had for gear was a feral druid. Throughout the run 1 of the dps a priest was being a total ass and doing next to nothing, Myself and other members had a said a few things to him :p I usually don't but this guy was beyond douchebag like. But anywho we were on the 2nd last boss and doomspike dropped! I was excited but expected it to get taken by this douchebag, Nope! but his healer friend did.. Lost it to a disc priest! :( But now im even more determined to dual wield these babies :) so im wondering with low droprates I have researched do u think it is worth it as a lvl 20 f2p to farm these guys or just go for boa daggers? I am assuming doomspike scale better though? anyway thought id share the experience and get your opinion!
Doomspike for sure, not sure on the scaling. Good luck farming if you do decide.
Can Admin please move this to the proper forum? I hadn't seen the questions and answer's thread before I posted, Sorry :)
It got 1.5 speed , other daggers got 1.8 i think , scales 5/5.
Bis , Airles @ Moonguard is the best rogue i know , he has RoP FoL , Foreman Gloves.Doomspike x2.

The speed's 1.8 now. Like others have said it's BiS for agility stacking. But Wicked's give you 1.24% crit for a loss of 2 agility... so that's hard to pass up. If you want to farm a sexy mog that will drive you insane see Assassin's Blade. Sorry you lost the roll, going forward I find it's almost better to not tell them you are looking for something. Most people don't even realize what these things are and the ones that do roll greed so it doesn't bind and they can sell on the AH.
The speed's 1.8 now. Like others have said it's BiS for agility stacking. But Wicked's give you 1.24% crit for a loss of 2 agility... so that's hard to pass up. If you want to farm a sexy mog that will drive you insane see Assassin's Blade. Sorry you lost the roll, going forward I find it's almost better to not tell them you are looking for something. Most people don't even realize what these things are and the ones that do roll greed so it doesn't bind and they can sell on the AH.

1 agi for 5 crit.
  • Wicked BiS Mainhand and Offhand all outside BG for Sub!

  • Wicked BiS Mainhand and Offhand for Assa in BG

  • Doomspike BiS Mainhand for Sub in BG

  • Offhand for Sub in BG you choose between :
    • Tailspike ( max dps Stats for Sub)
    • Doomspike if you prefer Stamina
    • Pve Loom Dagger
    • Dissector if Alli!
On my F2P agil glass cannon rogue, I've been trying to get these bad boys for months now.

I lost 'em once to a 24 twink who only needed on it because he knew I was a F2P and he wanted to troll me.
It's BiS for Agi stacking so if you wanna be "BiS" you could start farming for 2x. But since the difference is really tiny, I'd say use your time having fun instead :)

Also what's the name of that Aggramar rogue that just got his 2nd Doomspike?
i has 2 doomspikes on my rogue but i use pve loom on mine in oh just because it is 1.7 speed ( fastest dagger with decent dps ) .

heres my decision reasoning for the trade in oh .

1) faster dagger for more poison at no loss to ambush and other abilities cause its in oh.
2) 1 agi for 3 crit and 1 hit seems fair enough .

yess i loose 5 stam but since when has a rogue ever needed stam -.-
What about for an enhance shaman? Got one on my enhance, wondering if I should use one or two.

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