Crazy Victory / Score Screenshots

This just happened, randomly.

I was resto, Chirak is prot warr. Hella fun lol.

Next, a display of what an awesome warr can do with a little bit of assistance (i.e. rooting hunters). Guildie of mine. It would be good to mention that I was healing as a feral at this time, and my resto gear wasn't complete yet. Also, 1h20min wsg ftw. Fucking epic.

And last, a lil SS from my rogue, pretty nice if you ask me. Only 3 twinks on each side though, I think I remember.


Hi Zyrkonos! I've noticed we're from the same battlegroup (Crueldad). Have we met horde side?

I'll keep an eye to say you "weeeenas!" :D
i was only moved to #2 KB because the the chief farmer left (tauren hunter), he had well over 50 KBs and +100 HKs. he started by camping our GY cliff, and i was able to cap twice during their farmfest. but then they turtled their tunnel & ramp, and it was a stalemate till he logged out

souvlaki said:

Hi Zyrkonos! I've noticed we're from the same battlegroup (Crueldad). Have we met horde side?

I'll keep an eye to say you "weeeenas!" :D

you... you... I won't heal you any more good sir... you don't seem to notice when I do!

Me with my 29 460ap ambush rogue back in the day. fun times.

Just found this old one too. back with my feral druid way back when, just a good overal match, 2nd in kbs, 2nd in healing, all flag caps, 4returns. mvp match there :], oh and most hks lol



Just a couple i found, first two are pretty recent, the other was a couple months ago, and yes we lost, I got the 300k achievement and went to take a bio break LOL

I know its a lose but worth a mention i guess.

Edit: My spit macro is for buying +4 stats to chest =p.
huntard + 29 bracket = lol

Many highly skilled twinkx avoid the 20s like the plague when looking to go to new brackets because of one class. This of course is the huntard. Often in premade games guild leaders agree ahead of time to limit the number of huntards on each team for good reason.
Winnit said:
What's wrong with my screenshot? I'm open to constructive criticism.

There's always the fact that you click all your abilities.

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