EU+US Choosing what to play...


I want to try something new this expansion. I'm between shaman and druid or gearing up my WW monk. As for shaman and druid I'm just looking for a viable spec with the most potential. Anyone have a sham or druid or see them perform in BGs?

Guardian sucks in bgs.

Guardian sucks in bgs.

I was playing around with it, single target kinda sucks PvE... is that all AoE damage?

Also, what's everyone think on the best nelth's lair solo spec at 99? Balance druid? BM hunter? Is shaman even viable without an 835+ six feather fan and multiple armor types? Blood DK will certainly do it, but it's abysmally slow... maybe ret pally?

Also, what's everyone think on the best nelth's lair solo spec at 99? Balance druid? BM hunter? Is shaman even viable without an 835+ six feather fan and multiple armor types? Blood DK will certainly do it, but it's abysmally slow... maybe ret pally?

By best NL Solo Spec are you talking about sheer speed of clear (skipping as much as possible, just going for Chests) or ability to literally pull all Trash to each Boss then AOE all of it down fast in order for more chances of the 75/100 AP Tokens as well as Chests?

BM Hunter has massive AOE potential but only for a short duration. It's also very Artifact dependent, as in deep into it's Talents so that Hati's damage is dramatically increased. IMHO any of the DPS Specs that have great AOE/ST and most importantly Survivability are what would make 'the Best' list. Tanks and Tank Hybrids are always solid but always slow, but also impossible to kill. Hell I barely have to pay attention to my Health on my 101 DK and he's only 806 iLvL but does have ~23% Leech.

I can't even imagine what 101's are going to be like when Players are full (or close to it) 890+ with Sockets and Leech. Even better if Blizz actually allows 98+ to use the AK catch up, it'll be nuggin futs God mode for just about all 101's.
I'm talking at 99, where there is no leech to speak of, and no 600k non-crit six feather procs chaining back to back.

Where BoE is a luxury not a given... and certainly not a god-mode upgrade worth using wrong armor types because you're getting triple the mastery, crit, etc. Wondering what specs are still faceroll, if any, without sacrificing convenience of speed like you do with blood DK. Without the extra 835+ slots and sockets, does shammy/hunter/druid still make the grade? Frost DK gives me trouble any boss but the first due to lack of adds for dark succor. Stuff like that.

I know people have said druid is still great, just curious what else people are experiencing. My affliction lock can solo it, but it's slow going. I had trouble with my MM hunter until i actually got a 99 six feather fan for him... but i kinda suck at MM. I'll find out soon for disc priest, guessing it will be slow DPS but unkillable like afflock.
All I gotta say is don't do demonhunter. I've played with good players that decided to give it a go - its horribad.

Rogues are another one of those classes. If you're one of those 0.1% rogues, go for it. You're probably not so just roll a boomkin and moon people.
I had a feral at 101, not the same thing exactly, but i was so disappointed (PvE) that i leveled to 102 to get the boomy and guardian artifacts. I dont understand why if i'm stacking mastery how shred still winds up being my top damage ability... i wanted big bleeds, i tried for big bleeds, my bleeds simply were not big.

PvP might be completely different, tho.
Curious thing about 98 in case it's not common knowledge - all drops/rewards are 20ish ilvl lower than 99. It's weird.

Except the BoE epics. They're only 6 ilvl lower. I also got an epic proc on the first relic quest in Valsharah and it went from 664 with 2 ilvl increase to 684 epic.... with 2 ilvl increase. That relic only goes from 3 ilvl to 4 at 99 on epic proc, i think, but at least it gets better.

So basically, except for relics, i guess if you had a 98 with full 800 rewards, 3 WoD crafted, and full BoE otherwise... it'd be "exceptionally" strong for PvE at that level in comparison - and only slightly lower ilvl than BiS 99 for PvP. Relics only lose you a couple. I dont really know for sure, but the first boss in NL has less than 5 million health at 98. That seems so low...
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Feral shines in 3v3 arenas. You're basically a melee version of a warlock on drugs. As for BG's you're a bleed spreader. Not my preferred way of playing, I'm hoping that'll change in 7.1.5. I went feral to be different, because everyone seems to go ret or boomy with good reasons.

Frost DK is a simple high performance class. PVE I feel like a god in NL's. I've yet to run against another 99 with higher single target dps and nothing close on AoE dmg. PVP wise Frost DK is beast. Great survivability with high dmg output. Artifact ability has a 5 min CD, but so rewarding when using at the right time.

I enjoy feral, but with current state of Boomy makes it the only spec to play a Druid.

If you want a fun 99 that does well in everything Frost DKs is a good pick.
Its the rift one, if you have a level 100 i can show you it :) or 99

Just the PvE numbers is fine, thanks. PvP doesnt really matter, it's all template... a few % isnt really relevant.

It's good, or it isnt. The only real variable is PvE.... unless your artifact has traits to improve it. (it doesnt.)

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