Crazy Victory / Score Screenshots

Zalélol said:

Beating a 9 man premade as a pug is pretty awesome.

Granted our team was over twinked like hell but still.


Sadly i have not took any SS'es of me topping da damage charts so no E-peen SS'sfor me :(

That top screen was from the other night? I think i was Q'd for it, but gz on the win lads!

Also, 2 minute WSG win? :D
Kilda said:
That top screen was from the other night? I think i was Q'd for it, but gz on the win lads!

Also, 2 minute WSG win? :D

It was 12 D: but i think it was 5 man Mouseclickers premade(maybe 4, not sure if that pally above me is in it or not.) so still pretty good >.>

edit, oh and no it was from the 1st time we met the 9 man premade (when we said about it on irc i think)
Don't have the ss on this computer atm I'll probably edit this post later but we beat a 6 man premade (Meat Puppeteers) with a horde pug, with just two or three twinks (koridann, a twink hunter, and I can't recall the other ones I'd have to look at the ss) vs their two hunters, druid healer rogue priest and prot warrior iirc.

Funny thing was it was that game that I got my Not In My House achievement, all of our team just stood in the flag room (dance party) laughing at them running in 1 by 1 in the third round. The game ended 3-2 horde.

Love having an aimed shot on everything I heal and still winning.

Look how long this game went


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