US Dear District Nineteen

tfw 19s will never be that fun again
Actually hit me a few days ago that all these years of xpoff bgs and competative games are literally never gonna happen again, WoD 19s on US was the best shit i have ever played and to know thats never gonna happen again hurts.
Actually hit me a few days ago that all these years of xpoff bgs and competative games are literally never gonna happen again, WoD 19s on US was the best shit i have ever played and to know thats never gonna happen again hurts.

Yeah its pretty sad. 19s have been the most fun ive had on WoW and now its just dull. Even beating on levelers isnt as fun as i thought itd be.
Pre TC 2015 on US, i miss those goddamn pugs :(
The concept is = you get upset about the faceroll, clear your roster and kick out the shitters (or leave them out for premades), get better people, and play them again to beat them because they are a bunch of toxic wankers who think they are good just because they have been into competitive play for a longer time than you. You show them that they are trash. Thats how it works.
So 2 opportunities for you:
- keep on playing the friend game, wonder about the toxic behaviour, and slowly slide away from the scene
- grow some balls, attract good people by filtering the trash, and you might get revenge
You need ppl who really want to beat them. Nobody is gonna play them again for FUN....

Oh and btw, who are the 5 TCChamps in this premade? I see like 1-2? Could be wrong tho.

There is nothing wrong about having an "all inclusive" guild if that is your goal. Just as there is nothing wrong with having a guild that is "exclusive".
I have been fortunate to have been a GM/member of a couple exclusive WoW guilds. Guilds where one had to fill out applications and get it approved in order to even be considered before they were given a "try out". I have had more "fun" in the all inclusive guilds. Where need not worry about one's performance standards or have a schedule to keep.
With all that said, JVA has some great pointers for every guild leader(s). If you want to build a great team encourage performance and teambuilding skills. The team members that won't comply should be benched.
Ranting on other teams for losing or winning is just plain poor sportsmanship. It should be unacceptable by any decent GM and not be tolerated.

I really don't see how anyone can take seriously or think they are awesome for dominating in a broken bracket. Let's be honest, a lot of us play this bracket to pwn noobs, which is why a lot of people twink. If you want to feel elite and stroke your epeen go to end game arena and gtfo of this bracket, no one wants to hear your BS.
I like it! You're claiming the bracket. Make it yours big fella!

The elites can go fuck themselves!
D19 surely with the amount of members you have you can set up weekly guild 10v10s, this will allow your newer members to experience 10v10s, go against players more their skill level and get better at competitive play. Good to see someone trying to keep twink brackets alive.

Also if you twinks to pwn noobs you're doing it wrong ^^
I really don't see how anyone can take seriously or think they are awesome for dominating in a broken bracket. Let's be honest, a lot of us play this bracket to pwn noobs, which is why a lot of people twink. If you want to feel elite and stroke your epeen go to end game arena and gtfo of this bracket, no one wants to hear your BS.
i like this comment lol.

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