Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

Umm SS has been only 15 focus for awhile and focused aim has been 70% since mop hit I believe (either 70 or 80%. Idr which but ik one of them)


Is Focused Aim change just a tool tip change?
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I started this thread because I am frequently frustrated by the lack of availability of accurate patch information that focuses on F2P accounts.

Unfortunately, verifying information takes time. This thankless time could be much better spent on other tasks. And while I do gain some minor utility from parsing and distributing this information, the utility gain is currently insufficient for me to continue this project.

Furthermore, I suspect that most individuals neither sufficiently benefit from my analysis nor maintain clear understanding of it's meaning and intent.

Finally, if you share my frustrations on this topic, know that I felt your pain--but feel it no longer. - DV

Not sure if this was because of my posts or just a combination of things but I just quoted you to let you know so you could edit. I know you aren't the one who said it but was just letting you know so you could edit the mistake. Frankly just linking the ptr notes should be enough and if people really want to learn about upcoming changes they have to read up themselves. Can't spoon feed people everything :p Thx for trying though
Read the patch notes for 5.3

Now will the battle fatigue increase actually make healers killable or will they still be running around not really feeling the nerf.

They will need to manage mana for a change.
But will they go oom, I wonder.
O.O Fingers crossed on this one!

Ghostcrawler - Buffs in 5.3 to Ret, Enhance, WW, Feral, hunters and mage AE are real, at least for now. Mana pool changes are not.
Furthermore, I suspect that most individuals neither sufficiently benefit from my analysis nor maintain clear understanding of it's meaning and intent.

So there's about 40 people in my office. One of them is a guy named Jason. Jason socializes with two people...his reasoning for only talking to those two people is that he only talks to people who he thinks are at least as smart as him.


Yeah, your statement reminds me of that guy.

The only reason for posting on this site is because you feel like it. Plain and simple. Doing it for any other reason is just dilusional.
Healers are going to be visiting the gy a whole lot more soon.
Aspect of the Hawk: The Hunter takes on the aspects of a hawk, increasing ranged attack power by 25%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.

We will be back. hate us.
I've toggled between my expired p2p account and f2p account in the account management website. I can see how to copy a toon to the PTR on my old paid account. The same option does not seem to exist on my linked f2p account. Can f2ps get into the PTR?
Now Ret gets a little buff aswell as Enh, they just need to replace Primal Strike with Stormstrike for Enh and it might be good.

Also 600 mana for non clothies will be fun. Hpal will go OoM really fast now with FoL spam.
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oooooo fun fun . loving the changes to mana pool and the healing debuff. the buffs to hunters and enh shamans are really nice as well as the ret buffs. i must say if shamans got stormstrike i would probabaly make this face. View attachment 1939

then quit f2p wow and go get on my old 19 enh shaman with glacial stone ...... nah jk id probably bot a orc shaman though so i can relive my old days as a 2h orc shaman with BAR. i would probably be happy if they just gave shamans windfurry weapon.

errrr either way stuff keeps on getting better and better.


  • 7c3.jpg
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Getting 700 TV crits on my ret while playing around on the ptr w/ a friend of mine. Flash is no joke either, crits for around 1.6k in pvp.

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