Cloak dual socket

They are a daily kill just like any rare should be. Fuck that one and done and the NPC isn't elite anymore lazy shit from expacs ago.

Hated that shit.

"Hey, here's nothing to do all expac long. You're welcome!"
I've killed MULTIPLE BfA Rares on my main 10 repeatedly, no loot after the 1st kill, not shown as a Star (Rare) on Minimap, not shown as a Rare (Silver Elite icon) in person, etc. I also read that it only counts during World Quests, but didn't play BfA at all so I'm at a loss.
I've killed MULTIPLE BfA Rares on my main 10 repeatedly, no loot after the 1st kill, not shown as a Star (Rare) on Minimap, not shown as a Rare (Silver Elite icon) in person, etc. I also read that it only counts during World Quests, but didn't play BfA at all so I'm at a loss.
Only one chance of loot for these normal rare mobs on the map. But u can farm/buy ilvl28 green BFA items which allows multiple upgrade for socket and tertiary stats at same time. They are better than 25ilvl blue rare loots.

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easier one to farm, if you're into killing rares once a day:

You can loot those more than once? Is that a recent change? There was only one bugged that worked that way all of BfA.

edit- just logged in, killed that rare (again, first was weeks ago), got no loot. :rolleyes:
easier as in the drop % is higher, i’ve personally done roughly 8-9 hours with some multi boxers slaying kobolds and murlocs and have a grand total of 5 ilvl 28 capes and none have a socket. Maybe i’m just wildly unlucky but i didn’t want anyone to feel discouraged in the sense if they don’t drop 50k+ (bleeding hollow prices) or spend a ton of hours they couldn’t get a socketed cape

for the one i linked you’d simply go to the rare, kill, move along for the day; all of like 15 minutes of your day until that ilvl 28 cape happens
edit- just logged in, killed that rare (again, first was weeks ago), got no loot. :rolleyes:

better luck tomorrow
Can you show absolute proof that BfA Rares can be looted more than once please?

oh i see why you’re confused, no you cannot loot twice a day i was trying to get across killing a rare doesn’t eat up a lot of time in a day-to-day
@Peer I'm well aware that since Panda you can't loot rares more than once in a daily reset. What you eluded to is that BfA Rares are lootable repeatedly each new daily reset, which I can't find any proof to back that up.
oh i see why you’re confused
There was one, a crab in stormsong, that was bugged in BfA and dropped a ring every day... nothing else ever did.

That one crab might still do that, but there's no reason to think any others (BfA rares) do for any reason whatsoever.

Why you're acting like we're idiots is beyond me.
There was one, a crab in stormsong, that was bugged in BfA and dropped a ring every day... nothing else ever did.

That one crab might still do that, but there's no reason to think any others (BfA rares) do for any reason whatsoever.

Why you're acting like we're idiots is beyond me.

i’m trying not to sound like a jerk i promise, i’m not conveying what i mean properly i guess :/

before i dig myself into a bigger hole i’ll stop sorry friends
Ok, no worries.... but all you are offering is "keep trying" which is completely pointless given the way these rares have worked since they were put into the game. To keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

That's insanity, FYI - and just... cuz you say so. There's nothing but your say so to convince anyone to hop on that bus.
My 29 just stumbled across an ilvl 37 cloak with a socket and a decent tertiary on the AH. I don't think even a dual-socket cloak would beat that in the higher brackets vs. a socket+tertiary BoE cloak.
Cloak I'm currently using on my 14 Prot Warrior. She is still a work in progress.


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