Can't you all just get along?
Are you us or eu? I've been qing 69 boomkin and rdruid for 3 weeks US, solo and in groups. I've been out front Org dueling 60s and 69s. I just don't see some huge number of 60s or have even seen a 60 only discord advertised like 99s in legion (who did war games with an active community of 30~ twinks).
69 is master race dunno why that's so upsetting
Just curious because I’d like to level a rogue to 60 but is there enough community doing raid content ect so I can gear him out once I get there?
id say 60 is better then 69 you may get more prim stats but the way it works now haste crit ver ect. are better to stack take in to account every time you level you lower ur crit and haste values% just like end game haveing higher secondary stats make ur class feel better stronger less cluncky