Controversial: Religion

Schools should be allowed to teach about religions, but the student should be allowed to have their own opinion about all hte religions.

I almost failed because my Religion teacher wa s a christian, and I always asked thoe supercontroversal questions, which she never really could answer. And if she tried talking it away I always had a backup, like from the bible saying oposit of what she tried to learn. She hated me.

was superfun thoug
Religion is an important aspect of culture in societies all over the world. Even if you don't believe in them, it's still profoundly enlightening to study them. While you may not think Buddhism or Hinduism is the one true way, you may find some aspect of it that helps you live your life in a more positive way.

Adults in America don't believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, yet they still teach this myth to their children at a young age. Some things can still be rewarding despite their nonexistence.

I've got a strong feeling many of you trashing religion don't even bother to study it. Such hatred toward any subject is never warranted and it really only makes you look foolishly intolerant.

There are few out there who have earned the right to call themselves atheists.
Painaid said:
Religion is an important aspect of culture in societies all over the world. Even if you don't believe in them, it's still profoundly enlightening to study them. While you may not think Buddhism or Hinduism is the one true way, you may find some aspect of it that helps you live your life in a more positive way.

Adults in America don't believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, yet they still teach this myth to their children at a young age. Some things can still be rewarding despite their nonexistence.

I've got a strong feeling many of you trashing religion don't even bother to study it. Such hatred toward any subject is never warranted and it really only makes you look foolishly intolerant.

There are few out there who have earned the right to call themselves atheists.

Finally someone with common sense. I have no issues with other religions, and I have always enjoyed reading about the different teachings of them. I see religion as more of a set of morals, even if you take the higher power (god etc) out of the equation. Lots of the bible stories attempt to teach children to love one another, and respect everyone around you. The sad part is, there is always one lunatic who has to go and hate on everyone because they don't believe what he believes. I am an atheist, but the only time I really have anything negative to say about other religions (Jew jokes aside) is when I am being attacked for my view on Religion. Do I try to ruin peoples thoughts about their beliefs? Of course not, I just use some simple logic to [Dismantle] their arguments and leave them pretty much speechless. I have never started a religion war with friends / strangers / families; nor do I ever intend to. Hell, I even will say grace at thanksgiving, bow my head in respect at funerals, and on some occasions, go to church with the hardcore christians where I live to show them that I am open- minded enough to go somewhere that they think I hate.

Wall of text crits you for 10
in my opinion you should be able to learn ABOUT religion and effects on society but not about the core beliefs.

also you should be able to choose if you want to attend church or not and not be able to be forced by your parents.
Cptheal said:
in my opinion you should be able to learn ABOUT religion and effects on society but not about the core beliefs.

also you should be able to choose if you want to attend church or not and not be able to be forced by your parents.

I definitely agree on the not attending church by force. My friend has been agnostic / atheist for so long, but his parents are like hard-core christians. By hard core I mean no cussing, grace at every meal, church, and extremely strict parents. He finally decided to come out to them and tell them he was agnostic, (he always went to church) and this is a quote from his Dad: "As long as you are living in this house, I don't care what's wrong with you, you're going to church". That made me a die a little inside.
Cptheal said:

yep exactly why i practice no religion... none of them make sense and have no scientific proof. Except maybe Buddhism but calling that a religion is sort of offensive.
my stance on religion is that

theres no proof...but theres no dis i dont care if there is, cool, if not, well thats cool too
I always considered myself agnostic. I go to church every Sunday, and I learn about it. It is quite interesting.
Hamcake said:
I've read the bible. It's quite the lulz

Once you get past all the jesusy stuff, the bible has a lot of awesome stories. John the Baptist had his head cut off and served on a platter to the king, thats pro in my books.
Orcgasm said:
Once you get past all the jesusy stuff, the bible has a lot of awesome stories. John the Baptist had his head cut off and served on a platter to the king, thats pro in my books.

Eh, I can't stand my religion teachers..
Twinkytoes said:
Do you think public schools should teach religion, if so, why?


im not going to pay for my kid to have things i dont agree with shoved down his/her throat, and i sure as hell dont want my religion being shoved down other people's throats.

a big part of why people resent religious people is the door to door 8 am in the morning well dressed asshats trying to convince you that you should do things you dont want to do. spreading the word is fine, but its just working against you if you take too strong of an approach (like trying to teach it in public schools)
whatever makes you happy is what matters. for example i am agnostic but still for me church is relaxing and calms me. the priests boringness mixed with relaxing songs is great for sleeping too. if you're happy then why should you care about being right or wrong anyways...

respect other beliefs if they don't say your belief is "wrong." for example, i don't give a fuck if you're a diehard christian, if it makes you happy to be one, more power to you. if you think you're right, more power to you. but when you say that my view is wrong, that's when i might get testy or just troll the shit out of you.

that's what i've concluded upon

Eh, I can't stand my religion teachers..

most religion teachers do seem quite arrogant and/or stupid or they are just boring as hell

but i had one that was really good. i had him for Morality class. he was a calm guy who didn't really stress out about what people thought, and he set a great example for everyone. we tried to get him to tell his "sins", all we could come up with was him J-walking :p
Twinkytoes said:
Do you think public schools should teach religion, if so, why?

Powerglove said:
im not going to pay for my kid

All you will be paying is tax money, you don't have a say in what they teach. Home school or private school are your options if you want total control of your child's education.
Orcgasm said:
All you will be paying is tax money, you don't have a say in what they teach.

i think you missed the point here

i dont want to pay taxes for a public school where kids will be taught a religion that not everyone believes in. whether i have a say in what kids can be taught has nothing to do with this. the thread itself is about whether certain things should be taught in schools

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