Re: 19s Community Streams
You just told us that you technically banned Yowza for something he didn't do and I assume this wasn't the only time.
I told you Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING which in the CoC CLEARLY STATED would result in a permanent ban which he did 100% definitely do. It's a known fact that Yowza was sharing his account with Barb and he was banned for exactly that (although given a different reason per special occurrence). There is no arguing that yowza didn't allow barb access to his account. It is 100% factual.
His signature was also too large which wouldn't ever earn anyone a ban. I really didn't want Barb knowing that I knew he was using Yowzas account so the reason given to Yowza was a simple signature rule violation.
Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING
Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING
Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING
Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING
Yowza was banned for ACCOUNT SHARING
Still have yet to see a single example. I will level my twinks, delete my TI account if anyone can give me this mound of evidence of me being some corrupt tyrant where I was constantly banning everybody for 0 reason. Every time I interacted with ANYONE'S account was because of a BLATANT and CLEAR CoC violation. There is 0 evidence against this whatsoever. I am sick of being scapegoated and blamed for shit that there is ZERO proof of ever existing. Someone would get banned for posting IRL pictures of people and trashing them (clear CoC violation) and then tell everyone they were banned for no reason and their friends would just go "omg did you hear Mocha banned ____ for no reason". Straight up sheeple. No evidence ever supported in any of these claims.
Give me a single time I ever banned ANYONE for ZERO reason. I'm so sick of being ragged on with nothing by hypotheticals. Bring up any ban I ever initiated and I will give you 100% reasoning to the best of my memory as to why they were banned and I will quote the former CoC on every single occurrence.
You can even have the TI staff go back into ban reasoning threads and infractions given by me for any single time I've ever interacted with anyone's account. There's are mounds of justification for every action and someone with access to that part of the site can site countless examples.
There is not one single example of me ever banning anyone on the site for 0 reason yet you guys are tossing around that I did left and right. I defy any of you to bring up a single occurrence to me.
Nicozy - Repeatingly posting prohibited material despite several warnings from Shane and myself
Dorygon - Repeating trolling / infraction accumulation
Stubs - Posting Valencia's IRL pix and continuing to insult TI staff
Kancer - Repeatingly posting shirtless men despite multiple warnings before any infractions.
Flamer - Repeatingly creating and using multiple TI accounts
Restosexual - Repeatingly creating and using multiple TI accounts
Nudge - Scamming flamer over a shadowfang
Yowza - Repeatingly account sharing with Barb
Not many actions were ever taken on a 1 strike you're out basis. Most of the times I ever acted were due mainly to repetition. I still defy you to provide me with any examples. Every single member has been unbanned by Myrm. Since there are apparently 50 people whom wanted me kicked, have them give me a single example when I acted against their accounts with 0 reason that
was not backed by the old CoC. It should be incredibly easy yet not a single person has brought forth a single piece of evidence.
You can blame me all you want for banning people. I'll never admit that I didn't ban people, but the blame goes to those whom repeatedly broke the CoC and disregarded it completely... Otherwise they wouldn't have accumulated all of the infractions necessary to earn them bans through the automatic system.
I still remember when everyone was telling me to unban Stubs just because he's a big name Eu twinker. Bias and corruption would be for me to grant him immunity to the CoC simply because he is a popular twinker. In him repeatingly posting Valencia's IRL pictures, flaming, AND CREATING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS, he banned himself. I even had to permaban one of my good friends since 2007 (Nudge) for scamming flamer. If I were biased and corrupt, Nudge probably wouldn't have even seen an infraction... I wouldn't have been texting back and forth with Flamer gaining every bit of Flamer's side of things and I wouldn't have gone through and proved to everyone on TI that Nudge's paypal screenshots were fabricated.
The ball is in your court. I've been hoping for this mound of evidence against me to see the light of day so I can admit mistakes taken, apologize to those people and move on yet when I go to challenge myself and find the times I've banned people for 0 reason, I simply cannot find any. I'm not going to apologize to people whom banned themselves. I will gladly apologize to anyone, delete my twinks, delete my TI account if I can see a single time someone was right in saying that they were banned by me for 0 reason and that I was doing so simply to be a tyrant.