<Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp

Only problem I see with trying to get WG is if 85 alli decide to be tools...which I would not be at all surprised about.
Hunterqt said:
i'm interested in this guild, i haven't read everything but what are in need of?

I dont mean to sound stingy but you might want to read a bit when you get some time. I understand its really long and thats really the only bad thing about this post is that it is really really long but its also full of info for the guild and almost anything you need to know is answered in there

As personally what we need in order to take off at raiding we need a healer. We have 3 dps already, 2 tanks & another healer but we dont have a second except for myself and I'd really prefer not to heal as I'm I signed up as dps. I cater to the guilds needs but there is a point where I must say no. If you interested I will list priority of what we need from top to bottom

1. Raid healer (hpreist, resto druid***, resto shaman***)

2. 1 ranged dps (boomkin*, 1 spriest**, 1 hunter preferred bm but not picky)

3. 1 melee dps (warrior**, feral druid, enhance shaman)

The more stars a class/spec has the higher priority we need of it

If you are re-rolling please let me know. I wont have a problem leveling with you but keep in mind I do have a main 85 that I raid 3-4 nights a week with and the nights I have planned as raids here would work fine for leveling. We are full on dk's at this moment I apologize

If you are an xfer please speak to me in-game and apply I would feel really terrible if you xferred and found out this isnt what you were looking for

UPDATE: Its probably been a bit tough to get ahold of me in-game. Send me your bnet email so I can add you to bnet friends to tookewl4normal@gmail.com and we'll communicate better that way or you can wait til tomorrow night when I'll be on during our future raid times

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Raids begin april 1st, or possibly march 25th depending on if we have the 80's & gear to do it. Be ready. I'm going to stop updating this thread after our first week of raiding and I'll expect all raiders to use the guild website to be up to date. Failure to do so will probably mean you being embarrased & harassed by your fellow raiders. Nothing that cant be fixed =P

Be ready guys, we go into raids soon
christ all god damn mighty thats a long opening post. somewhat interested in this.. have a Shaman, Warrior & Hunter all sitting at 70 atm, ready to be leveled to 80 for this. I'd prefer to play the hunter, but I can probably adapt and I'd like to try the warrior really.

hit me up with your realID in a PM here on Twinkinfo, it's easier to talk in game if you want.
Sanitarium said:
christ all god damn mighty thats a long opening post. somewhat interested in this.. have a Shaman, Warrior & Hunter all sitting at 70 atm, ready to be leveled to 80 for this. I'd prefer to play the hunter, but I can probably adapt and I'd like to try the warrior really.

hit me up with your realID in a PM here on Twinkinfo, it's easier to talk in game if you want.

Haha yeah I'm going to stop updating this post after this upcoming friday and I'm gonna expect members to use the guild website. I wont take this post down but I'll slim it down only to the essentials. But yeah I'll hit you up with a PM
Bump for weekend full of heroics

Raiding starts april 1st

Still taking more people to fill our ranks


1-2 healers

1-3 dps melee or ranged

1-2 tanks

This is all for 10 man

Our 25 man core is still building up

Please contact me on here, in-game, or on our forums at championsofulduar.guildlaunch.com
this just seems strange to me. i stomped ulduar into dust in at-level gear, hardmodes and all. where is the fun in this idea?

(i even have Herald of the Titans, and half of my group for that was wearing hastily put together boes with no enchants/gems)
Very nice. Im sure this guild will do great. I raid too much and have other things to do to help you all out, and i would have to re-gear my 80 lock down from ICC heroic gear to your expectations. Seems like it will be a lot of fun, good luck to you all.
Fizzfizz said:
this just seems strange to me. i stomped ulduar into dust in at-level gear, hardmodes and all. where is the fun in this idea?

(i even have Herald of the Titans, and half of my group for that was wearing hastily put together boes with no enchants/gems)

I dont understand what your saying? I truly honestly dont. I dont think you read the entire post or see what we're doing here. Please do so

Our first raid night is going eh. Were missing a tank & dps but that should be fixed this upcoming weekend so we should have a dead raid boss tomorrow if not the next weekend. Cleared some os trash & a drake with 4 people though so we did accomplish something although it wasnt alot

Still needing just about everything so feel free to apply & make interest
Added 2 new raid days for those who cannot make friday/saturday late nights. This will hopefully bring in more people for our raiding & those who have alts in the guild currently can raid 2x as much to get more excitement

These are the only days I'm willing to lead raids so if you wish to lead raids on monday/wednsday/sunday feel free to do so if you meet my raid leader/officer requirements

If you are already a part of the friday/saturday core please do no consider these new times unless I give the ok. I do not want our current core to disband and not raid at all because 2 people wished to raid at different times.

If you cannot absolutely make these new times then please speak to me and I will switch you into the new core
no, i read it, i just don't understand how that sounds fun to anyone unless they JUST started playing in cata and didn't get to do those raids during wrath. i could be a bit jaded though, since i raided 3 nights a week for 4 hours a pop in a top progressed guild, so i'm kinda sorta extremely over it.

i mean, good luck to you and all, i just don't see the draw. :p
Fizzfizz said:
no, i read it, i just don't understand how that sounds fun to anyone unless they JUST started playing in cata and didn't get to do those raids during wrath. i could be a bit jaded though, since i raided 3 nights a week for 4 hours a pop in a top progressed guild, so i'm kinda sorta extremely over it.

i mean, good luck to you and all, i just don't see the draw. :p

I personally came into wrath during icc after my long break from wow so some of this will be new to me. I know most of the bosses in naxx from weekly experience and I cleared most of ulduar on my 85's for achievements. The only raid I'm not personally familiar with is toc

I have a few people in the guild now that arent familiar with any wrath raids. Some that are familiar with all but naxx/uld. And I have a couple that have never seen ulduar past XT

So I mean theres alot of spread experience among them all but I mean I raided BC alot back in 07/08 and I still raid in a BC twink guild on top of running this one.

Its just a personal preference, but thank you. We plan to do our best as the first publicly known 80 twink raiding guild
this has interested me since the start. my lock is still 80 but idk what id do regarding gear since hes already icc capable and i dont have any of his older naxx gear iirc (tho i do have t6 XD)

dunno if you even need/want a lock even or if im wanting to pay for an xfer atm, or if itd still be fun once it gets into toc/icc which i raided a lot of in lk, but damn is it ever interesting
Falkor said:
this has interested me since the start. my lock is still 80 but idk what id do regarding gear since hes already icc capable and i dont have any of his older naxx gear iirc (tho i do have t6 XD)

dunno if you even need/want a lock even or if im wanting to pay for an xfer atm, or if itd still be fun once it gets into toc/icc which i raided a lot of in lk, but damn is it ever interesting

Well let me split your post into different questions answers

1. As far as gear goes before you xfer or consider if you want to xfer your lock start running heroics or gathering rep gear. We have a strict no cata-gear or gear higher than our restricted ilevel requirement for our current tier. So in simple, run heroics, gather rep, find some pre-naxx gear guides. Thats what most of our raiders have been going off. I have no issue with t6 as long as I believe its 1k or 1.2k sp for dps casters & at least 14% hit cap. Basically a dps requirement of 1.8k-2k+ is what we need to clear naxx efficiently without causing any problems with enrages or healer mana issues although we havent had any yet unless our tanks arent playing it smart and we dont CC (yeah we're using CC in os, with single tank its necessary)

2. We do need a lock. I'm not turning anything down at this moment to gather up enough people for our 25m core asap and our 2nd 10m group in the meantime. As far as spec goes anything is good but I'd prefer dest or demon. Both are very good at this tier but come t8 any spec will catch a fancy

3. Stay as long as you like but we're still talking about how to prevent this problem you provide. We have been considering the fact that once we clear a tier we keep that gear in our banks and we'll revisit that tier or specific raid like once or twice a month or use it as off nights, that way we're still provided with somewhat of a challenge and its not completely trivial faceroll with t10 heroic gear. By doing this we still have to abide to most mechanics of the fights and we can revisit those times with that current gear. This is especially important for herald of titans (which is still obtainable Herald of the Titans - Achievement - World of Warcraft)

If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to ask more. If you want to apply & get started check out the website


We are attempting to raid every weekend but no success

In order to down bosses we know for sure we need 2 tanks, 2 heals, 2 dps pulling at least 3-4k. Of this requirement we have 2 tanks, 1 is still making his way to 80 and my warrior will be tanking for us for quite awhile until we have confirmed otherwise. We have 1 confirmed healer but my shaman does the job now til my warrior is 80. And we have 3 dps, 1 rogue & 2 mages. 1 mage is a reservist though

So yes we're still looking for much & many more to ultimately fill out our 25m core
First sartharion kill 4/9/11 last night

The only challenging part of obsidian sanctum was really the bigger trash packs with only 2 tanks, 2 healers & 1 dps. Granted we had the heal/tanks for it but dps was low (3k from our mage) so we could only get through it so fast. The whelp drake tenebron I believe it is, that one gave us a bit of trouble at first sight but no wipes on him. As we got through the fight longer healers & our mage picked up the fact off tank needs aggro first. Shadron was a long fight due to low dps again

Sartharion himself was a fun fight I think for everyone. The adds werent really an issue until the last 10% of the fight

We had anub to 3-5% but he enraged again to low dps, we plan to have him and many others down this weekend

Still needing just about everything for 25m core and we could use some dps & 1 backup healer for our group 1 10m

still interested in doin something like this...but god its hard to decide. would take like 50 bucks to xfer and faction change which is why i was waiting to see if you'd update with progress. nice to see you have tanks and heals, so thats good. still concerned if theres numbers/support for this, would hate to waste all the money to see it crumble...if its goin down i might have to check it out, and make sure i could make the raid times ofc. with summer coming up its an ever bigger possibility though, despite the fact id have to wear t6 or w/e at first

p.s if dps is a concern why is the mage frost? did it really somehow surpass fire/arcane for dps at 70? cuz it was never best at 70 back in the day and afaik its not the best at 85 either. idk, just sayin'
Falkor said:
still interested in doin something like this...but god its hard to decide. would take like 50 bucks to xfer and faction change which is why i was waiting to see if you'd update with progress. nice to see you have tanks and heals, so thats good. still concerned if theres numbers/support for this, would hate to waste all the money to see it crumble...if its goin down i might have to check it out, and make sure i could make the raid times ofc. with summer coming up its an ever bigger possibility though, despite the fact id have to wear t6 or w/e at first

p.s if dps is a concern why is the mage frost? did it really somehow surpass fire/arcane for dps at 70? cuz it was never best at 70 back in the day and afaik its not the best at 85 either. idk, just sayin'

If you need just re-roll and get to know the guild a bit better. If you end up liking what your re-rolling you can use that as your main. 1-60 takes a week at most with 3-4 hours a day straight questing with a couple dungeons every 10 lvls or so. If then you decide the guild is what your looking for you can xfer if you feel. As far as the mage being frost we couldnt really go against it, we needed the replenishment buff for our healers as our druid is having mana issues which we're trying to figure out just why exactly and how to counter it whether we need an additional healer or what.

We are considering him asking to go arcane or fire but he says he knows frost best but he's a backup really he's only able to raid every other week as of right now so its not a huge deal and he's pulling 3.5k dps on average. Fire isnt really a huge dps gain unless its movement heavy & aoe heavy. This wasnt the case for us during all the bosses we attempted and arcane really is a good spec to play but its all about mana management and a big difference from frost. We're having our hpally we used for this sarth kill use his hunter which he decided to xfer over for bloodlust + 3% buff because we're obtaining a hpally this week sometime and a rogue is also xferring. This is in addition to 2 new dks leveling up right now, one which is 75 and one is 62 or 63.

So all in all we're gaining members quite fast in the past 2 weeks and I feel after we get a few more kills like you said you'll be more interested as others will. I personally feel we'll have almost a full 25m if not 2 10m groups before we get out of t7 completely or before we get half way through ulduar. It'll be a big change but we're prepped for it whenever and we're filling our roster asap.

Stay updated we plan to have anub/noth & a sartharion kill video this upcoming week. This is our minimum kills we're aiming for we know we can down, we almost had voa kill if we had enough dps for it but if we couldnt down anub we feel we couldnt down archavon.

Still taking exactly

2 rdps

1-2 mdps

1 tank

For group 1

Taking all & any for group 2 & reservists for both groups while also filling our 25m core

EDIT: Sorry for the wall of text X.X

EDIT 2: Apparently we're getting a rogue tomorrow sometime, an inc holy pally sometime this week is what I'm told and a warlock sometime this week as well. If we get the holy pally we'll have our current hpally switch to dps (mage or hunter).

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