Crazy Victory / Score Screenshots


You have them, I know you have them. By 'them' I refer to screenshots of endgame scoring that show you at your best. Maybe it was your teams makeup, maybe it was just pure ownage, but everyone has those screenshots of 'wtf win'.

Do share!

Rofl stomp game. My healing score was low, but damn...look at those HKs.

I dont have a screenshot, but I did play one game, an intense wsg that ended up 2 to 2, with each side holding the others flag. The horde zerged our base, and killed our fc. Thats when I found the efc all alone in their tunnel, and hit em with sap->ambush->backstab->goblin rocket helm, waited to go back out of combat, then ambush->vanish->ambush. I threw in a thistle tea (i think) at some point in that combo. Then a shaman picked up their flag and scored. Im still trying to match that series of ambushes :p

Even though this is for the 19s, this is by far one of the best games I have ever played. We were getting wtfpwned by the horde 2/3 to our 0/3 and we some how picked it up (and to brag, it was largely my cc's in the flag rooms haha - Check out my flag returns(Iamu) and somehow we pulled back to win 3/3 with me getting the last cap :D

Just look at all of those flag returns and captures. I think thats the first time I ever sweated during this game.
Aww this is the only one I could find...


Wish i had a SS of this one game... it lasted over an hour and I had 2 flag caps, top dmg, healing, kb's and hk's w/ no deaths... oh well, I'll have to start taking more SS's -____-
First off, this is just rape. before all the nerfs, i was fire...


Still fire, but fcing in the process.


I'll try and get a few of my arcane raping :x
This was a fun one. 5 boxer and me. Both my deaths i got gang banged by rogues. The name of the guild the hunters were in was <Cereal Killers>. LOL!
2 of mine from my alliance warlock



BG that I got the wrecking ball achievement in, I died right at the end while trying to return our flag to 4 people otherwise it would have been 0 deaths. :(

back when i was a clicker,


recent 29 premade


can't believe we got a cap in this game


one of the most annoying games, but when it ended i was happy (mad props to putruder btw)

note the enemy team's class comp :(

Druiddroid said:
one of the most annoying games, but when it ended i was happy (mad props to putruder btw)

note the enemy team's class comp :(


I had two ravagers and a bat on me at any given time. That game was painful. But we made em work for thier caps - and we held em at 1-1 for a good twenty minutes before Domeshot joined and gave us the dps we needed to get through :D

I've never gotten "We had it all along... cough" but I've gottan 1980-2k about 7 times since the achievement system was put in place. This is one of those games, from a long while back, where we FOR SURE had the achievement, and then some rogue capped the alli-held mine, slowing thier point gen... to 1980. /facepalm I was probably resto that game, but in some pretty shitty gear. Hadnt lvled engi or anything yet.

Made a hunter. I can tell now that having a hunter is cheating!

3rd game in the 19 bracket. Got Recking Ball :D

I'll level him eventually to the 29 bracket but now i'm having some some here :D


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