Consumables in a Premade

Should consumables be allowed in organised premades facing each other?

  • Yes, all consumables should be allowed.

    Votes: 23 32.4%
  • Yes, but certain limitations should be put in place, decided between the two teams.

    Votes: 21 29.6%
  • Yes, but only Rumsey Rum, Healing Potions, Mana Potions and other standard level 15 food.

    Votes: 20 28.2%
  • No, consumables should not be allowed at all.

    Votes: 7 9.9%

  • Total voters
The only reason why CC doesnt like their oposition using consumables is so that their druid fc can crab the flag, dash, sprint, darkflight and nobody will be able to catch him without speed pots. Obviously horde doesnt have any of those racials so CC takes advantage of that by saying "no consumables!" How about we do a premade with no sprint or speed increasing abilities, then ur f**ked.
ah so your incompetence is why u have to crutch on speed pots. you even have mounts in that bracket you dont even need to move wisely. by the way, there's ways to kill a fast FC w/o speed pots :)
I disagree. Skill is required to use any ability at the right time. CD's exist as do shared CDs on consumables. Gutting something at the right time and place is a skill.

Want to talk about broken? An ability that has a longer lasting effect than its CD regardless of its origin is broken. Anything come to mind?

Frostbolt is very broken. It lasts 9 secs and doesn't even have a cd!

In all seriousness though, allowing some that guts
Rogues(control wise)
Just because of one ability one class has is ridiculous.

You still haven't explained hwy you want to allow the resist pot that further cripples
Rogues (control wise)

If you allow this, both teams will be all hunters/pallies. Warriors would be there but the amount of hunters and pallies would make them useless.
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In wrath I didn't have poison , I could adapt without. Now if you took away my sprint. Oh wait they are. Guess what I'll still adapt. On horde and alliance side.
How does the use of FAPs add skill to or make a game more competitive/better? I just do not understand that concept. Perhaps someone could explain it to me.
The main purpose of the thread is to understand people's opinion on whether or not consumables should be allowed in a premade, and reasons as too why or why not.
We have a whole other thread concerning people who want or do not want to premade us :)

Edit: Ty Broken for cleaning up the thread!
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I am still waiting for someone to explain FAPs to me

The problem seems to be you don't want to understand as there have been plenty of sound explanations given. I hope that is not the case as that would be trolling...;)

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Tapatalk 2
In a 5man premade - You could be teamed up with 5 other clowns, against a strong opposition, in which case maybe Free Action Potions add some sort of challenge for the other team, so there's not really an issue here. In a pug, you have free access to all your goodies, like Goblin Sapper Charges or FaP's. Great tools for turning games around.

However In a 10man premade, where it's already a nail-bitingly tight game - I really do think it's quite much to allow the use of Free Action Potions.

IMO if you feel the need to use Free Action Potions in a 10v10 WSG premade then you've already lost having to play that joker

Edit: Btw these people saying: 'Our premades allow FaP's and magic resist potions, if you don't like it don't play against us'... SOUNDS LIKE.... 'We can't premade against you without allowing full use of consumables'.

in EU im pretty sure not many people use the magic resistant pot, so I can't comment on that. But FREE ACTION POTION in a 10v10 premade? It totally negates all competition when decent players start using such ridiculous abilities. (They nerf the effect on lvl 85's for a reason)
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The problem seems to be you don't want to understand as there have been plenty of sound explanations given. I hope that is not the case as that would be trolling...;)

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Tapatalk 2

I honestly have not seen an example of how it adds an additional element of skill and makes games better (whether it be from a balance or fun standpoint). It very well could be somewhere in this thread and I missed, but from what I have seen it appears to be more of a 'it's there why not use it' sort of thing. If it is in this thread and you wouldn't mind quoting or reiterating the point(s) made clarifying this for me I would appreciate it.
The skill stand point is not using it , it's adjusting to it. When someone pops Faps since it can only be used 30 secs. I tend to sap them to kill that time or my hunters concussion shot them. Then they can't use any pots of any sort for 2 mins. So the skill is just knowing how to handle people once they pop certain pots.

The skill is based on timing when do what. When to pop your arena trinket , when to use a pot , when to throw your battle stand, when to use your vanish, when to use your insignia of th alliance/horde, when to use pally stun. when to kick , anything with cooldowns. Takes skill and sometimes even a little luck.

I hate when some lvl 24, 29, 35+ will ask me to duel in gold shire and after while I will duel, al. Where they almost kill me then I pop my AGM or gouge them and bandage up or healing potion. Afterwords they say hey you used a bandage, pot or AGM ." That's cheating " Is it cheating if I went out of my way to earn it ? I am a twink ....

In 85 arena/rbg since my AGM has a cooldowns over 10 mins would it be allowed ? All engineer isn't allowed either even though my deathray is 5 mins and can crit for 2k+ is this also allowed? My parachute cloak or even my rocket boots? Since not allowed in arenas ? Battle standards allowed since doesn't involve skill to use not allowed in arena but in bg's also glowing cat figurines allowed or even dense stone statues?

I'm just wondering. If i can use AGM if it would be allowed (15 cd) & since I'm losing 240 Hp. I figure I couldn't use it. Just to stay consist with arena / rbg guidelines, right?
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