I mean, it wasn't a big deal which is why nothing was said, but we were basically pugging. Sure, everyone had the jcm tag, but even that day we didn't have any specific team, it was pretty much 30 minutes before the game 'okay who's on'. I wasn't stressed about it because I knew we'd have 10 players on, but it we picked up pretty much everyone who was on at the time. Several of them were players who were friends of other players and hadn't ever premaded before.
Not saying Fancy didn't have the better team, he did, but if that was a 'jcm' team it was the barest of bones. You listened to our vod so you know we literally just went in to play some games and didn't bother with strat because it was just for something to do. We were just having fun.
Basing Anatomyz play on that is pretty ludicrous, especially when TC videos exist with voice comms of our team.
I'm not bashing jcm or anatomyz at all. Notice I never came out of the games saying "OMG jcm is so fkn trsh, can't even beat a RID premade kek". The games were put together to test out what the premade scene could offer, and that was great!
I simply brought up the difference in brewmasters, because someone was arguing that they should be banned from premades because they have a low skillcap. So, I gave an example of how a bm monk could outplay another one