I'm talking at 99, where there is no leech to speak of, and no 600k non-crit six feather procs chaining back to back.
Where BoE is a luxury not a given... and certainly not a god-mode upgrade worth using wrong armor types because you're getting triple the mastery, crit, etc. Wondering what specs are still faceroll, if any, without sacrificing convenience of speed like you do with blood DK. Without the extra 835+ slots and sockets, does shammy/hunter/druid still make the grade? Frost DK gives me trouble any boss but the first due to lack of adds for dark succor. Stuff like that.
I know people have said druid is still great, just curious what else people are experiencing. My affliction lock can solo it, but it's slow going. I had trouble with my MM hunter until i actually got a 99 six feather fan for him... but i kinda suck at MM. I'll find out soon for disc priest, guessing it will be slow DPS but unkillable like afflock.