Dear < The Chosen Few >

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I don't understand how people cannot see that switching from there main classes to make a hunter is harmful to all. I understand some have been hunters forever and that's cool. If it's the twink you love and have been playing forever, I understand. But a good number of people see how good hunters are doing atm and automatically have to make a hunter. Which leads to why every game is almost half hunters on each team. When half the team is hunters, the fun gets sucked out of the game, It's like they run in a pack shooting you before you even get a chance to do anything. This discourages people from queing cuz they get wrecked by hunters or in alternative they go make a hunter because they wanna rape shit too. You can do just fine on any class if you know how to play it... The que times will get longer if this keeps up. : /
augiddin said:
your guild shouldn't be premading period unless its against another organized team thats my opinion.

Pugs is where I always practiced for premades, where else are you going to do it at?
Beastly said:
We were here before pizza ever was. He can transfer and face us if he would like.

Wouldn't be worth our time.
Pizza said:
Wouldn't be worth our time.

No need to be so cocky. Give us two months, before than we will be defiantly be worth your time and money to faction to play us. Pizza, you're a good player, but you're not the only one.
I may be a shameless omnivore, but I can appreciate tofu. This thread is going nowhere; I'd like to hear more about the tofu, or maybe even the peanut noodles.

As a vegan, what sort of substitute would you recommend for Parmesan cheese? I find that a generous sprinkle of good, aged, authentic Reggiano over just about any noodle - peanut or otherwise - coated lightly with extra virgin olive oil, with some crushed garlic and cracked black peppercorns, makes the entire dish. I'd be in the dark if I tried to pull it off sans-dairy.

Also, how do I keep the tofu from breaking? I'm still quite the novice in it's preparation. Any tips would be well appreciated.
The Unspeakable said:
I may be a shameless omnivore, but I can appreciate tofu. This thread is going nowhere; I'd like to hear more about the tofu, or maybe even the peanut noodles.

As a vegan, what sort of substitute would you recommend for Parmesan cheese? I find that a generous sprinkle of good, aged, authentic Reggiano over just about any noodle - peanut or otherwise - coated lightly with extra virgin olive oil, with some crushed garlic and cracked black peppercorns, makes the entire dish. I'd be in the dark if I tried to pull it off sans-dairy.

Also, how do I keep the tofu from breaking? I'm still quite the novice in it's preparation. Any tips would be well appreciated.

There are vegan mock cheeses that you can buy at health food stores/most supermarkets. The quality varies, biggest complaint is they don't melt well. I personally don't use them. I mostly top my pasta dishes with EVOO and a light amount of salt and pepper. As far as tofu. freezing it until you plan on using it gives it a firmer "meat-like" texture. As far as breakage, I don't have much problem with it. as long as you buy the extra firm type.
The Unspeakable said:
I may be a shameless omnivore, but I can appreciate tofu. This thread is going nowhere; I'd like to hear more about the tofu, or maybe even the peanut noodles.

As a vegan, what sort of substitute would you recommend for Parmesan cheese? I find that a generous sprinkle of good, aged, authentic Reggiano over just about any noodle - peanut or otherwise - coated lightly with extra virgin olive oil, with some crushed garlic and cracked black peppercorns, makes the entire dish. I'd be in the dark if I tried to pull it off sans-dairy.

Also, how do I keep the tofu from breaking? I'm still quite the novice in it's preparation. Any tips would be well appreciated.

Squeeze out the blocks in a towel or paper towel before using; it soaks up more marinade, and doesn't break apart easily. I like to sautee tofu with some green onions and garlic and olive oil, then toss that shit into a nice curry to simmer for 15 minutes, then pour that bitch onto some basmati rice. Also I buy this Italian spiced tofu blocks at the store (Wegmans ftw if anyone is in the NE), sautee that and toss it in the sauce. I just put garlic powder on my pasta, don't really miss cheese that much.
it should. veganism is the way of the future.
Rivfader said:
I spent my teens working a cattle ranch, all this talk of tofu upsets me :(

Riv, This is your GL (Revo), be on vent tonight if possible. I am really gonna try to get us up and running again for premades.
i quite like the way this turned from flaming into a cooking guide ^^
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