<Cthun is harder then LK> New 60 Twink Guild.

Darn, thats a bummer man, could use all we can get atm lol.

Yeah it sucks hard, I would love to do shit like this because I play WoW to raid, that's what I love to do the most. Unfortunately I don't get to do what I love the most so I do shit like twinking 10's or achievement farming on my Hunter because I can solo that shit at 1am when I get home from work hahaha.
Yeah it sucks hard, I would love to do shit like this because I play WoW to raid, that's what I love to do the most. Unfortunately I don't get to do what I love the most so I do shit like twinking 10's or achievement farming on my Hunter because I can solo that shit at 1am when I get home from work hahaha.

Ha, yea. Late night/ early morning raider makes it tough to find a good guild that also does the same time.
Bump. We now have 31 members and in those there is 11 60's, we did some 2v2 War Games yesterday we had a lot of fun, and we are starting our raid progression, currently starting with AQ20 since we need at least 5 60s to be online at the same time, anyways we're having plenty of fun, come join us

Confusion between than and then

In standard English, then refers to time, while than is used in comparisons.

Well... thanks for the tips tho.. but the guild is made and we can't re-name it neither we will remake it since I dont want to kick out 33 members and redo all the gbank tabs and ginfo.
Are you guys still actively raiding?

Well, it's pretty dead at this moment.. not more then 2 players online per days or so.. =/, most players are leaving because they find the 60 pvp pretty dumb atm ( so do I ). It's 1 shot fest from the 64...
Not exactly true.. IMO I thought it would be way worse.. its not so bad.. the majority of the players are 60s anyway..

And even when the hordies feel the need to pull out their army of level 64 dks/paladins to make up for their terribadness, we still take our share of the wins as all-60s
Not exactly true.. IMO I thought it would be way worse.. its not so bad.. the majority of the players are 60s anyway..

Tho, you're EU, on US 3/4 of the alliances Ive seen in the BG's were level 64 or some gnome with 15k hp which I find kinda boring..
Lol, I am horde ^^ We don't like 64s either lol ! they smell!!

Hey, it was just friendly inter-faction smacktalk! (bloody hordie)


On a serious note though, if more of us 60's added eachother on RealID it would open up far more options, as we'd be able put together much more organised/balanced (and varied.. so sick of WSG) BGs/Wargames, and generally enjoy our bracket a lot more - not to mention giving it a much needed breath of life in terms of socialness
Well, it's pretty dead at this moment.. not more then 2 players online per days or so.. =/, most players are leaving because they find the 60 pvp pretty dumb atm ( so do I ). It's 1 shot fest from the 64...

Ok, so you're PvP only?
I love this idea especially if you make a rule that ZERO gear/chants/profession items can be from TBC/WotLK (Classic only). There is one glaring problem though, and it will make CThun extremely difficult to beat and that's access to gear higher than partly T2. No more ZG and the rep gear from it, no more Ony 60 and the epic class quest items from it, no more World Dragons (when Blizz puts them back they'll be for 85's), and no more Naxx and therefore all access to T3 (AQ exalted is T2.5 iirc). Now although it wouldn't be impossible it would certainly be a huge barrier and high bar to be set for yourselves, and unfortunately would REQUIRE 40 people for HOURS/day possible 4-7 days/week as that's what it took to clear AQ40 back then for all but the best Guilds. But I wish you luck, seriously as it will be a huge challenge.

what i am going to say is probably totally irrelevant but my guild is a 70 raiding guild with zero WOTLK enchants and gems, and we literally 5 man'd karazhan and 8-man'd magtheridon. they shouldn't have much problems even with the gear... BTW we didn't outgear the content at all...

with the new talents and major class buffs, the dps is around 3x as it was back in the day. even with no tier gear I doubt you will actually need 40 people.

however i'm only sharing my experience at 70, might be different at 60, though i doubt it...

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