Classic Twinking

is it vanilla only? I hope not, BC 49s is the best for twinking imo whats the point of playing 29s/39s/49s without BC enchants. Id play 19 rogue if its vanilla only
If you plan on twinking Classic let everyone know here.

If there is a large portion of the community interested in twinking on the Classic servers we should all decide on a realm for all twinks to play on, that way we can saturate all the brackets, have a good market for twink items of all levels, and make PuG battlegrounds a fun and competitive environment for twinks (gtfo levelers).

Anyways, look forward to hearing from you all, if you have any particular reason you are switching to Classic, please include it in your reply.
19s are too boring in classic IMO, most likely gonna go with a 29 twink. 19 twinks in vanilla are almost all rogues, some hunters
Good thread, I'll probably make a 29 at some point on whatever realm people are on.

Anyway i think that it won't be hard to make gold, people know how to make money in WoW a lot better than they use too so things like funding twinks will be easier.

There should be a fund or group of guilds/people that helps develop the community much like there has been in the past. So it's good to get organizing before hand
Good thread, I'll probably make a 29 at some point on whatever realm people are on.

Anyway i think that it won't be hard to make gold, people know how to make money in WoW a lot better than they use too so things like funding twinks will be easier.

There should be a fund or group of guilds/people that helps develop the community much like there has been in the past. So it's good to get organizing before hand

I'm pretty sure there will be. 29 vanilla private server community is kinda big and organized.
Never twinked classic before. But I have to ask, how tedious is it to get BiS at 19 without accidentally leveling to 20? I know that leveling was a slower process then, but I feel that farming for certain drops would be risky since killing bosses would grant exp. Along with doing quests.
If you’re using current day standards everything is “tedious” comparatively. You sometimes had to use techniques like being dead and then rezzed, etc. Not to mention you may just not have everything you want.
Early planning for the rarer items is key too.
I'm planning on twinking once classic servers launch. Most likely I will just be playing 19s rogue, pally (flag runner), and maybe hunter.
I know of at least 3 from my old vanilla twink guild (The Pwn Zone on Skywall) that are still around and will definitely be doing 19s again on classic servers. I wonder if XBG will be every server or if they'll have it split up by BattleGroups again. Hope to see some old BG1 faces again!
Hunter with intellect , quiver, ammo , melee and ranged weapon, fight on loot rolls for leather gear, farm broken tooth for 1.0 attack speed, but it was worth it when u got the gearing done.

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