Current PTR Enchant Scaling


boomer shaman
Everything is completely nerfed for level 19s at this moment.

+16sp to gloves = 5sp
15sp to bracers = 5sp
Heavy Borean Armor Kit = 2stam
Sapphire Spellthread = 3sp 2stam
Scryer Shoulder Enchant = 2crit 1sp

even +100hp to head only adding +36 health..

etc. etc.

This is nuts! Wonder if it will stay...
15 agi = 5 agi etc, I haven't checked elemental force etc.
But it would be a shame if all vanilla enchants became obsolete.
Resilience and resistance don't do crap on the PTR, I hope they have an effect when it goes live
Yeah but people won't be able to say they're good anymore.
Why is this not a good thing? Get rid of the ridiculous procs and resistance is just broken.
You are even serious asking me this on a TWINKING forum?
If you don't like procs or resistance does that mean that all other stuff has to be nerfed aswell??

These are tools we almost use 10 years now and we sucked all other minor changes up but these are just to many and scale for nothing in wod. No reason anymore to BiS twink, recycle-twinking will be the new game.

And for what are they doing this? for people who don't like twinking? like they couldn't implement a system that puts enchanted players in a seperate queue from the ones who don't and instead just taking our tools. This change is so pointless other then nerfing twinking to the ground same for battleground scaling.

But yeah, I understand nobody cares about twinking here on Exploitinfo.. how silly of me to bring it up.
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You are even serious asking me this on a TWINKING forum?
If you don't like procs or resistance does that mean that all other stuff has to be nerfed aswell??

These are tools we almost use 10 years now and we sucked all other minor changes up but these are just to many and scale for nothing in wod. No reason anymore to BiS twink, recycle-twinking will be the new game.

You're looking at it the wrong way, the scaling tech is either going to be on or off across the board, either you're going to have to live with broken procs and resist just to keep using your "og" enchants or everything is going to be scaled making output more reliable and predictable. The program isn't set up to only scale the enchants you want scaled. Not to mention this resets the clock and actually allows non gf toons to compete opening the gates to new players. Let's face it "bis" twinking hasn't been a challenge since xp lock anyways.
You are even serious asking me this on a TWINKING forum?
If you don't like procs or resistance does that mean that all other stuff has to be nerfed aswell??

These are tools we almost use 10 years now and we sucked all other minor changes up but these are just to many and scale for nothing in wod. No reason anymore to BiS twink, recycle-twinking will be the new game.

Because if it takes the stupid amount of burst out of the bracket who cares what the the tooltip on your enchant says? It's not like these enchants are hard to come by, or BiS as actually meant anything for two expansions anyway. BiS as only mean a pride thing ever since cata.
What is twinking when there is no or hardly any difference is the question you should ask yourself.

This is not about burst or if things are more reliable or not but the essence of twinking itself.
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What is twinking when there is no or hardly any difference is the question you should ask yourself.

My reply to that would be "That's a stupid question!". We're not idiots; we got your point. No need to edit your post lol
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It's not like a leveler can't put vanilla enchants on his boas now, its no more difficult, boo-hoo the numbers got a little smaller at the expense of a more balanced environment.
My reply to that would be "That's a stupid question!".
Yeah yeah I know Exploitinfo not Twinkinfo :p

We're not idiots; we got your point. No need to edit your post lol
Did you? so why do you vote up the posts that are supporting this change when it takes away/nerfs a part of the things we do?
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I'd like to get ridiculous procs out of the bracket, but it seems like vanilla enchants are the only ones taking the hit, I think elemental force etc are still ridiculous.

What I really want.. is for vanilla enchants to be best 1-60, miss the days of Fiery weapon etc, Fiery weapon atm is obsolete thanks to elemental force.

Btw it doesn't look like crit/dodge sets etc will be a thing anymore, I had like 18% dodge on my rogue, or 21% crit when I have 60% on live.. I guess HP sets will be better?
And this is exactly why twinking is shit.

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