[DMF] Death Metal Knight, Loot Requirements!


I've seen a lot of misinformation about this so here's some info to clear things up.

- You're only eligble for special loot (toy / helm / weapon) once a month pr/character.
This is highlighted by the fact that his Dragon Elite portrait turns from Gray to Golden after the first kill, and will no longer show up as a star on the minimap. (Similar to how Legion zone rare mobs work).

- It is NOT weekly.
His portrait remains golden after the weekly reset

- The level requirement for all the special loot is level 60.
This is highlighted by the fact that his Dragon Elite portrait is not Gray unless you're level 60+ for your first monthly kill.

The armory and wowhead also has level 60 as the default level in the tooltips:


The fact that the toy, a non-scaleable item, is also level 60 seems to further confirm these claims.

Another thing that confirms this, is the fact that you can't transmog the items if you're below level 60;


Hope this clears it up
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Source? And unfortunately the mog lvl req doesn't mean much

What do you want me to source exactly, Blizzard has written nothing about this event and there's very limited information out there. I found this comment that atleast agrees with me about the monthly requirement, http://www.wowhead.com/npc=122899/death-metal-knight#comments:id=2505858

I've found nothing written about a level requirement, but due to;

The fact that his gray icon never shows up on characters below level 60 seems to indicate that they're not eligble for loot, and the fact that there's no proof of any characters below level 60 in possesion of these items

That after you kill him once on a level 60+ his gray icon goes to gold and you're not eligble for loot anymore that month

If there's any indication that characters below 60 can get loot it's probably this quest,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=47767/death-metal-knight That says required level 1


not sure if this is to any help;

it's taken from the armory of a level 60 so it could very possibly be just the level of whatever level you obtained it at
What do you want me to source exactly, Blizzard has written nothing about this event and there's very limited information out there. I found this comment that atleast agrees with me about the monthly requirement, http://www.wowhead.com/npc=122899/death-metal-knight#comments:id=2505858

I've found nothing written about a level requirement, but due to;

The fact that his gray icon never shows up on characters below level 60 seems to indicate that they're not eligble for loot, and the fact that there's no proof of any characters below level 60 in possesion of these items

That after you kill him once on a level 60+ his gray icon goes to gold and you're not eligble for loot anymore that month

If there's any indication that characters below 60 can get loot it's probably this quest,
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=47767/death-metal-knight That says required level 1
Cool, i just wouldn't present it as facts as it's speculation. Probably good speculation but we still don't know.
why are people in denial, no one below 60 has gotten it so far, what more proof do you need
the only hope right now is; This isnt how its meant to be and blizz will fix soon

be reasonable and realistic
why are people in denial, no one below 60 has gotten it so far, what more proof do you need
the only hope right now is; This isnt how its meant to be and blizz will fix soon

be reasonable and realistic
Idk the silver vs gold dragon could be tested. I imagine most people are not switching characters as they want the helm on their main.
why are people in denial, no one below 60 has gotten it so far, what more proof do you need
the only hope right now is; This isnt how its meant to be and blizz will fix soon

be reasonable and realistic
I think it's less denial and more hope. With there being so many new Compound RNG systems added to WoW in Legion thanks to the Diablo Dev(s) coming over, I'm sure many are still hoping it's yet another bug/oversight by Blizz.
Proof of his gray elite dragon portrait and loot

If you're below 60 you'll see it as gold
If you've already killed him this month you'll see it as gold

edit: screenshot is from PTR
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Same goes for Live, I tested it there (atleast in terms of the Golden and Silver Rare Portrait rim).

< level 60 = Never Rare Elite
> level 60 = Once Rare Elite in one DMF

Whether that's tied to loot (grey items and gold will continue dropping anyway) is another question.

I got the Toy on my 70, but forgot to check the level, but I assume it was level 60 requirement.

Haven't gotten the helm or mace though.
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Same goes for Live, I tested it there (atleast in terms of the Golden and Silver Rare Portrait rim).

< level 60 = Never Rare Elite
> level 60 = Once in DMF

Whether that's tied to loot (grey items and gold will continue dropping anyway) is another question.

I got the Toy on my 70, but forgot to check the level, but I assume it was level 60 requirement.

Haven't gotten the helm or mace though.
On Live
This, unfortunately, seems to be the truth. I've run it on 12 20s now and none have had any luck. I hop on my 102 warrior (unleveled alt) and boom got the helmet.
Another thing I want to include to avoid being misunderstood:

Just because you're eligble for the special loot once a month, does not mean you're guaranteed to get loot
I got the toy and the helm on a secondary kill. By secondary, I mean it was not that character's first time killing him that month.
I do not have a screenshot. You all will just have to take my word for it. More likely than not it was the first kill of of the day on that toon as I was on a rotational schedule. I will have to go back and check to see what level toon it was that obtained it.

I’ve been killing dmk monthly on my 20 and still nothing.

I assume 25 - 30+ if it’s keeping with the old presquish requirements
Just check his portrait.
if it’s silver, you can get the juicy stuff.
if it’s gold, you can’t.

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