Cross Realm WPvP Saturday 12 PM : Zul'Gurub Event


This event is over, see a video and other feedback here:[feedback]-wpvp-zulgurub-event-51024/

- - - Zul'Gurub - - -

ZG is a zone that is completely empty and is special because when a player dies in the ZG zone they are ported outside (and automatically back to life with no timers).


The plan is to have two Warlocks (one Alliance and one Horde) use summons to get people back inside.

In this way people can die as many times as they want and there will be no Death Timer or running back to your corpse.

Note - you still gain honor for the kills even though the player does not really die.

We will use the two Warlocks to set up bases in ZG for the two factions and continuously summon people for a large battle.

- - - Objectives - - -

ZG is a large zone and we have discussed various PvP objectives. Bases for Horde and Alliance could be placed anywhere with the summoning stones.

One example is for both factions to fight to control a certain location and have the two summoning stones at an equal distance away.

Here is an image of an entrance to that location. The Horde would enter by the Red arrow and the Alliance the Blue. Each faction would try to enter that area and hold off the other team.


topdown viewpoint


We have more ideas on how to use ZG for PvP and during this Event we could move the location of the summoning stone and try a different objective.

If you have an idea then post it here.

- - - Class balance - - -

Estimate for class balance. If you have a character class listed on the High Demand or Average Demand then please come with that character. We want to avoid having too many of the classes listed under Very Low Demand.

*High Demand*
- Mage
- Warlock
- Elemental Shaman

*Average Demand*
- Balance Druid
- Warriors
- Ret pally
- Enhance shaman

*Very Low Demand*
- Feral Druid
- Prot Paladin
- Rogue
- Hunter (banned)

Healers will be organized separately by the leaders of the event.

- - - Rules - - -

1. No Hunters.

2. No fighting at the port location. When you die in ZG both Alliance and Horde are ported outside to the same location (and back to life). It is important that players do not PvP at this location but instead just ask in Raid for a summon to get back into ZG.

3. Do not attack or disrupt the enemy summoning stone.

4. Each summoning stone will need 2 players to stay and help. We will need volunteers to help with the summons. It would be good if a player could stay for 5 or 10 mins and then rotate with someone else.

5. Number of Healers will be balanced. We need everyone to use DPS classes unless you are asked by the leaders to use a healing class. This way both Alliance and Horde will have the same number of healers.

6. ZG has a large pool in the middle and most of the zone is around a cliff that is overlooking that pool. If you happen to fall in the pool (or a shaman might ThunderStorm people into it) then you can ask your raid for a summon to get back up.
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- - - Cross Realm checklist - - -

This is just a list of people not on AP. If you play on AP you do not need to sign up, just be on the F2Pchannel and you will be invited.

I will go through the CRZ list 30 minutes before the event for the first invites, then a second time like 10 minutes before.

A P2P will check these realms for these players, if you miss the invite just come to AP on a low character and whisper me. We will come back to your server and invite.

MokNathal Horde: Oldspike and Bop

Jaednar Horde: Klinda

Alexstrasza Alliance: Edwaardoyolo

Eldre'Thalas Alliance: Titannia, Oasy / Shamanpow

Dethacus Alliance: Durza

Emerald Dream Horde: Bisonpower // Galakrond Alliance: Wolfpower

Moonguard Alliance: Reflex and others

Onyxia Alliance: Cerebrius

Kibbies - on Vashj or Anetheron

- - Jumps - - -
Here is some information on jumps to enter the battle zone. The main entrance is on the West but it is possible to use jumps to enter from the South and North.

South Jump - follow the South Wall and jump around the corner


End Up here, jumping from where the mouse location is.


North Jump - start by entering this building


From the stairs jump from here:


Follow the edge of the cliff and end up here. The mouse location is the stairs from the previous image. To the left is the battle zone.

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is this EU or US.. im being a derp i know and probably missed it..
US servers, I added a [US] tag for Kochi just now. :)

I love this and will try to make time, will sign up when I know that I can attend. :)
I have a level 65 warlock on ap horde side, i cant remember if i can summon at that level or not but i can check

edit: i can summon at 65, let me know if you need me

My plan is to dual box and use both my Horde and Alliance locks, but I will let you know if needed.
Arms warrior , prot atm because im farming something.

I would love to have this be as early as this Saturday.. but maybe you should push it to next week so that people can get a chance to see this and reply / get their stuff together? I remember Southshore had about 2 weeks planning or something around that.
I'd love to come. I have a rdruid/boomkin available if need be.

Note: Oldspike and I are both on Mok'Nathal
I would love to have this be as early as this Saturday.. but maybe you should push it to next week so that people can get a chance to see this and reply / get their stuff together? I remember Southshore had about 2 weeks planning or something around that.

I think SouthShore was just a one time event. My plan for ZG is that we can do this more then once. We will see how many we can get this Saturday and then announce a future event.
I have a warlock etc - but what I'd really like to do is come on my main or something and stream this!
Yes please! The videos by Footman turned out so amazing last time, I was hoping someone would record again. :)
This would be sick.

Any idea of how many players per faction you intend to have?

Also, what about anyone who comes anyway (90s, hunters, trolls)?

Southshore had 20+ each side, we can try for those numbers.

If there is a problem on AP then we can use CRZ to run away to a different server.
I am excited for this! I cannot make this Sat but look forward to future events.
Since you say you need ally players sign me up for warrior or warlock (both in sig, can't link on mobile) but I really can bring any of my toons, I don't care

Por de allencia!
I don't quite recall how CRZ works (majority people on a certain realm, or the raid leader's realm?) but the last time we did this, pretty much everyone online on AP horde just popped in unannounced and alliance got repeatedly stomped. I approve wholeheartedly of the no hunter rule. That was one of the biggest problems last time.

If the first event sucks people will be hesitant to participate again, thus the need for more than 3 days heads up. A week would be optimal imo. I think it's a great idea and something that could be done monthly. I personally more than likely won't be able to attend unless I get my shit done and get off work REALLY early.
I don't quite recall how CRZ works (majority people on a certain realm, or the raid leader's realm?) but the last time we did this, pretty much everyone online on AP horde just popped in unannounced and alliance got repeatedly stomped. I approve wholeheartedly of the no hunter rule. That was one of the biggest problems last time.

We've talked about CRZ'ing to a low population realm to avoid high lvl harassment as well as preventing uninvited f2ps from attending if a faction becomes too unbalanced, since Horde did become overpowered during Battle of Southshore due to people seeing everyone in hillsbrad. If it even becomes a problem that is.

I'll be horde or alli rogue (not decided), or I can heal on Sunhealz (sig).
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