Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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Kore nametooshort said:
Feralkitties will be dealing alot of damage, they are looking like they will have a 25% slow and predators swiftness (instacast nature spells). Mana wont be an issue since kitty and bear shifts will be of negligible mana, so they will be unsnarable. Feral Kitties get mangle, claw, rake, prowl and ferocious bite.

Bear form will give ap from agi, which is interesting. Along with that and vengeance we might see some bear FCs being able to fight back! Bear form will also cost next to no mana, so gl ooming a druid when he goes inside now!

Balance druids get starsurge, which is a fairly good stun, but its looking like blizz are wrecking wrath, they've given it a base 2.5 sec cast time, not sure whats happening there and its looking like MF spam wont be viable like it will at high levels. We will get starfire though, and with a prowl->starfire->starsurge->starfire->roots->starfire with a bit of running away thrown in for good measure i think a fair amount of damage could be thrown out.

Im unsure whats happening to regrowth. Originally mmo said it would be 1.5s cast and its mana reduced slightly, and i got all excited, however they changed it back, so its unlikely to be a viable "flash heal" if used with its glyph. everything else resto is looking pretty status quo atm, mana and scaling wise, however we get swiftmend, which is very exciting :) Im hoping for the best for meditation, though im not 100% positive it will live up to its expectations. As it stands i either stand to either lose a great deal of mp5, or i will gain a great deal of mp5. I know which im hoping for :)

Losing natures grasp is abit annoying, but i cant say its not about time, especailly with friendly dispells leaving the bracket. Losing hibernate is also abit annoying too, but i suppose roots and smeld will tide me over. It looks like we're losing faerie fire, which is not good, it was very useful against rogues. mmo seems in some confusion about whether we keep or lose faerie fire (feral), though i think its more likely that we lose it. Still, in the long run im happy with the druid changes.

Alright, thanks! Feral and Balance sounds very interesting. Think I'll try it out once Cata hits. Which reminds me, when will Cata come? End of the year?
Please confirm fishing hat! PLEASEE!

EDIT: Could you like post screenies of weapons and stuff?

Like Shadowfang, Assassins blade. and what not.
Twinkin said:
Ty. I'm not on any of my twinks ATM and I can't remeber how much INT I have etc, how much do you think we'll have Hp/ mana/ sp? I heard we might get some nice new greens or blues from quests?? I think healers will have 1.2k hp 2.1k mana and around 250 SP? Correct me if I'm wrong. And thanks for good reply. :)

From what I've seen (I haven't exactly been seeking screens and info on SP gear), SP on gear was being converted 1:1 to Into if no int was already on the piece of gear since Gear and Spellpower are currently the same iLevel budget cost. It gets shifted some on gear that already has int since there is a diminishing return aspect to an ilevel budget the more a single stat is placed on a piece of gear (Hence why a green item can be 10 Agility or 6Agi/6 Strength)... so on those pieces you may see a slight lost of SP, but since alot of gear is pure int, and a character has base int + int from leveling, you may see a significant jump in SP overall at this level, but since I've never played a caster class, I can't really pull a number out of my head.
k .
I reckon my druid in resto gear will be rocking something like 120-135 stamina, 130-160 int (maybe more, depending on conversions) and something like 80-90 spirit. In balance gear it would be something more like 18-25% crit, hitcapped, 120-130 stam, 140-170 int. These values are little more than informed guesses though

Edit: though, now that i look at it again, and assuming that sp changes to int in a 2:3 ratio and assuming that my gear only changes the most obvious items and enchants i would be rocking, in resto WSG gear: 130stam, 220int, 80 spirit. Roughly working out as 1300hp, 150sp, over 2k mana and 40mp5 which is a buff on all accounts of what i have at the moment.

Q: What is the conversion rate for intellect to spell power for Cataclysm? Will it differ with each class?

A. Each point of intellect grants one point of spell power, excepting the first 10 points. This is vaguely similar to attack power, where each point of strength or agility gives two attack power, excepting the first 10 points.

no source im afraid, but i think its authentic, i found it in the 30-39 section. So assuming that 1sp gives 1 int when converting our gear into cata gear, my druid would still have about 210-220 int, and even more spell power than i thought, 200+ rather than 150. Cool.
Xposure said:
Alright, thanks! Feral and Balance sounds very interesting. Think I'll try it out once Cata hits. Which reminds me, when will Cata come? End of the year?

Both previous expansions were released about 15 months after they were announced at Blizzcon. This puts the release date around November or early winter.
Kore nametooshort said:
no source im afraid, but i think its authentic, i found it in the 30-39 section. So assuming that 1sp gives 1 int when converting our gear into cata gear, my druid would still have about 210-220 int, and even more spell power than i thought, 200+ rather than 150. Cool.

I'll check that out, i admit i set my character naked just to see how much stat i got naked i saw i was at 30 intel and got 20 spell, didn't make more advanved tests. i'll post screenies.
Kore nametooshort said:
Edit: though, now that i look at it again, and assuming that sp changes to int in a 2:3 ratio and assuming that my gear only changes the most obvious items and enchants i would be rocking, in resto WSG gear: 130stam, 220int, 80 spirit. Roughly working out as 1300hp, 150sp, over 2k mana and 40mp5 which is a buff on all accounts of what i have at the moment.

The ratio 2:3 is incorrect according to this blizzard post

Q: What is the conversion rate for intellect to spell power for Cataclysm? Will it differ with each class?

A. Each point of intellect grants one point of spell power, excepting the first 10 points. This is vaguely similar to attack power, where each point of strength or agility gives two attack power, excepting the first 10 points.

We realize this slightly reduces the spell power per budget on items, so we also increased the amount of spell power granted by caster weapons, and that increase entirely makes up for the deficit. Those weapons will continue to have spell power as well as intellect, and the amount of spell power will be significantly larger than in 3.3.5.

So 220int will be 210spell power.

However blizzard did say that they wanted to lower the mana gained from int but never say anything about that later.
on a vaguely similar note. Will strength continue to give 1ap to rogues, ferals, shamans, etc or will it just be completely worthless? And visa versa, will agi continue to give crit to warriors and rets? I havent seen a blue on this.
I'd like to know if the +30 SP enchant has become +30 int and if the +22 int enchant has changed to +30. :p
30 spell enchant is still 30 spell atm, and even more wierd, the actual BTA mace give 39 spell power at lvl 19..... (and some aditional crit)

they haven't change any enchant yet.

And yeah you was right about intel / spell ratio 1 intel = 1spell. but the first 10 points didn't count i didn't knew that.
Kore nametooshort said:
on a vaguely similar note. Will strength continue to give 1ap to rogues, ferals, shamans, etc or will it just be completely worthless? And visa versa, will agi continue to give crit to warriors and rets? I havent seen a blue on this.

I believe that stats will still give AP, considering some of the abilities like "Rake" still say that it multiplies with the user's AP.
I'd assume that ferals will still get the same amount of AP from str unless they want to give bears AP from agility, which is entirely possible imo.
Aos said:
30 spell enchant is still 30 spell atm, and even more wierd, the actual BTA mace give 39 spell power at lvl 19..... (and some aditional crit)

they haven't change any enchant yet.

And yeah you was right about intel / spell ratio 1 intel = 1spell. but the first 10 points didn't count i didn't knew that.

Yeah, unless you've poured over DPS spreadsheets since Vanilla, you won't be familiar with the "First Ten" rule Blizz applies to the base stats.

Had a week-end with my Family, so it was very hard to find time to post some screens and news.

So you will have to wait 24h to have great news !

And I promiss you, GREEEEAAAT news are incomming !

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