I've already PM'd a couple of you guys but here's my input. SOME folks (well like me of course) play strictly f2P and on top of it, I don't know anyone who plays P2P. So that means I have no way of participating in a raid for the forseeable future. It would be GREAT to start a thread (I can't yet) for P2P players to hook up with f2p players to do raids - even if it is once every month or so. that way, its not a burden to anyone but could be a fun thing to do. Threads should mention realm and whether US, Euro, or other. (I'm U.S. Aerie Peak just in case anyone wants to pm me with an invite : ).
Also, Crystalpall did a great job of giving a brief overview of things f2p players can get in raids. But there is a lot that is unclear - at least to me:
1. How f2p can participate if they cant fight b/c all mobs are too high lvl to hit (i assume)? Would it be fun for the f2p or are they just a third wheel hanging in the back row?
2. Other than the 2 reps (would be great if someone could say which reps), and achievements crystalpall mentions what can non-druid/non DK players get if anything out of going on raids?