<Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp

nikor0x said:
I'll be bringing a Resto Druid to Fizzcrank within the next two weeks (gotta work for that Faction and Server change). I've been waiting for an 80 Twink Guild to come up and you've already got it all planned out so I figured i'd kick it 80 twink style :D

Alright great to hear I know what I'm doing =P

Send me an email or pm on the forums here when you've xferred successfully to fizzcrank horde and I'll get you a guild invite. I'm going to go ahead and start the guild up with a couple of alts instead of waiting to get guild exp rolling and have everything sorted & established while a core is being developed. Just curious though, could you have a boomkin off spec by any chance? Or do you have another off spec you'd really prefer to have and know much better?
Vinlann said:
Alright great to hear I know what I'm doing =P

Send me an email or pm on the forums here when you've xferred successfully to fizzcrank horde and I'll get you a guild invite. I'm going to go ahead and start the guild up with a couple of alts instead of waiting to get guild exp rolling and have everything sorted & established while a core is being developed. Just curious though, could you have a boomkin off spec by any chance? Or do you have another off spec you'd really prefer to have and know much better?

Boomkin actually is my current offspec :D
nikor0x said:
Boomkin actually is my current offspec :D

Alright good to hear, looking forward to hearing from you soon and I'll keep working on the guild & getting more members for our core. If you are wondering what to do at the moment we have no current tailors/leatherworking/blacksmithing/engineers. We are going to take frost resist gear into sapph for the first few times to see if we can handle without it but we are doing 90% of the encounters with 2 healers so the more damage reduction we can have the better. Please visit the guild website and apply when neccessary. I updated the main post about why I need people to apply as its not an acceptance thing but more of a reference for me & future officers/raid leaders
We definitely could. Actually looking for a hunter to fill core spot. If you've looked at the raid times/days feel free to apply at the website for reference purposes for myself. We are currently looking for all at the moment. Being that you are AUS will you be able to make raid times/days? Pm me so we dont fill this thread up with the conversation

I got the toon I'll be transferring and wanted to nab the spot before it's taken. I'll be transferring a Mage who is currently Frost spec but adding a Fire spec is no problem. I'll send you a PM with his name once the xfer is complete.


Rawveggie said:

I got the toon I'll be transferring and wanted to nab the spot before it's taken. I'll be transferring a Mage who is currently Frost spec but adding a Fire spec is no problem. I'll send you a PM with his name once the xfer is complete.



Yes we mainly need a fire mage but if dps is proficient among the entire raid (meaning we beat minimum dps requirements not pew pew 6k dps or gtfo type of deal) then I have no issue with you being whatever spec you prefer to play. I wont be on until a bit later I have to work early this morning but I should be on later in the early afternoon.

Does this mage need leveling by chance or is it already 80? And what about gear? An armory link would be helpful to identify these things
what about a frost DK for DPS? i during WoTLK i had 3 80's a ret pally, a shadow priest, and a frost DK. saddly i lvl'd my DK to 83 but my pally and SP are still 80 but i had tons of fun with naxx and EoE and OS and my DK was my fav. class during that time. so would it be possible to make one and DPS in your guild runs?
Certainly, my "dream" setup isnt the setup we are going to run with. That was just to get all the buffs. The less buffs we have the more challenge we have =P

Your more than welcome to bring a dps dk.

Just give me a shout, I do have a main guild run tonight so if I dont respond on any of my toons or email or this thread I'm not quite ignoring it.

But yes your more than welcome to bring a dps dk as long as you can make raid times & raid days

EDIT: Also just curious you only mentioned naxx, eoe, os. Will you be pushing into different tiers of progress with us? Or do you intend to stay just for those?
ok :3 thats good to know and of course i'll be going into more content, i have seen very very little of ulduar and would love to see the whole raid. and i love the idea of starting out fresh and starting with the lower tiers and moving up :D
Lythe said:
ok :3 thats good to know and of course i'll be going into more content, i have seen very very little of ulduar and would love to see the whole raid. and i love the idea of starting out fresh and starting with the lower tiers and moving up :D

Alright looking forward to hearing from you soon
Lythe said:
leveling with out BOA"s SUCKS!!!

Must agree myself, which is why I have boa chest/shoulders/cape =P

If your on fizzcrank give me a /whisper

Angarin, Vynlann, Vinlann, or Angarindeath. currently leveling angarin my shaman that will be gm of the guild and our dps with off spec healing
Want to make this quick announcement before people start xfering

If you are planning on joining but xferring a character please logon fizzcrank when you can, make a lvl 1 alt to sign the guild charter with your name that you want to have when you xfer over. When you do xfer over you will delete that characters name (the lvl 1 alt) remake your character but make sure when your on customization screen if you have to faction/race change you dont use your character name you want ont hat screen. They usually give you a compilation of numbers/letters if the name is already taken. When you enter world with that character it'll ask you to name change. That is where you will enter the name you want.
Yeah its up to you what you want to bring over. If you decide its a lock you want to play & xfer over then thats completely up to you. If we are lacking a healer I'll take that spot til we find a main spec healer to take the second spot.
I have to say I'm quite amazed. 655 views as of 3:21 am (-7 gmt). This is astounding as the threads only been up for a couple weeks. Obviously it seems as though the word has gotten out to people and more people are considering joining without posting. I hope to hear from those people very soon and begin our raiding and start building up a 25m core soon as well. Would like to remind everybody I am updating the thread daily to add new things and cover new questions & ideas some might have. To check this scroll to the bottom of the first post and look in updates. We will get a 10m core started very soon and if 10m isnt for what some people are looking for we are going to start building a 25m core off of our 10m. I understand some people dont like the smaller or even bigger raid enviorment so this is why I'm going to be building a 25m core & 10m separately from each other and will most likely be 2 different groups. I would also like to have an alt group going of either raid size down the road so for those who cant get enough of wotlk raiding or just would like to experience more of it and have more time on they're hands this would be perfect time for you to start building up an alt if you get bored of leveling the one you plan to have in here or have an 80 already. I know I am and I know I'm not the only one

Thanks again everybody for all the responses and those interested I hope to see you in my guild/raid group soon. Good luck raiding and have fun while doing it
Just an update the guild is official and created. Members are working quickly they're way to 80 and we have a bit of competition for our first guild 80. I wont say names but all I can say is that we are getting close to beginning raiding in OS & beginning naxx. We will only do it with about 5-7 people if that which is completely doable but we do need at least 2 tanks & 2 healers & about 4-5 dps. Right now I'm hearing rumors that at 72-75 dps is pulling about 3.5k without heirlooms. I do expect this number to go down but 2-3k dps is more than enough for naxx and enough to be enrage timers with only 3-4 dps. We will be starting raids very soon and my expectations are here in the next 2-3 weeks at most. Prepare yourselves
Leveling w/o BoAs does suck but I only have one (shoulders) and if you're hitting the BGs it really should not take that long to get the honor points for at least one item. Also, we should probably invest in trying to get Wintergrasp if we can. The +5% XP from killing mobs will certainly help all of us that are leveling. ;)
Yeah everytime I've been there to do my jc daily on my dk we've had it. Although I'm not sure how its been during the day/morning

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