US This is what ques look like when the Gucci Crew ques

Hey I'm at work, no fair! Haha <3
Stuck in guccisyard, rumsy bums and twinks don't eat pussies, where you guys at tho. Stop listening to good charlotte and tell your mom's to let you on the computer. #gg twinks r1 #gucciflex
Kek @ people that think it is "cool" to do illegal drugs. Or at least pretend to do them.

It sure seems that other brackets are flourishing a bit more than others. That is a shame. If only people's attitudes toward new people coming in and the treatment toward everyone was more welcoming maybe queue times would not be so long. There once was a time when Horde had <1 min wait time.
GG Twinks is more than welcoming. Not our fault a 99% win ratio keeps the alliance players from wanting to que. I guess people don't like getting wrekt every bg....wait do people really not enjoy that?? #GG TWINKS R1 #GUCCIFLEX

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