Current PTR Enchant Scaling

A few people have pointed out several advantages of these enchant nerfs and I agree this should be good for twinking overall.

Another advantage of the enchant nerfs is that Blizz should be better able to balance low-level pvp, something they have been promising to do. The enchant nerfs take away a large amount of variability that probably made class balance too much of a headache to worry about. Hopefully they will make the nerfs consistent - seems like they are still working on it.

Personally, I'd like it if they made the best low level enchants better than the best high level enchants on low level characters. It would make the game more interesting and trade/AH/recipe farming more vibrant across all levels.
Personally, I'd like it if they made the best low level enchants better than the best high level enchants on low level characters. It would make the game more interesting and trade/AH/recipe farming more vibrant across all levels.

This. This is what I'd like them to do too, vanilla enchants BiS 1-60, with other expansions enchants as subsitutes.
new helm enchant.
Now that we may have a balanced bracket in sight the very same ones that have been crying and moaning for said balance are crying because the bracket may be balanced.
tsk tsk tsk

Blizzard only cares about twinks when they are exploiting something that needs to be fixed. Outside of that, anything that twinks benefit from is the happy coincidence of something intended for everyone.

100% correct.
The effects that twinks get are all collateral.
Is anyone bored enough to make a spreadsheet?

I will probably do it after 6.0 goes live. Too difficult to determine what might change between now and then (3 weeks), and then keep track of said changes. I'm also curious to see if these changes actually stick and make it to live.

IllyBillyn said:
A few people have pointed out several advantages of these enchant nerfs and I agree this should be good for twinking overall.

Another advantage of the enchant nerfs is that Blizz should be better able to balance low-level pvp, something they have been promising to do. The enchant nerfs take away a large amount of variability that probably made class balance too much of a headache to worry about. Hopefully they will make the nerfs consistent - seems like they are still working on it.

Personally, I'd like it if they made the best low level enchants better than the best high level enchants on low level characters. It would make the game more interesting and trade/AH/recipe farming more vibrant across all levels.

I think the changes had more to do with fixing the inconsistencies between each expansion's enchanting recipes than anything. That, and I think this is basically 5.4 changes V2, where they catch up the rest of the recipes with proper scaling (especially since there's a stat squish incoming) . The recipes on the PTR (with some exceptions, of course), seem to fall in line better with newer recipes, but are still not perfect in terms of scaling as you level.

Also, I don't think balance has anything to do with it, since enchants were already scaling down in 5.4 (making them balanced). If they had just reduced base damage on abilities, fixed the glaring problems with some classes specs/talents/burst, the enchants would have probably been fine, seeing how they are pretty equivalent for all classes and specs.

_Arkant_ said:
Bad changes for the people who love to look at their impressive character stats and grandfathered items.

Great changes for the people who want to actually play the game.

I don't mind the changes so much, looking forward to games feeling more like level cap pvp (have been for YEARS). My only gripe is that these are more blanket fixes, instead of Blizzard going in and actually figuring out what is ideal and redoing everything for 2014 World of Warcraft. All we ever get are blanket fixes and it's annoying as fuck.
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im getting full stats unless stam gives more hp now

That's crazy, my helm enchant is prob giving the 5 intelect 4 pvp resilience at that level lol
Current Beta enchant values as we are close to release candidate. Weapons not includes as procs have not been balanced yet. Will update when they are.

Gloves - Str 3, AP 4, Agi 7, Sp 5, H 3, C 4, Stm 9 BOE
bracer - Str 3, AP 3, Agi 2, SP 5, H 3, C 3, Stm 9, Int 3, Stats 2
boots - Str , AP 3, Agi 3, H&C 3(same enchant), Stm 3

Speed on boots is 10% Speed plus stats is generally 2 of the stat on the enchant. (still to test boar's speed and cat's swiftness)

BOE means u can only put on BOE gloves.
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