<Cthun is harder then LK> New 60 Twink Guild.

We absolutely enforce only classic gear*/enchants/consumables.

I looked at your gear and I gotta say it's amazing and you obviously did a ton of this back when old school ZG was around. I will point out one minor thing about your toon though, you couldn't have had 375 Herby back then and that is adding a tiny bit more haste and a tiny bit stronger personal heal. I'm just nit picking, and I didn't look everyone up, but you also kind of prove my point. Your Guild is one of few that has TONS of experience in those types of raids, most WoW players (today at least) have little if any experience, let alone EVER doing classic raids AT level with level appropriate chants/etc. Most go in at 80-85 with 1-5 players and pwn face AQ 40 then brag how easy it was for them (I have seen more than one video of an entire level 80 raid wiped instantly by CThun cuz they couldn't be bothered to read up on his abilities, like his opener).

In any case, my point is certainly valid that most WoW players fall into the category of requiring close to the 40m raid comp and would indeed have to spend hours per day, several-many days per week to get to the point that AQ40 was "on farm" and getting that many 60's, fully geared, and willing to play by old school rules would be a severe challenge these days.

EDIT: I decided to look up a good number of your Guild's other players and noticed pretty much every single player geared better than your toon is cheating the rules using TBC gear/gems and even WotLK JC gems and a few enchants. Now it's possible they just logged off in a different set for whatever reason as you say not many play anymore, just pointing that out.
I looked at your gear and I gotta say it's amazing and you obviously did a ton of this back when old school ZG was around. I will point out one minor thing about your toon though, you couldn't have had 375 Herby back then and that is adding a tiny bit more haste and a tiny bit stronger personal heal. I'm just nit picking, and I didn't look everyone up, but you also kind of prove my point. Your Guild is one of few that has TONS of experience in those types of raids, most WoW players (today at least) have little if any experience, let alone EVER doing classic raids AT level with level appropriate chants/etc. Most go in at 80-85 with 1-5 players and pwn face AQ 40 then brag how easy it was for them (I have seen more than one video of an entire level 80 raid wiped instantly by CThun cuz they couldn't be bothered to read up on his abilities, like his opener).

In any case, my point is certainly valid that most WoW players fall into the category of requiring close to the 40m raid comp and would indeed have to spend hours per day, several-many days per week to get to the point that AQ40 was "on farm" and getting that many 60's, fully geared, and willing to play by old school rules would be a severe challenge these days.

EDIT: I decided to look up a good number of your Guild's other players and noticed pretty much every single player geared better than your toon is cheating the rules using TBC gear/gems and even WotLK JC gems and a few enchants. Now it's possible they just logged off in a different set for whatever reason as you say not many play anymore, just pointing that out.

We only have the gear/enchanting restrictions for guild raids; when people aren't raiding they can use and wear whatever they want. We do gear checks during raids to make sure people are following the rules; we have an officer whose sole job is to enforce this rule. For PvP I have another set of gear that encludes gem gear and gear with WotLK enchants, and I use glyphs when I PvP, and take them off when I raid. Lots of people in the guild do the same.

As far as the ZG issue, sure, when ZG was around people used the enchants and gear, but ZG has been gone for almost a year and it hasn't slowed us down any. When we lost it for cata I was actually more concerned about the loss of the green dragons since they drop several pieces of nature resist gear which is important for Huhuran and Viscidus. So far it hasn't really been an issue.

But yes, getting enough people to raid regularly is the biggest challenge to running a successful classic raiding guild.
Stolen name lolololololol. I don't know why anyone would actually want people to think about mulcibad.

Oh yeah about the "you stole someone else's Guild name" crap. I was in a Guild named Ruin for a while and there are like 347 Guilds named Ruin in WoW, does that mean 346 of them have to give the name up because 1 Guild thought of it first, I mean really. People need to grow up, who cares if it's the same name another Guild used on a different Realm some time in the past.
ur oobag? lol im greenbltch, from ironsole
Oh yeah about the "you stole someone else's Guild name" crap. I was in a Guild named Ruin for a while and there are like 347 Guilds named Ruin in WoW, does that mean 346 of them have to give the name up because 1 Guild thought of it first, I mean really. People need to grow up, who cares if it's the same name another Guild used on a different Realm some time in the past.

Totally agree with you.
Oh yeah about the "you stole someone else's Guild name" crap. I was in a Guild named Ruin for a while and there are like 347 Guilds named Ruin in WoW, does that mean 346 of them have to give the name up because 1 Guild thought of it first, I mean really. People need to grow up, who cares if it's the same name another Guild used on a different Realm some time in the past.

Ruin is a generic name. <cthun is harder than lk> is a unique name once held by a classic 60 guild. We are in cata now, who would still refer to endgame as LK? Lets be honest.
Ruin is a generic name. <cthun is harder than lk> is a unique name once held by a classic 60 guild. We are in cata now, who would still refer to endgame as LK? Lets be honest.

As of now, We can't even kill Deathwing so why would I refer to cata?
Ruin is a generic name. <cthun is harder than lk> is a unique name once held by a classic 60 guild.

So by that logic nobody should EVER have the same character name regardless of different servers, yet go look up how many characters with names from Harry Potter, or LotR, etc. My point is still true, if you are on a different Realm it does not matter what name you chose for a Guild, for a character, for a pet name, etc.
well if somebody took waw tawent on some other server, as a 19 twink guild, that has no officers from the original waw tawent, shit will go down. thats like taking nerd cleave, surreal, retro, or epoch, and making another guild on ur server, for 70s. that is if you are not an officer in any of them.
well if somebody took waw tawent on some other server, as a 19 twink guild, that has no officers from the original waw tawent, shit will go down.

Like what? There's literally nothing you or anyone of those other mentioned Guilds could do about it. You do not own the digital rights or copyright to your Guild name, character or pet name nor could you. This is a GAME and only Blizzard owns the rights to what happens within it. There could literally be 100 Guilds started with your Guild name all on different Realms and you would be helpless to do anything. Besides how many Guilds have gone the way of dust that used to be named some Guild that exists today over the many years WoW has existed. Or better, what about Guilds that persist from game to game with the same Guild name, who has more "rights" to the name? None do, get over it.
i never said you could do something about it, i said simply he took another pre bc raiding guild's name... which is pretty low imo
i said simply he took another pre bc raiding guild's name... which is pretty low imo

Alright I'll put it a different way. NOBODY in World of Warcraft is special. Nobody deserves anything more or less than any other player. To Blizzard we are all just mindless sheeple subs (I'm excluding strictly F2P accounts). The only person I can remotely think of that could be considered special in even the smallest sense is Prepared. The only real reason he would make that list is because he pays every month for 25 accounts and completes all raids solo (solo in the fact they're all him, his toons, no other player present). Since none of us are anything special it's fair to say we are not unique either and therefore crating a name for a thing in a game is no different than the other 11 million players who did the same. It's a known fact that Guild/Character/Pet names get recycled and reused by players, hell if anything it should be taken as a compliment that someone liked a name so much they decided to make it they're own.
i never said you could do something about it, i said simply he took another pre bc raiding guild's name... which is pretty low imo

Also the old '' Cthun is harder than LK '' doesn't even exist anymore since like I heard from someone else on this topic they moved to 70, so I dont get why their name would still be ''taken'' if they moved to another guild and changed the name of it
all i was saying is you were creative enough to take somebody's name, not saying YOU CANT HAVE IT ZERGORGSOSSO
all i was saying is you were creative enough to take somebody's name, not saying YOU CANT HAVE IT ZERGORGSOSSO

Well, I guess we were enough creative since you're arguing about a name we actually... let's say '' took '' while we didn't have any information about that guild which means we didnt even know that there was a guild named <Cthun is harder than LK>, We were just shooting name like this till Youngjeezyy said <Cthun is harder than LK> which I found was a great name and we agreed to make the guild <Cthun is harder than LK>. So before complaining about us stealing others peoples guild names, you might also want to know the back-story from it.
Okay...For all of you who wont say anything else besides something about how we stole a name. Let me give u something better to say, repeat after me. "Please Let me join ur guys' guild!!!!!!
". Thanks.
Let me give u something better to say, repeat after me. "Please Let me join ur guys' guild!!!!!!

If I had a 60 or one close to it I'd be down but unf I also have little time to play as I work 50hrs a week and raid on my 85 Druid + have all my 10 twinks and all my other toons lol.

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