I mean considering you don't really need to worry about experience much I'd say so, realistically you should be getting your exploration out of the way anywhere between 10-14, and there's multiple guides/spreadsheets that give you the total amount of experience from each quest chain, if you start deadskull exactly at 19, by the time you're finished you should be roughly 5-6 bars from 20, and you should already have areas such as stv/gurubashi arena explored, and say you get your first arena master quest after you do deadskull that's only 550 experience, most twinks don't really leave the major cities once their twink is done outside of the implementation of fishing contest/going for AGM, so experience overall isn't much of a concern. Say blizzard releases tbc, the only real quest on horde that gets added is the dawnblade chain, dawnblade isn't particularly an important item for a warrior regardless, so TLDR as long as you start the quest at the start of 19 and have your exploration for zones out of the way, there's no need to worry about the experience from the chain.