Create your DK now

Guys really, read old threads that lil mentioned and don't confuse others.

1. 55-59 bracket won't work cause you have to remake the char every time you log off.
2. Once you make a DK the option is unlocked on your acc and you can make DKs on all servers all factions any time.
3. FYI: raptor is around 8h, blood sail is around 10h, rivendare is around 9h, ardent crusader is impossible alone

I only made a DK and logged into it, and now all my level 20s have Archaeology.

Somebodys late to the party :p weve been able to learn archeology for a while now (since they added cata to the battle chest)
So since this is new for a lot of people who missed the bug the first time

I think that someone who did the bug the first time around could explain the things that can be done with this
You will never know what blizzard will or can do to it but with the old dk's it worked differently cause you had to keep the first dk on nemesis realm on your account or you lost the ability to create dks on any realm and now you can delete it on moon guard cause you have received achievements probably and still be able to create dks on any server for the moment. As seeing the old method never patched out the ability to create dks on all realms but only creating the first dk on nemesis realm you probably will keep the ability if you keep a dk on any realm :)
Tried all non english eu realms, none worked
For all you people out there who didn't read posts and think this is the same bug like the previous with dk's and the people who trying the same things that has already been checked...
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Wait what the fuck? Really?

Eitherway just making a Death Knight automatically taught me Archaeology on all of my characters though.

We can have a archeology skype party and talk about rocks and stuff ! ( i still need to get a few things and by a few i mean a lot)
Well. Of course when I'm away from my apartment for a week, this is found out... I'm guessing it will be patched right before I'm able to try it out just like the previous dk bug.
Well. Of course when I'm away from my apartment for a week, this is found out... I'm guessing it will be patched right before I'm able to try it out just like the previous dk bug.

You can toss me your passes over PM and I'll log in and create a DK for you, I am not interested in the US at all

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