Dear 5+ person premades against pugs...

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Why do you bring so many people against randoms? Are you that bad?
Because it's fun, and both factions do it equally :3 Doesn't make sense to have 5+ people online in your guild and deliberately NOT queue with them >.<
Because it's fun, and both factions do it equally :3 Doesn't make sense to have 5+ people online in your guild and deliberately NOT queue with them >.<

I don't do it... I will never take part in it ;) I'll go derp in arena before I go organizing a 5+ party of people against pugs.
Because it's fun, and both factions do it equally :3 Doesn't make sense to have 5+ people online in your guild and deliberately NOT queue with them >.<

They don't do it equally.
Mocha don't lock it
someone should put together an arena thread- just sign up ur name + realid instead of q'ing wsg which sucks now anyways

We kinda are trying to do it... but people don't wanna try it and would rather re-roll and make a 24 twink.
in b4 mocha's lock o'clock hour

Maybe all the threads I want to reply to wouldn't be locked if people would keep on topic AND, get this, AND refrain from flame wars... A tall order for the internet, I know. But since you're here derping, what do you think about 5+ person premades against pugs?
someone should put together an arena thread- just sign up ur name + realid instead of q'ing wsg which sucks now anyways

You could do it :D Or we could just play 85 arenas... But srsly, 19s doesn't suck when there's no scrubs or 5+premades against pugs n scrubs. I'm assuming you also think 5+ premades against pugs is stupid since you're suggesting the bracket sucks in this thread?
It happens on a daily basis. Some groups of 5+ can be better or worse than others, some farm, some win quick, some goof around.. its part of the Bracket!

Adapt and Continue to play or we must move on.
We do it because we need practice :p I know I do, and so does my guild. No one wants to admit it, but we all do :p Queuing with 5+ people creates more chemistry between you and your guild, or realid friends, thus making you better with your group than without by default.

Ever join a band? First few times you play together, things sound like shit. The bassist is out of tune, amp's too quiet, and the vocalist is too shy to scream. But the more you play with eachother and get used to eachothers' ups and downs and lefts and rights, you learn to sound batter. The same applies to PvP, and pretty much anything - IRL or in game - that involves a team.

Moral of the story I guess is that practice makes perfect. The way I see it, as long as you are sticking to the objective and offering a fair and competitive competition, queuing 5+ is acceptable.
Group qing is very controversial

Some may think: "Oh X guild is qing, sure wish I could be in a guild that had active players to queue with" This would promote more activity and more guilds. (Or Real ID queues)

While others may think "Oh X guild is qing, I'm just going to stop qing because we probably don't have a chance" Killing queues and overall spirit of competition.
Group qing is very controversial

Some may think: "Oh X guild is qing, sure wish I could be in a guild that had active players to queue with" This would promote more activity and more guilds. (Or Real ID queues)

While others may think "Oh X guild is qing, I'm just going to stop qing because we probably don't have a chance" Killing queues and overall spirit of competition.

Option B 100%.
Haha. If more guilds decided to stop 5-man-ing for GY farm-fests, then maybe attitudes would be different, no?

Not really. Damage has been done and the whole thing is fucked up
What exactly is the point in joining a guild when you are supposed to intentionally not play with them? The bracket would be a lot more competetive if the people who are complaining about 5+ premades just formed a guild and grouped up against those premades.
Why do you bring so many people against randoms? Are you that bad?
I'm sure you don't mind when you find yourself on a Horde 5-man's coattails.
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