<Champions of Ulduar> 80 Wotlk raiding/pvp


Champions of Ulduar is a level 80 guild aimed at wrath of the lich king progression. This guild was founded on 2/26/11 during tier 11 progress in the cataclysm expansion.

Minor Update 3/8/11 - If you wish to be considered for a core raider position before we start raiding you must start getting on at our fri/sat raid times. If you are an xfer that has not xferred or will not be able to for awhile email me your bnet email at tookewl4normal@gmail.com or send me an in-game email to vinlann/angarindeath/vynlann/angarin (one of the four, preferred angarin) and I will add you. I will monitor time from there until you xfer and if you are active on the times I present for 2-3 weeks depending on how long your on for the nights that I present you will be promoted to core raider position whether your on fizzcrank or not

Small reminder - If you have interest and plan to join now or later in the future please go on the guild website (can be found at the bottom of this post) and apply on the left hand side where it says apply to guild. This isnt for an acceptance this is for reference so I know who you are as experience wise & person wise. I will never reject someone from an app unless I absolutely dont see them helping progression & the guild out.

ALSO pvp is not our main priority but I know some twinks exist for a reason. Pvp ranks are being thought through although pve in this guild takes a higher priority and that is my concern. If you are a pvp'er but also want to raid I have a feeling this guild will be just for both of those. Again PvE content has priority of PvP content in this guild. Although PvP is welcome as long as it doesn't taint the guild

Table of Contents

1. Goals

2. Things I'm Avoiding

3. Rules & expectations guidelines

4. Raid Expectations

5. Raid nights/days

6. Ranks

7. Loot

8. Professions

9. Openings

10. Guild "no-no's" & Punishments

11. Updates

12. Additional Notes

Update - 3/5/11 - This officially is now a wotlk progression guild starting at the base of t7 naxx/os/eoe and working its way up. We will be clearing content in ulduar as we get further in naxx but we'll still be clearing naxx way before we get through the end of ulduar. We aim that ulduar being our longest raiding time due to its massive amount of bosses & different ways to take each one on. Hard modes included. As for our aim to be 25m I have yet to get enough interest but the idea still is there and if interest does come I will not hesitate to create a 25m core. So as for now we are a wotlk progression guild starting on t7 & heroics. When we have progressed to t8 I will post. As we get a core setup the website activity will be...more active. I will post pictures of kills the night they are downed. This project is officially serious now and it is not going anywhere. Raid times are subject to change and may consume the whole weekend or change. I am still gathering peoples availability's for raiding. The reason I decided to keep the name was because it was already decided and my other suggestion was champions of the frozen wastes or champions of northrend but I didnt think that would be as valuable as champions of ulduar. We had already trade marked Champions of Ulduar and so it will remain

*Over the next few days I will be compiling a list of pre-raid (naxx/os) gear guides for all classes/specs. I will post them as I see them on the guild website which can be found at the bottom of this post. You may need to sign up on the guild website to see these. Any member interested should be applying anyways for reference purposes (not recruiting, recruiting interviews will be done in-game or over raidcall/vent). If you do not see your class/spec I apologize and suggest it or send me a message about it and Ill get to that one asap

US - Fizzcrank - Horde

How to stop EXP Gain

The npc has moved slightly since 4.03a. If you know where he originally was he's in the same building (hall of the brave) and he's on the very top floor. What might help. Type /target slahtz. He's a stealthed undead rogue lvl 19. Put a marker on his head look around/above you til you find that marker. A skull is usually the best solution and is easiest to identify. He charges you 10g to turn off exp gain and 10g to turn it on again. Obviously if you want to stay in this guild, when you turn 80 its vital that you see him before you do anything else and turn the exp gain off. It is possible to lvl through raiding and I wont allow it. If you are really having a rough time getting money for it I'd be more than happy to donate it for you

Currently we are in : Tier 8 Content - Ulduar


1. Goals


- I would like to make progression. With 4.01 being released, mastery, reforging content would be much easier to overall complete content. Although mastery & reforging exist it will not be a huge factor but it is there and it will make the expansion easier to progress. On this note Alt groups may be formed quite quick to over come the factor of progressing to fast

- We are aiming to start naxx/os/eoe first and progress to ulduar once we feel we're confidently geared and have completed 75% of the glory to the "x" raider achievements. Once then we will completely clear ulduar, all hard modes included. yogg0 may be the only exception to push into to toc but we will not push into toc(hc) until we down yogg0 at that note.

- Our plan set raid times at the moment are friday & saturday nights (times are below). Considering other nights at the moment with members to see if we want to add more nights or move nights. The less nights we take the more time on the nights we do raid. Effectively we will raid at least about 5-8 hours of raiding a week. If we clear all the content we can or just cant down bosses raids will be called early so we arent wiping on the same boss(es) for the reason that we just dont have the gear/people to do it with

- My nights I'd like to raid right now are friday & saturday nights. Being this is a twink guild people have 85 mains and most guilds I know dont raid friday & saturday nights for obvious reasons. The alt group raids tues/thurs with cleanup on monday. Core raiders that cannot make fri/sat are welcome to attend these

- Along with raiding we will aim to hit alot of the "glory to the raider xxx" achievements. This includes tier 7 content, t8, t9 & t10. This will easily increase the amount of time we're in a tier of content thus lengthening the time spent in it and we feel more accomplished & challenge ourselves in new ways

- Finding a group of raiders that work well together, respond to each others actions efficiently & proactively. A group that performs well together will have fun together and thats what this guild is here for is re-create the fun aspects of raiding for wotlk progression no matter the views of others


2. Things I'm avoiding


- People who tend to join a twink guild sometimes lose interest very fast and drop without notice. I'm going to avoid these people at all costs to not leave the guild hanging and thus destroy the guild. I've seen it happen before

- Taking forever to progress is never good for any raiding guild unless thats they're aim. Therefor this is not ours. From the day we enter naxx I'd like to have every glory to the raider achievement (tier 7) achievement within 2 months afterwards with the nightfall title above our heads. Within the day we set foot in ulduar I'd like to see us down yogg within a month after that. From the time we take our first hard mode down I'd like to see every ulduar raider achievement under our noses in 1-2 months. From the night we set foot in totc I'd like to see a dead heroic anub within 2 months (should be less). And from the time we lay eyes on marrowgar I'd like to see our glory to the icecrown citadel raider achievements in our panel within 2 months. I have some expectations here but they can easily be reached with a group of good, competent & motivated raiders. I will not turn this guild into a main guild or even a guild that works you to death. But I do expect people to play they're best the way I know they can (results may vary). This guild will last for at least 6-7 months progressing through tiers. Once after we do we'll decide how to re-live past tiers while also collecting legendaries for those who wish to have them.

- Drama/conflict. Nobody likes this in a guild and certainly I would not tolerate it in mine. End of story

- Players that cant take criticism well. It will be given out but respectfully, and it is your duty as a member of this guild to take it respectfully and answer the same. Nobody is here to insult anyone and if thats the case then they will be given a warning, next a demotion, following with a guild kick/ban.

- Players that dont perform as well as they should. This isnt a guild that expects you to pull 6k dps in naxx. This guild is here to raid content as it was then. If a dps can pull the minimum dps requirements for that encounter then they are more than welcome as if they are respected. If we're finding issues in the encounter that in other wise dps could help but producing more damage then it will be asked to perform better (ex. healers oom due to 4.01 changes, tanks cant handle damage etc).

- Players that leave raids early without notice. That is almost an automatic demotion. If it happens again its a guild kick. I do not take this lightly. If perhaps it is an emergency I understand but you must convince me it was. I'm not a harsh person but I will not take guild disrespect lightly and this is one form. If in fact you do need to leave early but would like to attend the raid you may do so depending on the conditions. For example you need to leave an hour into a raid, depending on how many bosses we need to take down that night or how many we have left you may be declined or accepted into the raid that night.


3. Rules & expectations guildlines


1. Again, no drama/conflicts. If theres a problem speak to them in /w chat. I wont be recruiting snobby teenagers that cant talk they're problems over and solve it themselves. If they can handle it with the other person(s) by themselves they're more than welcome to join the guild regardless of the age/gender..etc

2. Some people were here for the wrath content (all tiers), some werent. It is in the best interest of the guild to respect both. This means if someone doesnt know a fight and isnt aware of some mechanics or a fight in general it wouldnt be fair to harass them. If though people are dying to stupid stuff aka standing in fire, not spreading out etc, then there will be issues addressed.

3. Have fun. Were here to raid the best content that the community feels like was in wrath. The guild wasnt just designed to see the content & be done with it. It is designed to have an alternative to those who find themselves standing in org often on friday/saturday nights with nothing to do wishing they had something to do.

4. Reaching lvl 81 will result in an auto kick. By joining this guild you are aware of the fact it is an 80 twink raiding guild. Anyody from 1-80 is welcome of any class/spec.

*5. No icc/toc 5man gear until we reach that tier of raiding

6. I thought I'd ad this as a side note. We will be doing VOA when its up and this could happen at any moment. Fizzcrank is pretty competitive over TB/WG and its hard to say when we do or dont have it. On days when 10 people are on and can raid for 30 min or so we will do VoA for our progression meaning

Tier 7 - Archavon the Stone Watcher

Tier 8 - Emalon the Storm Watcher

Tier 9 - Koralon the Flame Watcher

Tier 10 - Toravon the Ice Watcher

7. Cataclysm gear that would benefit you (mounts/companions/etc is fine) is strictly prohibited

8. Pugging raids besides the weekly is strictly prohibited. If you pug a raid you are to pass on all loot or disenchant it. This may seem like tyranny but its for the best of the guild to keep people from constantly pugging raids outside of guild raids & higher tiers. AS of right now pugging weeklies is only allowed for t7/t8 bosses. ToC and ICC bosses may not be pugged even for weeklies


4. Raid expectations


1. Always a first, be on time & prepared. I have 2 main alts on the realm I will be hosting this on that will provide gems/flasks for people dont have any.

2. Everybody is required a dual spec. If you are a class that can have healing/tank then you also required to have at least 1 dps spec with at least heroic geared dps gear. You will not be required to dps always but if the occasion arrives it would be nice to have it. This does not apply to all situations (some people I may have take a tank/heal spec for ex. druids/pallys if I see need fit). As for pure dps classes bring an alternate dps spec if you dont plan to pvp. Ex. A hunter must have BM spec in addition to his survival/marksmanship spec. A fire or frost mage must bring an arcane spec. Warlock must bring a demon spec along with dest or afflic. Classes that are dpsing but have a heal or a tank only spec must bring that alternative role unless otherwise designated (ex. ele shaman must bring resto spec)

3. Gems/enchants must be up to date. I am aware that all ej info is not appropriate for lvl 80s but the stat priority usually follows. Again it may not be all accurate. Do your best to figure out whats neccessary. There are still old forum posts around for lvl 80 content for all classes/specs

4. Lastly, theorycraft your toon. For ex. If we're jumping on to a new boss, and you've seen strat videos & seen other guides think of how you would benefit the raid by activating certain abilities at certain moments in the fight

*5. If you can and dont know fights and feel you can contribute to the raid much better than you already have or can, watch fight videos on tankspot. Tankspot has 95% of the encounters in wotlk as I 've found. I dont think theres actually one encounter they're missing besides some icc heroic modes.

Tanks - If your a tank, research what you need as far as tank requirements. Since def cap is no longer an issue and every tanking class should already have a talent that reduces chance you'll be crit you'll be getting alot more avoidance. This does lower the requirements a bit but still aim for as high as you can while staying within our current tier of content gear.

Healer - If you are a healer do the same as the tank and find out some stats you need such as in combat regen, spellpower, mana & possibly some healing strats.

Dps - Lastly if your dps find out the required amount of dps on a boss. If a boss isnt given a set amount of required dps that you can find around the internet Try this. If the boss has an enrage mechanic of some sort then there is a base dps requirement to kill the boss in XX amount of time. Some bosses have hard enrages and some have soft enrages. An example would be patchwerk. He requires a total of 7.2k dps from your whole raid in order to beat his enrage. If your not pulling a 1/6 of that you need to either get better gear, practice your rotation more or last find out what your doing wrong. Every class/spec that can dps now at 80 is clearly able to pull a base of 1.5k dps if the rotation is approached properly. When we make our way into harder content & hard/heroic modes a set dps will be a requirement and it will be expected of you to pull your share. This guild is not one that will assume you can pull 4k dps at ilevel 200 gear. If you can pull your base requirement your doing fine as long as your avoiding avoidable stuff.


5. Raid nights/days


Friday - 11:30pm - 2am cst. (these times are a bit extreme but we are not a big heavy core yet and this is only our first tier of raiding, subject to change)

Saturday - 7pm - 10:30 cst

Sunday - This is going to be a raid day 100%. I will have a discussion with each & every core member at this moment to figure out what times we can make. Our tanks arent having matching schedules and this is the only way to compensate for it.

Monday - 7pm - 10:30 cst (considering, let me know your thoughts on this xfers/raiders)

These times & days are subject to change to benefit the whole core raid group.

*Sunday/monday nights are being considered. Most likely it will be monday but on our off/alt nights we will attempt sunday as well for more raiding time


6. Ranks


This is not fully finished but I will post what i have in mind

Rank 1 : Guild master - Pretty obvious, monitors the guild overall success

Rank 2 : Officer - Assist the Guild master & helps where see need fit

Rank 3 : Raid leader - Being a guild master doesnt always mean being a raid leader. A guild master may have a ton of responsibilites on hand and having a couple designated raid leaders helps

Rank 4 : Core raider - Chosen people who attend raids 80% of the time, proficiency in raiding & class. (In order to even be considered for this position you must be online between the times we aim to have raids whether that means your raiding or not. This shows that your available at these times and we can expect you on then. I am expecting this as of now and as soon as the guild gets one more sig the guild will be created and I will expect this if you expect a core raider position). These members will also have full priority over trial/reservist/friend|alt during encounters we cannot down because of gear or the fact that we need more core raiders. We will not allow reservists/trials until we down this boss at least twice to get the idea of it for our core raiders and to give tips for our new raiders

Rank 5 : Reservist - These people fill in spots that trials or core raiders cannot. Not active members but when they're online and we can use them, we will

Tank 5.5: PvP Member - These members are here for the pvp aspect & socialize with other members that are 80

Rank 6 : Trial - New member of the guild proving they're worth. From here they will either progress to be reservist or core raider. If they are active, show they're worth, on time, prepared they will be promoted to core raider. If they're unprepared often, unable to make 80% of raid or leave early more than twice in they're trial period they will be promoted to reservist. Depending on how many trials to core raider ratio we have we may take alot of trials or alot of core raiders.

Rank 7 : Friend/Alt - Friend of someone in the guild currently or an alt of a guild member. (Any alts you have in the guild are considered 80 twink alts. The moment they hit 81 they will be removed as anyone else. If you wish an alt to be a main raider you must speak to an Officer, Raid Leader, or the Guild master. This will briefly be discussed at the next meeting that takes place)


7. Loot


We have decided loot council will be how we handle if 2-3 officers are attending the current raid. If we have 1 officer we will use a basic roll system. Core raider>trial/reservist>friend/alt

Armor specializations made its way into 4.01. They didnt exist in wotlk and we are going to act as if they didnt. It doesnt hurt to have your current armor specialization but we arent going to ignore your roll over a piece of loot because its not your armor. This will upset people but think of how you would feel if you'd done the same to someone else? Or they're BiS? I am not changing this anytime soon and it is not up for discussion. Leave it...(sorry clothies)

We do have a rule on how justice points (or previously emblems) are going to be used for each tier of progression. I will explain this here

Tier 7 - Emblem of heroism Vendor ONLY (once we enter tier 7 25m raids valor will be open)

Tier 8 - Emblem of heroism and Valor (once we enter tier 8 25m raids conquest will be open)

Tier 9 - Emblem of heroism, valor, conquest, triumph (theres no way not to tell people to not spend points on t9)

Tier 10 - Emblem of heroism, valor, conquest, triumph, frost (again same thing with t9)

UPDATE - 3/7/11 - I need to address this before questions start rolling in and people start getting upset. If some people didnt know some classes benefit from spirit rather than just healers. A few examples that I know for positive are Ele shamans, Shadow priests, boomkins. Warlocks used to gain spellpower equal to spirit of some equation before 4.01. I've heard mages get spirit but I'm not confirming this. I just wanted to throw this out there to make sure there isnt conflict. Ele shamans dont need spirit once they're hit capped. Spriests are the same. Warlocks I'm still not confirmed. Spirit gear will always be considered more for a healer but if the dps isnt hit capped they will get equal priority


8. Professions


Not a huge deal. As I said above my 2 mains have jewelcrafting, alchemy, mining, herbalism. I will provide gems to those who cannot afford gems just yet for they're new epics (blue gear must find your own gems). Flasks will be provided to those who are new to the guild and have not they're own. Also will be provided to those who forgot theirs one or two nights but I will not provide every night. I will carry extras on hand.


9. Openings


I am looking for 2 very dedicated people that plan to be joining this guild if not already that will lead raids. I will be a bit busy gathering materials for flasks/gems for raiders & such and I need raid leaders...handling raids. I will pitch when needed but I dont have time to think strats, theorycraft what tank is doing what, what dps can do here, and what healers can heal what. This means I need someone who knows the game well. Not necessarily the raids although that is a huge benefit. These people must be able to make 2-3 raids we have planned for the week and be the example for the others. This does not qualify you as an officer but if you think you would fit that position well speak to me and I'll have a run down with you. Raid leaders will be a part of loot council if thats the loot system we choose. Raid leaders will be mostly watching performance of all classes and performance is a part of deciding who gets what loot. Heres a short list of what I'm looking for in a raid leader

Raid Leader(s)

- Punctual (on time, every time)

- Prepared

- Setting the example for the core raiders/trials. Expects what must be done and gets business done. When people need to be addressed do it in a mature way that doesnt kill the morale of the raid while keeping the raid progressing & coming back for more

- Knowledge of raids. Either you've done the raids before or watched tankspot videos non stop til you know the fight like the back of your hand. I wont be giving any certain test or anything. You'll just be put as the raid leader and if I see something wrong I'm gonna address it. If I see it happen again you wont be a raid leader and be bumped to trial (or core whatever rank you were before hand)


I am also looking for 2-3 officers at the moment

- Must be active on daily. This meaning your not getting on 24/7. Just means your on at least 2-3 times a day for sometime to check make sure the guild isnt dying. Manage gbank if I havent done so already. Officers are basically another guild master without the ability to disband the guild. They have all permissions to that except disbanding the guild

- Second of all know your class & know the game. I'm not going to promote you if you have been playing wow for 2-5 months. It may be harsh but its unworthy at the moment unless I see you exceed my expectations

- Mature (both physical and mentally). I require my officers to be at least 18 years of age (if your lower and again exceed my expectations speak to me and we'll see what we can do). They must also act they're age. This means no constant trade chat trolling, no disrespecting members in the guild/raid. If someone is specced wrong in the guild, tell them politely and help them. You are the utmost higher example here besides the guild master himself. Your example sets the morale, the attitude & activity of the guild. Put in as much effort as you want back and I want my officers putting in as much effort as I am

Officer/Raid Leader Meetings

Both Officer and Raid leaders must attend Officer meetings. These meetings will most likely be held fri, sat, sun, or mon night. The meeting can take place anywhere from 10-30 minutes but shouldnt take any longer than that. Things that will be discussed during these meetings are firstly members and if anything is causing issues. If there is it will be discussed briefly and a solution. If there are none the meeting will move on to discuss raids/times/schedules etc. During this part we will discuss if we need to change times/days to fit our core needs. Once that is settled we will move on to loot & issues regarding loot. Most likely there will be some loot dicussions among the guild about who got what and who should've gotten what loot. These issues will be discussed and how to compensate for future issues. After that we will discuss if we need to change our current loot system. After those 2 subjects are covered we will then move on to who is ready to be bumped up to a core raider or reservist from trial. This will be a big part of our meeting depending on how many trials we have at the moment. As of right now our minimum time to be a trial apart from founding members is a 1-2 week period at least. This could change in the future but as of now it is not intended. A trial period can last from anywhere to 1 week to 3 weeks. No more than 3 weeks. If a trial goes on for 3 weeks they will be promoted to reservist if they wish to stay in the guild and no core spots are needed. After this we will move onto our last section which will be "main changing". Some people in the guild will have alts around or at lvl 80 they wish to bring as they're mains. This will be discussed and points to be taken is "do we need this role/spec/class?"

So to outline

1. Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday night (determining which nights)

2. 10-30 minute meeting

- Members/issues

- Times/days for raids

- Loot/Issues Regarding loot

If I have more to add I will add it in future updates

Currently we have spots for

Tank -

Tank -

Healer -


Dps (heal off spec) -

Ranged Dps -

Ranged Dps -

Melee dps -

Melee dps -

Ranged and/or Melee dps -

We need a tank healer for our main heal spot to be active on both raid nights every week. Also need a couple dps ranged or melee is fine, preferred ranged such as spriest, mage, hunter or shaman. As far as melee dps would very much like a feral druid or a frost dk


I want to make something very clear. Although it looks as our roster is filling quick I know people will be thinking there will be no spots and no reason to join. This is not true at all what so ever. Over time if populartiy keeps increasing and we get new members regularly we will have a core 25m group. If it still is increasing we will have an alt 10m & possibly another 10m core group that would pre-req to 25m core for as 25m wotlk raids are considered "heroic" before toc/icc.

We are always recruiting its just a matter of what position


(I have many alts that I could easily lvl to 80 and stand still at. I currently have a 75 hunter, a 60 shaman, 42 priest, & a few alts hanging around 30)

I want to obtain as many buffs as possible. (ex. replenishment from dest locks or ret pally. Damage bonus from arcane mage or bm hunter. Crit chance from shaman, fury warr. etc etc.)

I will be taking one paladin for sure no matter the spec. So if your interested and you want to bring a pally your pretty much are already accepted granted you are nothing of the above I want to avoid & a prepared raider.

This is something I could completely control but I think in order to benefit the guild most I am hosting the guild on fizzcrank horde. Faction/server transfers will not be paid for by me and must be provided your own. If you are wanting to lvl with me I will more than happy spend friday/saturday nights & other times during the daytime with you to level you up.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at tookewl4normal@gmail.com

Home : Champions of Ulduar - US - Fizzcrank - World of Warcraft - Guild Launch Guild Hosting

The email is my not my realid nor my bnet account (sneaky hackers)


10. Guild "no-no's" & Punishments


1. Disrespecting any guild member in a non-joke manner is not tolerated at all

- Sequence - A

2. Leaving a Raid early without notice or without convincing the raid leader/officer/gm it was an emergency

- Sequence - A

3. Annoying fellow guild members in /w chat (requires proof, upload ss & link on guild website)

Sequence - A

4. Taking items from Guild Bank for a lower rank without permission for themselves (this goes for the person who recieves the item as well)

Sequence - A

5. Stealing from the Guild Bank and constantly not returning items (this punishment scale has a much faster progression so it is not taken lightly)

Sequence - A

6. Wiping a Raid/Party with such intentions to do so (this is completely on judgement of the raid/party and if the majority of it thinks so with good reason this will take place)

Sequence - B

7. Giving out Raidcall info (without permission) or otherwise disturbing it and not obeying rules for raidcall (this punishment may nothing to do with a raid but it still remains)

Sequence - C

Sequence of Punishments - A

A. Warning

B. Demotion to trial (regardless of rank)

C. Guild Kick/Ban

Sequence of Punishments - B

A. Warning

B. Raid Kick/Ban til next reset

C. Guild Kick/Ban

Sequence of Punishments - C

A. Warning

B. Raidcall kick

C. Raidcall ban (needs to be appealed if you are to logon again)

D. Guild Kick/Ban

These additional rules apply to the whole guild rather than raiders/pvpers.


11. Updates


UPDATE 3/13/11

- Changed friday's raid time to a later time in the night

UPDATE 3/12/11

- Deleted some updates to free up thread space

UPDATES - 3/11/11

- Added notes to sunday raiding time, stating that sunday will be a future raid day/time, just figuring out when. More to come on this soon. I will udpate when its updated

UPDATES - 3/9/11

- Added additional info to "taking to long to progress" in things I want to avoid. Also added a bit to raid leader expectations

UPDATE - 3/1/11

- Aimed Raid composition that includes every single buff covered in wow to date. Although it can be followed its not a must but makes progression easier. Although easier does not always equal fun it will be nice to have it when we do get stuck on a boss every now & then

Tank - Blood dk (unholy spec to sub arms warrior out for AMZ when needed)

Tank - Prot pally (Full time tank as far as I'm concerned)

Heal - Resto shaman (Still deciding if I'll need an off spec from this one)

Heal - Holy pally (full time healer as far as I'm concerned)

Rdps - Boomkin (need a resto spec for when we need a third healer or sub a healer for dps)

Rdps - Dest Lock (Demon off spec when we need heavy aoe)

Rdps - BM Hunter (Marks off spec for when we need the better dps)

Rdps - Fire mage (Frost off spec to sub dest lock replenishment)

Rdps - Ele shaman (enhance for off spec to balance mdps when possible)

Mdps - Arms Warrior (prot off spec to sub a tank out when neccessary)


12. Additional Notes


Goblins are ALLOWED in the guild as well as new race/class combos cata brought

Our aimed time to progress into different raids will look a little bit like this

Tier 7 - Consists of Naxx10/25, OS 10/25, EoE 10/25. We will not even consider progressing into ulduar until we have at least downed Sartharion +2d, Kel'thuzad, and Malygos. We will aim for 3d but if not we will come back in early ulduar and attempt it. We will not push further into ulduar until we down Sartharion 3d.

Tier 7 Aimed boss order from top to bottom (top meaning first bosses, bottom meaning last

Sartharion 0d

Noth the Plaguebringer


Instructor Razuvious


Archavon the Stone Watcher

Grand Widow Faerlina

Heigan the Unclean



Sartharion 1d

Sapphiron Attempt #1 (If tank/healer/dps is up to par and we have gained a frost resist set we will attempt and go from there)


Sartharion 2d

Sapphiron Attempt #2 (same as above)



Gothik the Harvester

The Four Horsemen




Sartharion 3d

Tier 8 - After we have downed all those 3 required sets of bosses on either 10 or 25 we will push into ulduar. Ulduar is both a non-linear and linear raid at the same time.

Here is the aimed Ulduar Progression Ladder

Flame Leviathan


Ignis Attempt #1

XT-002 Deconstructor

Emalon the Storm Watcher

Iron Council


Ignis Attempt #2 (should be downed)



Ignis Attempt #3 (if he's not down here we are obviously not ready for more)




General Vezax

Algalon (if we have hard modes down)

Yogg'Saron (we will attempt 3 lights not long after the first time we down him but 2, 1, 0 light will be awhile)

Tier 8 Hardmode - This is yet to be determind as its to far ahead to tell

Tier 9 - This is pretty simple. The bosses are all linear

Tier 10 - Mostly linear but I'll explain anyways

Icecrown Citadel Progression Ladder


Lady Deathwhisper




Blood Quarter

Frost wing

Lich king

This covers enough interrupts (wind shear/pummel/mind freeze/rebuke), 2 auras & 2 sets of totems. With the upcoming change to dk's having brez we shouldnt need soulstone

This also covers every buff there is. Again I know buffs dont make a raid but they sure do help. Group is heavy rdps and I'm working to adjust it when we need to sub some rpds for mdps
just ulduar? well at least that wont get repetitive and old
I would be very interested in this, I have a level 76 pally, and a 73 druid who I could easily get up to 80 to raid with. But as Falkor said what about after? I like the idea of progressing with only the raid loots(So no 232 shit icc 5man heroic epics) But after clearing say ulduar, would we move on to toc?, Htoc? and so on. Very intrested however please keep me updated =)
Its an option. The reason I didnt suggest this is that i know ulduar will keep us busy with not just normal modes, but all the different hard modes, different ways to handle each encounter. Eventually people will get tired, people will get bored. And by then when a majority of the still active core are getting bored with ulduar I will propose whether we move to toc, icc or w/e else options we have.

Another reason I didnt suggest is that I heard ALOT of bad things about toc. And I didnt want to post it and push everybody away. The idea was in my head that eventually we will progress among normal/hard modes of each tier & eventually get to lk and decide from there. But I figured ulduar shoudl be consuming most of our time. I dont want this guild to be about me though. I want it to be about raiding ulduar mostly but a big part of the guild. A guild leader isnt without his guild members

Just to clarify if i didnt above its going to be hosted on fizzcrank horde. So if you have any toons planning to xfer to play that are alliance keep in mind about the faction change as well.

Another thing to clarify is that I will be taking a max of 3 dks into 10m raids. This being said if we have 3 active dks I wont take all 3 every single time. I would like to have a dk tank over a warrior or pally but some fights I'd prefer to have a warrior or pally tank. I really would prefer to have a druid tank for every fight just for the fact that they're so versatile.

if you have any other questions feel free to ask

EDIT: Oh and your idea of no icc 5 man epics gave me an idea to post that in rules. completely forgot about that. Might be good to address that
considering all the nerfs and tweaks to ulduar since its release....and the amount of people that know the fights (plus just the raw info on the fights) it wont take long to clear that place. specially on 10m. just a heads up really.

imo do it big, 25m, cuz at least then you have incentive for a legendary mace.

and toc doesnt suck. yea it was short, but it wasnt a bad raid..had some fun and challenging fights.

wish ya the best of luck, but if this even gets off the ground people are gonna get tired fast. even if you do toc then icc....i mean, thats the end lol. then you could go back and clear naxx, rs, os, ony, etc...but still, then the whole xpac is dead. the old vets get tired and bored, and if you have new people coming in their prolly top under lgeared to the lvl youre at and have to start over in ulduar, but due to lacking #s they cant and have to get 85s to help, and then its like whats the point. hah just painting one scenario, but again, glhf.
Yeah this is the situation with even TBC twink guilds. I've been in a couple and they worked out great. For example retro from thrall is going great. They have 25 people show up to almost every raid with the exception of t4 raids and even those are quite populated.

The reason I dont consider 25m is because it will take alot much longer to get it going. I posted 10 because it can start faster and I'm sure we'll be getting more people over time and eventually hit 25m.

I have ideas to make this guild stay alive once it gets off the ground so I'm not worried about it dying due to content being dead. (again tbc guilds are doing great, no excuse why we cant). \

- Theres no reason a guild should only be doing current content besides current progression guilds (t11, t12 etc). There will always be new people joining that need old gear

- Again linking to what I just said, if we do get off to making 25m regular, we can make 10m alt runs. I've gotten a few emails about people having a couple alts they cant quite xfer yet and the way they said it sounded like they were going to xfer them sooner or later making it perfect for alt runs.

As I said before a guild leader isnt without his members. If the members arent interested the guild leader isnt interested. There will always be interest once it has a solid foundation

This is just from experience and I've led a tbc guild before. This isnt new to me
most tbc guilds are popular b/c of all the pvp tho. so if you can figure out a way of organizing mass pvp and rated arena you shouldnt have a problem. the only issue would be the niche raiding scene of ulduar....so if you make plans for next raid tiers, and promote pvp, you shouldnt have too bad of a time. especially with all the people that havent bought cata yet, or refuse to buy it, or just have 80 alts theyd rather not lvl.
The only issue I have with pvp is it conflicting with pve schedules & times. If we have just pvp players thats fine. Most current progression guild shave a pvp side just built for...pvp. In fact my mains guild does.

Plans for next raid tier will be appropriate once we feel we've completed the current one. And time can only tell when that is. I can put it on a schedule again because to long and it'll kill the guild. to short and people wont see ulduar fully again like when toc was released. I have no issues promoting pvp as long as I have pve raiders making raids like they should be when they agreed to join. I havent thought this all completely through and this is why I need a few players to help me get started giving me ideas. If it all comes from me then I can get essentially completely the blame for it and nothing will ever go right. If I have views from multiple people seeing different aspects. I hope you understand what I'm saying cause I cant really explain it much better
Pick some new raiding days/times IMO. Friday and Saturday nights, hmm, oh yeah, people like to hang out w/ friends and party at that time.

Other than that the concept sounds fun, but not practical. Cataclysm greens blow away all gear except ICC 25 man and even then you will have more health in cata greens, but you will lack hit/crit and set bonuses.

None the less, good luck with it.
ScatMan103 said:
Pick some new raiding days/times IMO. Friday and Saturday nights, hmm, oh yeah, people like to hang out w/ friends and party at that time.

Other than that the concept sounds fun, but not practical. Cataclysm greens blow away all gear except ICC 25 man and even then you will have more health in cata greens, but you will lack hit/crit and set bonuses.

None the less, good luck with it.

Eh, Cata greens have nothing to do with it. It isn't a PvP guild, so he won't have any problems with rivals ruining it...also, he did clarify that the gear for the raiding would be tier-appropriate...
I chose the raiding nights because I'm running main runs tues/wed/thurs/sun. I am aware of people out with friends and those people probably wont be joining and I have no issue with that. Some people in twink guilds have mains in current progression. Most of them dont raid on fri/sat nights because of what you stated. Those who dont usually go out with friends fri/sat nights dont usually find anything to do rather than sit in stormwind/orgrimmar or running heroics which they dont want to be in but have nothing better to do. This guild isnt aimed at every twink person in the universe.

As for cata greens I'm updating the topic now as they are banned from raids. Same concept as pre-bc guilds, & bc guilds with post-expansion greens.
I chose the raiding nights because I'm running main runs tues/wed/thurs/sun. I am aware of people out with friends and those people probably wont be joining and I have no issue with that. Some people in twink guilds have mains in current progression. Most of them dont raid on fri/sat nights because of what you stated. Those who dont usually go out with friends fri/sat nights dont usually find anything to do rather than sit in stormwind/orgrimmar or running heroics which they dont want to be in but have nothing better to do. This guild isnt aimed at every twink person in the universe.

As for cata greens I'm updating the topic now as they are banned from raids. Same concept as pre-bc guilds, & bc guilds with post-expansion greens.

(This may have a double post but it wasnt originally posted when I pressed the button so I apologize in advance)
US - Fizzcrank - Horde
Let me remind everybody as this hasnt come to some peoples attention yet for some reason. This guild needs 5 full signatures from founding members that PLAN to raid. I wont be buying signatures from alts/low lvls in durotar. If you are having a hard time getting ahold of me in-game email me at tookewl4normal@gmail.com

I dont bite

Still looking forward to starting up this guild & get raiding. Another reminder, If you dont want to lvl alone I will do my best to help & lvl with you. I'm a human being so I have a life as well but its been pretty inactive lately so I've had more time for WoW
Vinlann man, in case I forgot to say previously (cuz idr if I did), I'm the guy that made that DK called Axiostauros.

I am still planning on doing this, just had a really busy week, which is why I haven't been on. I'm still interested. Just wanted to let you know that. :)
Alright cool, I've been quite busy and this weekend is looking to be not so busy (just edited yes I know I decided to say screw the weekend). Hopefully you can take our tank spot for dk. Still looking to fill spots though

Update: Seeing as how firelands got pushed back to 4.2 which wont be released for probably another 4-5 months I'm probably going to stop raiding as much on my main and put up more nights for raiding possibly if we get a core started up soon & the nights I cant make once new content is released I will hand down raid leader privelages (if I decide to raid lead that is) to someone else. Keeping this in mind officer recruiting is highly going out now so I can figure out whot o give that out very much ahead of time. This all being said & done I'm basically putting more time into this guild than I will be with my mains guild hoping to start this one up very very soon.

I just found this site today and had to make an account just to respond to your thread. I think this idea is great and wish there were a guild on US - Rexxar - Horde doing the same thing. But, since there is not, I'll have to xfer a toon over to Fizzcrank and get involved. Not sure how long it will take but I'll keep an eye on this thread to see what changes happen.
Alright glad we have more interest going. I actually have a few friends on rexxar alliance. Anyways back on topic. I dont think we'll be raiding for at least another 2-3 weeks until we get people in at least 187 ilevel gear and we need at least 7 other people to even get started raiding let alone a full 9-10 to actually start progressing. Once you know what toon you plan to play (class/spec) let me know and I can see if I can temporarily hold a spot til we get an in-game interview

I'll be bringing a Resto Druid to Fizzcrank within the next two weeks (gotta work for that Faction and Server change). I've been waiting for an 80 Twink Guild to come up and you've already got it all planned out so I figured i'd kick it 80 twink style :D

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